1 The use of socio-economic and environmental indicators in assessing the effectiveness of EU agri-environmental policy Geoff A. Wilson (*) and Henry Buller (**) * Department of Geography, King’s College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS; e-mail: geoff.wilson@kcl.ac.uk ** Countryside and Community Research Unit, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE, Francis Close Hall, Cheltenham, GL50 4AZ; e-mail: hbuller@chelt.ac.uk Abstract Since the mid-1980s, ‘indicators’ have been increasingly suggested as a possible means to evaluate the effectiveness of various policy mechanisms. In this paper, we shed some critical light on the use of indicators, by investigating in detail the advantages and disadvantages of using the indicator approach in the assessment of agri-environmental policy effectiveness in the European Union. We review the theoretical and conceptual bases of the indicator approach, highlighting the complexity of identifying appropriate indicators and the difficulties in identifying means to ‘measure’ them. We analyse four levels of indicators (uptake, output, actorrelated and procedural indicators), and argue that while indicators continue to have a central role to play in the evaluation of European agri-environmental policy, that role is essentially limited and the notion of what constitutes an indicator needs to be thoroughly re-examined. Key words Policy indicators; agri-environmental indicators; policy success; policy effectiveness; Regulation 2078 2 1. Introduction Since the mid-1980s, agri-environmental policies (AEPs) have been implemented in all European Union (EU) countries (Whitby, 1996; Potter, 1998; Buller et al., 2000). Most of these have been put in place as a response to EU regulations (e.g. 797/85; 2078/92; Agenda 2000), and many share the common aims of extensification of agriculture, farm income support, and environmental protection. Yet, although hundreds of agri-environmental schemes are now operating in various EU localities, costing European taxpayers about EURO 4 billion/year (with predicted budgets of about EURO 8 billion/year by 2006), information on the ‘effectiveness’ of these schemes has remained relatively sparse. This has been partly a result of the fact that most EU policies were put in place without adequate and compulsory monitoring frameworks attached to their implementation (CEC, 1997; Potter, 1998), but it also reflects the diversity of rationales underlying AEP as a whole leading to, in many cases, a notable lack of incentive to measure scheme success (Brouwer, 1999; Lowe et al., 1999; Buller et al., 2000; Wilson and Wilson, 2001). During the 1990s, increasing concern was voiced from different quarters about the lack of evaluation of AEP success, particularly in view of the Agenda 2000 propositions which initially sought to substantially increase the agri-environmental part of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and in view of the fact that agricultural support policies have multiple and sometimes contradictory environmental effects (e.g. BirdLife International, 1994; CEC, 1997; Baldock, 1997; Potter, 1998; Parris, 1999). Brouwer and Crabtree (1999b, 2), for example, argued that “methods are … needed to indicate the effectiveness of policy response through the agri-environment programmes … Indicators therefore are required to judge whether a reduction in production-linked agricultural support would be beneficial or harmful to the environment”, while Parris (1999, 27) has reminded us that “for most OECD countries the systematic collection of basic agri-environmental data and measurement of agri-environmental indicators is only beginning”. Although the European Commission put in place mechanisms such as Regulation 746/96 that laid down the rules for the monitoring of schemes implemented under Agri-environment Regulation 2078, there has been considerable debate surrounding the means with which to ‘measure’ AEP success with regard to both socio-economic and ecological parameters (Brouwer, 1995). While most monitoring has included limited ecological assessments on the relative recovery/re-establishment of lost or degraded wildlife habitats, discussions in the agriculture and environment sector in the mid 1990s were also strongly influenced by general debates on how to measure the effects of wider environmental policy strategies aiming at ensuring sustainable development through the use of ‘environmental indicators’ (see in particular OECD, 1993, 1997, 1998; Moldan and Billharz, 1994; Hammond et al., 1995; Moxey et al., 1998; Parris, 1999). Hence, the notion of ‘agri-environmental indicators’ to measure the effectiveness of AEP and as a tool for regulation increasingly gained ground among national and transnational policy-makers. The aim of this paper is to discuss the use of such effectiveness of EU AEP. The paper is divided into two more broadly the notion of ‘indicators’ and consider debates surrounding the utility, accuracy and general indicators in assessing the parts. First, we will discuss conceptual and theoretical applicability of indicators. 3 Second, we will discuss empirical evidence to discuss problems and opportunities of the indicator approach in assessing the effectiveness of AEPs. Following both Moxey et al.’s (1998) and Lowe et al.’s (1999) calls for improved discussions of indicators that take human agency and institutional structures into account, we will focus specifically on indicators aimed at monitoring the response of the agricultural sector to AEP policy targets, with particular reference to how farmers have adjusted farming, farm management practices and environmental thinking on the basis of agrienvironmental scheme participation. Based on our own experience with attempting to use indicators to ‘measure’ policy effectiveness, we will cast a relatively critical eye on the utility and applicability of the indicator approach, and we will conclude the paper by arguing for and against the use of indicators as a future tool for AEP evaluation. 