Basic Energy Efficiency Self-Audit Checklist (red highlight indicates inefficiency, green is good!) Please check which of the following apply at your facility. If you wish to email completed form back to the VBEP, we will evaluate your responses to determine estimated energy/$ saving potential. We Have: Lighting F96 T-12, 4’ or 8’ fluorescent light fixtures (this will appear stamped on bulbs) __ # of dbl. fixtures F40 or C50 T-12, 4’ fluorescent light fixtures (stamped on tubes), __ # of double tube fixtures T-8 or Super T-8, electronic ballast fluorescent fixtures (save 30+% over T-12s) Incandescent bulb exit signs. #__ of signs & __ wattage of bulbs Compact fluorescent exit signs (more efficient than incandescent, but nowhere near LED) LED exit signs (use ~2 watts, last 200+K hours, and cost <$25 to retrofit or replace @ Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs use ~1/3 of energy and last up to 10X as long as incandescent bulbs) 60 Watt or higher incandescent bulbs, on >6 hrs. per day. __ # of bulbs and __ wattage (Replace with CFLs) Motion sensors in infrequently used areas or exterior lights, dimmers on interior Twin 150 watt or halogen exterior lighting. __ # of fixtures & __ wattage of bulbs (Replace with CFL exterior fixtures: One example is Lights of America 65 watt compact fluorescent floods available for $35, from (estimated savings are $150/yr per 300 watt fixture on photocell). Mercury vapor overhead warehouse lighting (these should be replaced) Overlighting (use task lighting, and “de-lamp over-lit areas) Heating/Cooling Electric hot water heater(s) (replace with LP gas or oil fired, tank or tankless models, quick payback!) Electric base board heat (replace ASAP, VERY inefficient) Furnace > 15 years old (newer furnaces have greater efficiency 85% or better for oil) Older, window air conditioners (buy only energy star AC units) Un-insulated basement hot water or heating pipes (insulate pipes) Central AC (more efficient than window AC units), or Energy Star AC units Tankless hot water heating coil on furnace (runs in summer too) Single pane windows (double and triple insulated windows have greater insulating R values) < 12” insulation in ceiling/roof and <6” in walls (building envelope improvements have great payback) Worn weatherstripping on exterior doors (replace) Old style round (mercury containing) thermostats Digital, Programmable set-back thermostats (one per zone, a set-back of 10%+ F when building is unoccupied can save 10%+ on heating fuel), available at: Energy Guide , or from you HVAC contractor. Have outside entrance, 2-door vestibule (which reduces cold/hot air penetration of building) Building sills are well sealed to reduce air infiltration (spray expanding foam works well) General Energy Usage, We: Shut off all computers at the end of the business day Turn off monitors that are unused for more than 15 minutes Buy Energy Star rated computers & appliances Unplug or put on timer commercial style coffee machines (water heated 24/7 even when turned off) Turn off all unused lights, whenever possible Keep thermostats set at 72 F minimum summer, and 70 F maximum winter Energy Efficiency Resources: Efficiency Vermont: Sustainable Energy Resource Group: EPA Energy Star: