Sample Philanthropic Letter of Intent I was raised in Fayetteville, Georgia. My father was very hard working, as he grew up in the Great Depression. My father passed on his work ethic and from the time I was 11 years old I was working summer jobs, etc. I was taught to be conservative and never flaunt anything. These values have served me well and have shaped the kind of person I am today. I believe in hard work, saving, and investing. I was fortunate to get in the position where I rose to the executive level of BellSouth Corporation. This position and the ownership position I accumulated in the Company put me in a secure financial position. When it was clear that the Company would be sold, I decided to establish the Sample Family Foundation Fund. My reasons were as follows: 1. I made my wealth by serving Fayette County, so I want a method of supporting charities there as a way to give back to the community that helped me become affluent. 2. A donor-advised fund would provide a training ground for my family and in particular my daughter. I felt it was a good way to get all involved and educate my daughter about the responsibility that comes with wealth. The purpose of this document is to convey wishes for current and future members of the Sample Family Foundation Fund. It is also to set out my feelings about philanthropy so that future directors of the Sample Family Foundation Fund have a clear idea of my priorities and motivations. I hope these will guide the fund advisors and that they maintain my legacy through their work with the fund. I hope that one of my legacies will be a passion for philanthropy. When those with philanthropic dollars are passionate about how they use those dollars, their philanthropy tends to be more committed, thoughtful and effective. In general, the gifts that are the most rewarding are the causes in which one takes some particular interest and some direct involvement. Where we have first-hand knowledge of the organization and contact with the participants of the organization, then the chances are that the involvement will produce more satisfaction. Also, it is generally more rewarding to give to causes that consider your gift “a big deal.” For this reason, I think those involved with the Sample Family Foundation Fund going forward will find their passion for philanthropy by focusing on organizations that are, perhaps, more “grass roots” or “entrepreneurial.” Communities certainly benefit by having large nonprofit institutions, but new, smaller nonprofits often have a great impact on people’s lives and seeing their work has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had. I also want to pass on the importance of making grants with an impact. The history of the fund to-date has been to give large amounts ($50,000-$75,000) to a few number of causes (4-5 each year). There has been no particular pattern and requests for gifts have been generally based on whoever asked or mailed a request, but at least with larger gifts to fewer organizations, we’ve had a bigger impact. While I am fund advisor, we will consider funding to organizations in the following areas (in order of importance): 1. Scholarship programs 2. Early Childhood Education 3. Job training programs. This plan does not exclude miscellaneous grants for small one time or annual gifts, although we wish to keep this giving to a minimum. These interest areas reflect one my most closely-held values: opportunity. While future directors should not feel bound to these specific interest areas, the Sample Foundation Fund should always promote causes that help people help themselves. Finally, the Sample Foundation Fund is meant to be a mechanism for bringing extended members of the family together each year. We hope each family member will attend family meetings in person. We also hope that each meeting will be on a weekend during which family members will return to Atlanta to spend quality time together. By Sample