2. Agri-environmental indicators: some insights into the conceptual debates Indicators are generally described as “a parameter [a property that is measured and observed], or a value derived from parameters, which points to, provides information about, describes the state of a phenomenon/environment/area, with significance extending beyond that directly associated with a parameter value” (OECD, 1998, 107). Environmental indicators are, therefore, a vehicle for summarising, or otherwise simplifying, and communicating information about something that is of importance to environmental decision-makers (Moxey et al., 1998). They are a conceptual attempt at identifying optimal amount of information under conditions of high uncertainty (i.e. incomplete information settings on the state of the environment or human environmental behaviour, or relating to the policy ‘implementation gap’; Barrett and Fudge, 1981; Hogwood and Gunn, 1984; Winter, 1990; Adriaanse, 1993; Romstad, 1999). Indicators, thus, reduce the number of measurements and parameters that normally would be required to give an ‘exact’ presentation of the situation, and they simplify the communication process through which results of measurements are provided to users. They should (in theory at least) provide managerially significant information about patterns or changes in the state of the environment or changes in human activities that affect the environment (Dabbert et al., 1999), and should enable better targeting of information and action, particularly with respect to AEP (e.g. Wilson, 1997a; Potter, 1998; Buller et al., 2000). Moxey et al. (1998) emphasise that the increasing need for indicators also reflects broader shifts in society, with increasing pressures to measure and assess the performance of public authorities by external references in relation to actual policy outcomes, i.e. improved interorganisational control within increasingly complex systems of governance. Before providing specific examples of the utility of the indicator approach in the assessment of AEP in the EU in the second half of this paper, this section will discuss four conceptual issues that have to be considered when using the indicator approach in environmental policy evaluation. First, we need to acknowledge that indicators are based on the belief of quantifiable environmental impacts and human environmental behaviour. Second, the direct link between indicators and policy design and implementation needs to be addressed. Third, conceptual debates surrounding the choice of appropriate indicators need to be considered, and fourth, the issue whether it is possible to develop a hierarchy of indicators in the effort to pick the ‘right’ indicators for policy assessment needs to be discussed. 4 2.1 A quantifiable environment? Indicators are based on quantitative notions that assume that policy success can be ‘measured’ (Rose, 1991). As a result, indicators have been widely used in disciplines such as economics that rely largely on the quantification of human action (e.g. environmental accounting; physical natural resource accounts) or in natural science disciplines such as ecology or climatology that largely assume that environmental effects can be modelled and quantified (see McKenzie et al., 1992; OECD 1998). As a result, much of the theoretical work on indicators has come from these disciplines, including contributions by economists (e.g. Norgaard, 1990; Farrow and Krautkraemer, 1991; Asheim, 1994) focusing on issues of resource scarcity and assuming rational and measurable human decision-making processes, or by natural scientists preoccupied with developing suitable physical environmental indicators to measure changes in the state of the environment (e.g. McKenzie et al., 1992; Dabbert et al., 1999). Conceptual approaches for the development of environmental indicators by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) highlight this preoccupation with ‘the measurable’. The OECD (1998) sees indicators as a tool for decision-making and for assessing countries’ environmental performance to be used for quantitative environmental performance reviews, in the EU often using data compiled by EUROSTAT questionnaires on the state of the environment and on pollution abatement and control expenditure provided by different member states. The OECD adopts the (arguably simplistic) view that the main environmental concerns related to agriculture can be reduced to nitrogen and phosphorus run-off from excessive commercial fertiliser and pesticide use and intensive livestock farming (OECD, 1993, 1997, 1998; see also MAFF, 1998). As a result, the OECD places great emphasis on quantifiable indicators such as changes in the intensity of use of N and P2O5 fertilisers, livestock densities, or the intensity of pesticide use (see Technical Annex ‘Agriculture’ in OECD, 1998; Brouwer, 1999). There are, however, evident problems related to the notion of quantifiable environmental change. Indicator approaches focus on measurable entities that can be expressed in numbers where data is more readily available. As we will discuss below, this may lead to the neglect of more complex indicators where immediate quantitative data may not be available, such as ‘loss of scenic beauty of agricultural landscapes’, ‘changes to nature and extent of wildlife habitats’ or, arguably most importantly, ‘changing environmental management practices and attitudes of farmers’. In this context, the Council for the Protection of Rural England has recently emphasised that some environmental characteristics and human environmental responses are inherently better suited than others to quantification (CPRE, 1995). This leads Lowe et al. (1999, 271) to question the OECD approach by arguing that “the OECD-type indicator framework perpetuates a policy outlook which, by abstracting farming from its social and environmental context, is part of the fundamental problem” (see also IEEP, 1998). Indicators can, therefore, never be a perfect quantification of an agri-environmental problem. Although the belief in quantifiable environmental change may give the 5 appearance of objectivity, it renders invisible the social choices their collection and collation entail, leading Lowe et al. (1999, 264) to further argue that “the focus on environmental outcomes, which is reinforced by the preoccupation with quantitative indicators, may lead to a disregard of the lessons being learned from regulatory policy by target groups and the need for wider institutional reforms”. In the agrienvironmental context discussed below, this means that measurable indicators (e.g. changes in fertiliser and pesticide use) and quantifiable farm uptake data have been overused as possible means to measure the ‘success’ of agri-environmental schemes, while intangible socio-cultural and qualitative indicators1 have been neglected (for the UK see, for example, MAFF, 1993, 1994, 1997; National Audit Office, 1997; or House of Commons Agriculture Committee, 1997). 