WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? At the Personal/Lifestyle Level Switch light bulbs. Switch your standard bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs use about 90% of the electricity for heat and about 10% for light. Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light will save 150 pounds of CO2 per year. Conserve energy. Use ceiling fans for cooling. Reset thermostats for heating/cooling. Moving thermostats down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer could save about 2000 pounds of CO2 per year. Wash laundry in cold water and save about 500 pounds of CO2 a year. Reset water heaters to 120’and insulate them. Close vents and doors in unused rooms. Turn off electronics not in use. Set a goal to reduce consumption by 10% fewer KW per month. Check your bills with last year’s and allow for seasonal differences. Challenge family members. Weatherize your home. Use shades/blinds/film on sunny windows. Add extra insulation wherever possible. Travel smart. Keep your vehicles tuned up. Keep tires inflated to the right pressure to improve fuel efficiency by more than 3%. Consolidate driving trips. Every gallon of gas saves 20 pounds of CO2. Keep Informed. Check out the websites on the resource sheet. Read current publications. Start a book club focusing on climate change and solutions. Spread the word. Keep friends informed. Let them know what you’re doing. Suggest discussions on the issues in groups you belong to. Offer to give presentations to Scouts, volunteer groups. Host AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH House Meeting! WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? At the Local/State/National Level Elect committed leaders. Elect candidates who acknowledge global warming as a major issue/ have proposed actions toward CO2 emissions/alternative energy. Work on campaigns. Major changes are not going to happen in time unless we have elected officials in office who will make bold decisions. This means becoming politically active. Keep leaders informed. Persist in keeping elected officials urgently aware of global warming issues; send emails/letters to state and local officials on a regular basis. We cannot afford to write one letter and just sit back. Track legislation and alert others to send emails. Responses from voters ARE counted. Spread the word in your community. Write letters to the editor on a regular basis. Encourage friends to do the same. Work with schools to promote environmental science, conservation/alternative energy fairs/ setting up contests, etc. Work with churches/faith-based groups to encourage meetings and programs on environmental justice, stewardship of the earth, making personal lifestyle commitments and community action. Organize a rally/demonstration. Get involved! Become part of the solution!