2.2 Indicators and policy Indicators have to relate directly to stated environmental policy goals and objectives (OECD, 1998; Jesinghaus, 1999). Indicators can, therefore, only be conceptualised in the context of policy design and implementation. As such, they have become an integral assessment tool of EU agricultural policy reform (Brouwer and Crabtree, 1999b), and the main objective of indicators is to assist policy-makers in their evaluation of policies and, in particular, to gain an understanding of the ‘implementation gap’ between policy formulation ‘at the top’ and policy acceptance at the grassroots level that often hinders successful policy implementation (Barrett and Fudge, 1981; Hogwood and Gunn, 1984; Winter, 1990). This is important insofar as so-called ‘policy relevance’ has become a key criteria for selecting environmental indicators by various organisations (e.g. MAFF in the UK; OECD; United Nations). However, this implies that policy goals and objectives have to be clear. As we will discuss in detail below, this is rarely the case with respect to many environmental policies such as Agri-environment Regulation 2078/92/EEC. With regard to research on this specific policy, indicators have, therefore, been most commonly linked to explicit quantitative objectives of schemes implemented under the Regulation (e.g. uptake targets; cost-benefit; environmental thresholds; set-aside targets), but have so far been insufficiently linked to less clearly prescribed qualitative policy objectives such as the influence of agri-environmental schemes on various actors’ action and thought (e.g. ‘ways of using agricultural land which are compatible with protection and improvement of the environment’ [Article 1b of Agri-environment Regulation 2078] or ‘education and training of farmers in types of farming compatible with the requirements of environmental protection and upkeep of the countryside’ [Article 1g]). If we accept the notion that indicators and policy are a continuously reinforcing feedback system (OECD, 1997, 1998), three policy-related problems emerge. First, the indicator approach may reinforce the design and implementation of policies that are easily quantified and may, therefore, increase the often existing implementation gap. In other words, more easily quantifiable physical and economic environmental targets may be over-emphasised to the neglect of less easily prescribable sociocultural policy goals. Second, any published indicator exerts a pressure on policy1 For example, alternative behaviourally-grounded conceptions of scheme success have emphasised changes in landholders’ environmental actions as equally important indicators to measure policy ‘success’ (e.g. Morris and Potter, 1995; Wilson, 1996, 1997a; Lobley and Potter, 1998). 6 makers to improve the figure but not necessarily to improve the underlying problem (Jesinghaus, 1999). Regulation theorists such as Campbell (1987) or Romstad (1999), therefore, argue that indicator relevance should go beyond simple policy relevance to include broader socio-cultural needs and expectations. Third, while indicators might reveal trends, they do not necessarily explain them (Lowe et al., 1999). Measuring AEP ‘effectiveness’ may just become a simple description of change without addressing the issue of causality. If it were possible to estimate the possible policy-off situation, then the comparison between observed outcomes and the policy-off situation may offer the possibility to quantify policy effects (Lehmann and Schmid, 1997). 2.3 Criteria for choosing appropriate indicators: the ‘5 Rs’ That indicators are based on notions of quantifiable environmental change and that they have to relate directly to overtly stated or hidden policy goals and objectives has important implications for the selection of ‘appropriate’ indicators. Indicators are expected to be consistent, reliable, unambiguous, transparent, and they should have predictive capacities and analytical soundness (OECD, 1998; Moxey et al., 1998; Romstad, 1999; Peco et al., 1999). As the discussion above illustrates, they should particularly be measurable and policy relevant. These different demands and expectations on indicators can be summarised into five categories (the ‘5 Rs’): indicators should be reliable, relevant, reproducible, representative and realisable. As indicators are simplifications of often complex processes, they need to remain reliable with regard to what they are aiming to ‘measure’ (Hammond et al., 1995; Romstad, 1999). While organisations such as the OECD argue that this reliability criteria is crucial for indicator measurability (in other words, that indicators should lend themselves to being linked to economic modelling, forecasting and information systems), such measurability still varies greatly among indicators and across different geographical areas (Brouwer and Crabtree, 1999a). In addition, the nonstraightforward links between agriculture and the physical environment, the resulting multi-causality of environmental parameters, and that linkages between agriculture and environment are far more complex than many other economic activities, suggest that the reliability criteria for indicators is often the most difficult to achieve. A common claim is that indicators have to be relevant, especially in their requirement for policy performance analysis. Policy-makers’ preference for certain indicators can be explained as a trade-off between quality and cost. As a result, indicator relevance varies from one country to another (or even from one region to another), and often they have to be interpreted in the appropriate context, taking into account different ecological, geographical, social, economic and institutional features. With regard to physical environmental indicators, for example, the relevance of an indicator may depend on the site-specific environmental state, and the optimal indicator set will most likely differ from one location to another. In particular, indicator relevance may vary from actor to actor, as different actors in the AEP implementation process seek different goals and objectives with regard to scheme outcomes (e.g. CPRE, 1995; Department of the Environment, 1996; OECD, 1997). Hence, while environmental NGOs, for example, may seek to promote environmental sustainability through AEP (e.g. FoE, 1992; Environmental Challenge Group, 1995; World Resources Institute, 7 1995), agricultural economists generally emphasise the importance of financial benefits of schemes with a resulting focus on cost-benefit indicators and ‘value for money’ (e.g. Garrod et al., 1994; Garrod and Willis, 1995). A further key requirement for indicators is that they are reproducible. An indicator that can not be used by other researchers is meaningless. Ideally, they should be theoretically well founded in technical and scientific terms, they ought to be based on international standards and international consensus about their validity, they should be adequately documented and of known quality (with an emphasis on the national and international level rather than the local level; see below), be updated regularly in accordance with ‘reliable’ procedures, and should be based on consistent (and reproducible) methodologies. Indicators should also be representative, in that they ought to provide the basis for inter-regional and international comparison. They should, therefore, have a threshold or reference value against which to compare changes in environmental state or human environmental activity, and such thresholds should ideally be defined in relation to legal, scientific or policy-related norms (Parris, 1999). Finally, indicators should be realisable. In other words, they ought to be simple and easy to interpret and able to show trends over time, and they should be readily available at reasonable cost-benefit ratio (Romstad, 1999). It is obvious that no researcher will ever achieve to fulfil the ideal ‘5 R’ criteria, prompting Peco et al. (1999, 151) to argue that “it is impossible to construct a general (common) system of agri-environmental indicators for the purpose of evaluating the impact of the CAP on the environment”. As findings from our own research will show (see Tables 1 and 2 below), selecting appropriate indicators, therefore, always has to be a trade-off between what is feasible, affordable and manageable within a research environment that is most usually restricted by limited time, money and personnel. 2.4 A hierarchy of indicators? Selection of appropriate indicators is further hampered by the fact that the hierarchical importance of indicators varies depending on the spatial focus of investigation, the expected use of an indicator (or groups of indicators) in answering specific objectives, and the policy context. Thus, some indicators are better able to reveal implementation deficits than others (cf. Winter, 1990). Typological, spatial and conceptual indicator hierarchies can be identified, that all need to be taken into account when interpreting research results. Typological indicator hierarchies refer to the pressure-state-response (PSR) model developed by the OECD (1993, 1997, 1998) which corresponds well to the profile of EU member states’ statistical services (see also United Nations, 1996; Eurostat, 1997). Pressure indicators are related to human activities, processes and patterns (e.g. agricultural activities), and their importance is highlighted by current efforts to establish a harmonised European System of Environmental Pressure Indices (ESEPI) (Jesinghaus, 1999). State indicators, meanwhile, give information on the state of the environment and natural resources arising from pressure indicators, while response indicators provide information on policy responses and changes in awareness and behaviour of communities and individuals. Human activities exert environmental pressures that lead to changes in the state of the environment, and resulting response 8 by society in form of policies and/or changed environmental management practices, which, in turn, may change human pressures on the environment (Brouwer and van Berkum, 1996; Lowe et al., 1999). Although the OECD (1998) has acknowledged that there can be no universal set of AEP indicators, they nonetheless suggest to focus on 13 indicators that are believed to be sufficient core indications on changes in the environmental state of agricultural landscapes and changes in human response mechanisms. Thus, OECD pressure indicators include information on nutrients, pesticides, water use and land use changes, state indicators focus on soil quality, water quality, greenhouse gases, biodiversity, wildlife habitats, and landscape change, while response indicators stress farm management practices, farm financial resources and socio-cultural aspects (including, for example, education, training, or issues of rural/urban migration). The PSR typological model has been widely criticised for being too simplistic in its assumptions of environmental causality, i.e. that the three types of indicators (pressure-state-response) form discreet conceptual units that can be easily separated from each other (Moxey et al., 1998). The problem of unequivocal causality relates to the fact that, often, the multitude of environmental influences are only partly related to processes measured through indicators (policy-on and policy-off scenarios and trajectories of farmers’ decision-making processes in AEP being an obvious case-inpoint). The model has been further criticised for its positivist theoretical assumptions that are based on the belief that both physical indicators and indicators of human environmental action and thought can be quantified (Lowe et al., 1999; see also Section 2.1 above). Particular problems are seen with state and response indicators. For state indicators, no framework has been established yet for how to overcome problems of lack of linearity and immediacy (Oñate et al., 2000), i.e. that the problem may lag behind the source of disturbance (N leaching into soil and groundwater being an obvious example). Although state indicators may be more closely linked to environmental policy interests, they are more costly to produce and often suffer from complex demands on the nature of measurement. Yet, the most severe shortfalls are seen with regard to response indicators (Brouwer and Crabtree, 1999a). Parris (1999, 40) for example, concedes that “although the importance of socio-cultural issues in the analysis of agriculture and the environment … is generally accepted, no precise definition of the policy issues nor the relevant indicators have yet been established”. Spatial indicator hierarchies highlight the problem of the need for multiple spatial scales of indicator frameworks. In this context, Moxey et al. (1998) ask how it is possible in indicator research to preserve the fine resolution detail required for guiding local level actions, while avoiding information overload at the broader global level? The OECD suggests to use international indicators in combination with specific national indicators (i.e. moving away from the ‘5 R’ criteria mentioned above). This is supported by Moldan and Billharz (1994) who argue that different indicators of policy performance are required at different hierarchical levels, and that indicators useful for international comparison will inevitably differ from those for monitoring regional or local environmental change. While recent trends suggest that the focus is increasingly on using national indicators for use in international work (e.g. ACANZ, 1993; IFEN, 1997; OECD, 1998) – a problem that we will also encounter in our analysis below – recent work has also insisted that any list of indicators must be peculiar to each system, and that the value of indicators must be calculated at the county or farm scale, rather than at the national or international level (e.g. Peco et al., 1999). The debate on 9 internationalisation or localisation of the indicator approach is, therefore, still ongoing. A third approach, and one that we adopted in the research programme from which this paper is drawn (Schramek et al., 1999), is founded on a conceptual indicator hierarchy that proposes four levels of increasing complexity (Table 1). Our analysis of agri-environmental indicators presented in the following section, identifies the strengths, weaknesses and potentials of these different levels in providing viable assessments of the ‘success’ of AEP. However, before doing this, we need to consider the broader presuppositions that underlie the use of indicators in evaluating, specifically, AEPs. Table 1: Parameters for the evaluation of agri-environmental scheme effectiveness Level 1. Uptake and outputs - numbers of contracts/farms - areas under contract - expenditure Level 2. Outcomes and Effects - effects upon farm management practices - effects upon agricultural production - effects upon the environment - effects upon farm incomes - effects upon agricultural labour Level 3 Actors - impact upon farmer attitudes and knowledge - impact upon the social processes of action - impact upon the activities of associated actors Level 4 Procedures - role of management institutions - efficiency of the policy-making process - impact upon regulatory procedures (Source: adapted from Buller, 2000) 3. How effective at doing what? The strengths and limitations of agrienvironmental policy indicators A recently completed research project funded by the DGVI of the European Commission sought to explore appropriate methodologies for the implementation and effectiveness of AEP in Europe (Schramek et al., 1999). In this part of the paper, we consider the results of this research and, more specifically, what it tells us about the use and misuse of agri-environmental indicators in informing and guiding policymaking. As we have stated above, the identification of a policy’s objectives is a fundamental first step if effective evaluation procedures are to be put into place and useful results are to be obtained. This presupposes, first, that the objectives are clearly stated, second, that they are coherent and, third, that a relatively direct relationship exists between the recognition of a given problem, the mechanisms evoked to deal with it, and its eventual resolution. One of the problems of constructing a suitable 10 evaluation strategy for AEP is that these presuppositions are not always wholly born out. Article 1 of Regulation 2078 lays down the three goals of EU AEP: to accompany the changes to be introduced under the market organisation rules; to contribute to the achievement of the Community’s policy objectives regarding agriculture and the environment; and to contribute to providing an appropriate income for farmers (CEC, 1992). These reflect different concerns. As an accompanying measure to CAP reform, agri-environmental aid schemes comply with the basic aim of that reform, namely to reduce agricultural over-production within the EU and thereby lessen the overall costs of agricultural support. The Agri-environmental Regulation also reflects growing concern over the environmental consequences of intensification, notably with respect to water pollution, biodiversity loss and landscape change. A third goal has been to support and maintain extensive farming practices, not only against intensification but also, particularly in upland and southern regions, against agricultural decline and the environmental and social consequences of under-production. Here, then, are three very different objectives that reflect macro-economic, environmental and socioeconomic concerns that seek de-intensification in certain cases and maintenance, even intensification, in others, that ultimately relate to very different rural spaces and agricultural systems. Thus, any evaluation methodology is necessarily going to be very complex because not only are the implementation procedures very different in the various EU member states, and the types of farm system targeted and the range of landscape of environmental problems encountered highly variable, but also the very objectives of AEP are, themselves, multiple and by no means restricted to a single environmental policy agenda. AEP cannot be seen simply as a strategy for achieving environmental objectives within agriculture, particularly as such objectives might arguably be more effectively secured by alternative strategies. Indeed, as a number of commentators have suggested (see, for example, Buller et al., 2000), EU AEP has been singularly unsuccessful in addressing the central integration issue of farm pollution. Its ‘success’, if it exists, lies elsewhere. Despite the recent demand for effective instruments capable of evaluating AEP, two operational problems to the development of a valid indicator framework for agrienvironmental measures exist. The first of these has been the consistent lack of baseline data on environmental ‘states’ prior to the start of contractual agri-environmental agreements (i.e. referring to the issue of indicator reliability mentioned in Section 2.3). As most EU Member states only began to implement agri-environmental measures in the 1990s, insufficient reflection was given to the eventual evaluation of the policy some years further on (Buller, 2000). Second, although it is becoming increasingly commonplace to evaluate the AEP implementation process in terms of indicators, the vast bulk of these assume that successful implementation will engender positive changes in environmental conditions. Yet, any analysis of the goals as well as the implementation of EU-led AEP reveals that, for the most part, the resultant schemes do not, in fact, seek changes, be they in agricultural practice or in environmental quality. Rather, they seek to maintain existing practices considered both to be environmentally friendly and necessary for the maintenance of sustainable rural/agricultural communities by encouraging farmers not to make changes to existing management techniques and thereby not to increase environmental pressures. 11 Given that so much of the indicator rationale developed by the OECD (1993; 1997; 1998) and the European Environment Agency (e.g. EEA, 1998) (amongst others) is guided by the desire to record the effects of agricultural de-intensification upon environmental improvement, there is a risk here that the long-term and, ultimately more profound, effects of environmental integration are being missed. The evaluation of AEP thus needs to take into account alternative parameters of scheme success. 3.1 Output and outcome indicators Referring back to Table 1 (above), we propose a hierarchy of indicator levels that take us from ‘outputs’ through ‘outcomes’ and effects to a set of less tangible components of policy ‘success’. The first of these levels, indicators of uptake, also known as ‘output indicators’, are commonly derived from the contracted area, numbers of contractants and proportions of budgets spent and/or allocated (and combinations of these), because of the relative simplicity and low cost of their construction as the only really universal evaluation criteria across Europe (see also Section 2.3 above). This has largely been the methodology employed by the Commission in their own initial evaluation of the application of Regulation 2078/92 (CEC, 1997). As the Commission itself claims in a later document (CEC, 1998, 123), “the most relevant indicator of application is the area to which measures apply”. As a means of evaluating the policy’s achievements, uptake figures provide a reassuringly high ‘success’ rate with some 22.6 million hectares of European farmland being placed within agrienvironmental schemes and well over a million European farmers engaged, to greater and lesser degrees, in the drive towards reconciling the needs of agricultural production with those of environmental sustainability. However, such an approach has a number of limitations in a cross-national context. Output indicators based upon uptake rarely account for participant eligibility, usually differentially defined in terms of farm, types of farm practice, specific geographical locations or budgetary envelopes (see, for example, Wilson, 1997b). Further, broad assessments, as presented by the European Commission’s own evaluation study (CEC, 1997; 1998), do not account for different intensities or levels of participation within individual schemes. Agri-environmental aid schemes currently operating are often comprised of a number of ‘tiers’, with higher tiers often requiring, in exchange for higher premiums, genuine changes in farm management practices, while the lower tiers frequently require only the maintenance of existing practices (see, for example, MAFF, 1993; 1996; Wilson, 1997a; and Lobley and Potter, 1998, for the UK context). In many countries, including the UK, it is the lower tiers that attract the greatest number of participants. An additional problem concerns the criteria for defining successful uptake. Are schemes with high levels of uptake more ‘successful’? Clearly, they attract proportionally more farmers and they succeed in placing significant areas under contract. As such, their ‘impact’, in spatial as well as participation terms, is undoubtedly greater. However, we cannot automatically assume that the generally low take-up rates associated with, for example, arable schemes necessarily constitute scheme failure. In assessing uptake, we need to be aware of the differential impact of participant numbers. While the coherent protection of large areas of upland grasslands might depend upon a high uptake rate, improving water quality, particularly around sensitive areas, might be effectively achieved through the participation of only a small 12 number of highly targeted eligible farms. In such cases, the use of uptake indicators is arguably of little value as a means of assessing scheme effectiveness. A second level of indicators, requiring more precise temporal and spatial reference points, is concerned with the outcomes and impacts of implementation in terms of farm management techniques, farm income, farm labour, and, indeed, the wider environment. Given that agri-environmental schemes specifically seek to engage farmers in the employment of environmentally sound farm management practices, such indicators are the common fare of agri-environmental scheme assessments (CEC, 2000). Research carried out for DGVI by the current authors and others specifically sought to identify and test indicators of this kind (Schramek et al., 1999; Wilson and Hart, 2000). A summary of the most common indicators of this group, drawn from various studies, is presented in Table 2. Table 2: Common agri-environmental indicators identified and tested by recent research into agri-environmental scheme evaluation Changes to stocking density Changes to pasture land rotation Quantity of pesticides used Quantity of nutrients used Change in farm usage of inputs Proportion of land under grass Yield changes for specified crops Changes in use of farm land (arable to grassland….) Changes in energy balance on farm Changes in labour Changes in gross profit per farm Emissions to the atmosphere per farm Number of livestock removed Area of target land cover type Dates and times of harvests and grass cutting Hedgerow densities and changes to hedgerow densities Changes to field margins Levels of pesticide residue in produce and environment Concentration on N in water (relation to soil depth and crop type) Specific species of wild plant Changes in vegetation density in grassland Density of specific invertebrates Bird nesting sites Nesting pairs Other identified animal species Loss of soil under certain cultivation techniques (Sources: CEC, 1998; Schramek et al., 1999; Oñate et al., 2000) The application of outcome and impact indicators to the evaluation of agrienvironmental schemes has generally revealed positive environmental benefits arising from contractualisation (Schramek et al., 1999). Oñate et al. (2000), whose work derives from the same research project as our own, distinguish ‘improvement’ effects and ‘protection’ effects and demonstrate, from a specific comparison of Spanish and Danish agri-environmental schemes, that clear improvement effects were found and that protection effects “may well be an important long-term result” (p. 278). Other evaluations draw broadly similar conclusions. For example, the exercise undertaken 13 by the French Ministère de l'Agriculture (1998) reveals, first, a notable increase in specific landscape management actions, such as hedgerow planting and water channel clearing (particularly in those areas already noted for the quality of their agricultural environments) and, second, some limited change in the use of pastures and chemical inputs, though rarely in the major arable regions of the country. However, despite their widespread use, such outcome and effect indicators contain a number of significant limitations, over and above the operational issues associated with agri-environmental scheme evaluation identified above. First and foremost, many outcome indicators reveal little more than compliance to contractual obligations, highlighting problems associated with the policy ‘implementation gap’ mentioned above (see also Peco et al., 1999; Buller et al., 2000; Oñate et al., 2000). Indicators that reveal declining stocking densities or the maintenance of grasslands, where farmers are receiving payments to undertake such actions, are ultimately of little long-term value in assessing the degree to which environmental considerations are being integrated into agricultural policy. Second, in many instances, the environmental benefits of changes to farm management techniques are extrapolated and assumed, rather than specifically revealed and documented. Hence, conversion of arable land to grassland, like conversion from ‘conventional’ to organic farming, are universally, and often uncritically, taken as being of positive environmental benefit. Third, the employment of such indicators provides only a shallow and some would say ‘optimally inaccurate’ (Moxey et al., 1998) evaluation of scheme effectiveness. They are temporally and spatially limited and, in their uni-dimensionality, reveal little of the underlying processes at work. In their assessment of such indicators, Andersen et al. (1999) conclude that the farm management effects identified “cannot be linked directly to specific stated targets or success criteria of individual schemes, mainly because such criteria do not exist” (p.143). While the two sets of indicators identified above have undoubtedly contributed to the generation of an increasingly systematic and comparative evaluation methodology of AEP, and have provided policy makers with an important tool in the legitimisation of their intervention, they remain, within the context of an intended drive towards achieving more sustainable forms of agriculture, limited in their ability to account either for variations in implementation or for the ultimate durability of sustainable practices. We have argued above (see Section 2.1) that critical for the understanding of both of these are assessments of farmer participation and the sociological, economic and institutional contexts and rationales that influence that participation (i.e. socio-cultural and qualitative indicators). These constitute the third and fourth sets of evaluation criteria that we wish to explore here. 3.2 Actor and procedural indicators In looking at farmer participation as a means of assessing and of evaluating AEP performance and effectiveness, how do we account for farmer participation? At one level of analysis, we might seek to understand how and why farmers participate in schemes (and why they do not participate) by considering their characteristics, their motivations and their attitudes towards individual schemes, or indeed to AEP as a whole. Such an approach commonly yields typologies of farmers and allows us to differentiate likely participants from likely non-participants (see, for example, 14 Brotherton, 1989; Morris and Potter, 1995; Billaud et al., 1996; Wilson, 1996; 1997a; CNASEA, 1997; Lemery et al., 1997; Schramek et al., 1999; Wilson and Hart, 2000). Nevertheless, considerable care needs to be taken in drawing hard and fast conclusions regarding the ‘success’ of schemes from these apparent participation factors. While certain farm and farmer characteristics do correlate with participation in schemes, this information is too often highly scheme specific and does not always hold up when used in a cross-scheme or cross-national comparison (see our discussion of the ‘5 Rs’ in Section 2.3). Further, statistical correlations, however significant, do not in themselves indicate causality. While large farms might show a statistically significant correlation with scheme participation in some areas, one cannot conclude that having a larger farm is, in itself, a reason for, or indeed an influence on, participation (Wilson and Hart, 2000). Many such variables are beset with directionality contradictions. For some observers, youthful farmers are more likely to participate, for others, older participants are the keener subscribers. For others, financially buoyant farms are more likely to participate, while for others it is the economically more marginal farmers that turn to agri-environmental measures as a specific form of income support (see Morris and Potter, 1995; Wilson, 1996; 1997a; Lobley and Potter, 1998; and Wilson and Hart, 2000, for detailed investigations of these factors). Second, few of the identified factors are independent, but are frequently part of a complex social and/or economic cognitive system. To focus simply upon observable farm/farmer characteristics is to ignore the context within which these characteristics are developed and sustained. Third, the problem of scheme consistency2 makes the use of structural indicators in creating an operational methodology for assessing agrienvironmental scheme effectiveness problematic (see also Section 2.4 above). Further, there is the issue of appropriate levels of generalisation. To what degree can one draw comparable and generalisable information from studies of farmer participation when that participation, and indeed farming as an activity, is so embedded in a whole array of national and sub-national social, technological, political, cultural and territorial factors that ultimately make up the very diversity and multifunctionality of rural Europe? Ultimately, while understanding farmers’ reasons for participating (or not) in agri-environmental schemes may be of value in targeting and designing schemes to achieve greater rates of take-up, it ultimately “offers little in the way of accessible, comparative, operational and quantitative indicators for the evaluation of scheme performance” (Wilson and Hart, 2000, p. 2182). Another level of investigation focuses on the impact of schemes upon participants. Critical to any evaluation of the sustainability of policy objectives is the degree to which they lead to long-term changes in practices and/or attitudes – changes that potentially stretch beyond shorter periods of compensation and financial support or encouragement (Wilson, 1996). The drive towards more sustainable forms of agriculture should not be founded in a short-term funding policy, but in a strategic and jointly negotiated shift in, or re-emphasis of, values on the part of producers, consumers and regulators. For, as Lowe et al. (1999) point out: 2 Seemingly similar schemes might, in fact, have very different objectives within different national or regional contexts. A classic example is grassland protection which varies from being a clearly ecological measure designed to protect highly sensitive zones (e.g. along rivers), to being a general funding measure for extensive husbandry methods in high landscape value areas. 15 “Agricultural policy reforms in general, and agri-environment measures in particular, should enhance farmers’ attitudes towards the environment and clarify their understanding of their environmental responsibilities. It might reasonably be expected that there would already be discernible changes in farmers’ attitudes, and even in farming cultures, from participation in agri-environment schemes, even where the environmental consequences could still not be gauged” (p. 271) This, perhaps, is the ultimate challenge for evaluation strategies of public policy, going beyond the quantitative realm of performance indicators to identify cognitive and institutional shifts and responses among actors, organisations and juridical regimes (Muller, 1998). The methodology for applying such an approach to AEP remains, however, still largely undeveloped despite exhortations to go in this direction (Moxey et al., 1998). The research from which this paper is drawn sought to address this issue in two ways, first, by examining changing farmer attitudes towards agrienvironmental preoccupations as an indicator of scheme effectiveness (Buller, 1999; Wilson and Hart, 2001) and, second, by considering the shifting role of farmers, agricultural extension services and territorial management bodies to the provision of agri-environmental advice and the local construction of agri-environmental schemes (Buller and Lenormand, 1999; Buller and Brives, 1999). What these various analyses have in common is the manner in which they have gone beyond traditional quantifiable indicators. While each has, to a greater or lesser extent, revealed shifts in farmer attitudes and in institutional and process responses to the requirements of environmental policy integration, particularly as schemes have matured and local consultation exercises have multiplied, specific indicators of such change have proved more difficult to construct. Shifts in attitudes are highly dependent on the attitudes of farmers before entering the scheme, on the types of scheme proposed to farmers and upon the degree to which farmers are involved in the construction and implementing of individual schemes alongside extension services, countryside management structures and environmental interests (Wilson, 1996; Buller, 1999; Wilson and Hart, 2001). Using such behavioural approaches, scheme success can therefore be defined in three ways: in terms of the willingness of farmers to adopt the management prescriptions, in which case extensive schemes involving few changes to management practices might still be considered ‘successful’ as farmers accept them more readily; in terms of the degree to which schemes change farmers attitudes towards the agricultural environment, in which case different types of schemes emerge that involve more or less profound changes to farm management (e.g. conversion to organic methods); and, finally, in terms of the re-alignment of local interests, stakeholders and institutional actors into new forms of partnership based upon local and territorially specific agri-environmental management frameworks (Buller and Lenormand, 1999; Buller and Brives, 1999). 4. Conclusions It is clear from the above analysis that while indicators have a central role to play in the evaluation of AEP, that role is essentially limited. Either that, or the notion of what constitutes an indicator needs to be re-examined in light of conceptual caveats mentioned in the first part of the paper. Thus, our analysis suggests that the assumption that agri-environmental indicators may act as a vehicle for summarising, 16 or simplifying, and communicating information about policy parameters that are of importance to agri-environmental decision-makers needs to be questioned – thereby confirming Moxey et al.’s (1998) and Lowe et al.’s (1999) initial fears about the fallacy of uncritically adopting indicator-based models in policy evaluation. We, therefore, need to question whether indicators can provide managerially significant information about patterns or changes in the state of the environment and human activities as suggested in much of the literature based on positivist notions of humanenvironment interaction (e.g. Eurostat, 1997; OECD, 1997,1998; CEC, 1998; Jesinghaus, 1999). Our discussion on measuring the ‘success’ of AEP has particularly highlighted the simplistic assumptions about the measurability of human environmental action and resulting environmental change that increasingly appear to guide many policy evaluations, to the neglect of more complex indicators where immediate quantitative data may not be available (especially actor and procedural indicators; see above). Ultimately, what is required is a shift away from simple information provision towards the realm of public policy analysis. The limits of indicators in evaluating agri-environment policy derive, in part, from the precipitate manner in which policymakers and others turned to them in the mid-1990s as a means of justifying and legitimising an emerging, fast-growing and poorly monitored financial sector of the CAP. Yet, while researchers were being asked to supply appropriate methodologies for evaluating individual agri-environmental schemes, the central question over the last few years has been that of the integration of environmental considerations, not only into on-farm management practices but into the very architecture of the CAP. Thus AEP constitutes, in many EU states, a significant part of the so-called ‘second pillar’ of the post-Agenda 2000 CAP, even though this is still a poor cousin to the ‘first pillar’ of commodity support. The changes that the EU Rural Development Regulation – as the mainstay of the ‘second pillar’ – may bring about are, in a certain manner, more revealing of the advances made over the last ten years in the integration of environmental concerns into agricultural policy (Lowe et al., 2001) than any set of quantifiable agri-environmental indicators. This paper has identified different types of indicator which we have regrouped into four ‘levels’. These have different functions within the policy evaluation process. ‘Uptake’ or ‘output’ indicators are politically useful in that they provide a ready assessment of scheme ‘success’ defined in the most simplistic of ways, although they may shed little light on reasons for the implementation gap. ‘Outcome’ indicators, meanwhile, show the effects of AEP, revealing whether or not individual schemes are delivering their stated objectives. These indicators may be particularly useful to policy-makers to address possible inconsistencies between policies developed at the ‘top’ and implementation failure at the grassroots level (cf. Winter, 1990; Adriaanse, 1993; Brouwer and Crabtree, 1999a). ‘Actor’ and ‘procedural’ indicators go beyond this to display, first, the extent to which these objectives are the correct and most relevant ones and, second, the overall position of AEP within a broader socio-political and institutional agenda. 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