Reporting and Submission of Petroleum Data

Petroleum Act
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act
In person
By post
By fax
For further information, please contact:
Petroleum Data Manager /Northern Territory Geological Survey
or Petroleum Registrar/ Titles Division
Minerals & Energy
NT Department of Mines and Energy
3rd Floor, Centrepoint Building, The Mall,
Darwin NT 0800
either - Petroleum Data Manager /Northern Territory Geological Survey
or Petroleum Registrar/ Titles Division
Minerals & Energy
NT Department of Mines and Energy
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801
+61 8 8999 5221 – Attention: Petroleum Data Manager
+61 8 8981 7106 – Attention: Petroleum Registrar
By phone
+61 8 8999 5273 – Petroleum Data Manager
+61 8 8999 5263 – Petroleum Registrar
By e-mail – Petroleum Data Manager – Petroleum Registrar
1. Source References and Amendments ............................................................................................................. 3
2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Reporting Type and Frequency ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.1. Annual and Surrender or Cancellation Reports ................................................................................................4
3.2. Well Completion Reports and Data ...................................................................................................................4
3.2.1. Basic Well Completion Report and Data ...................................................................................................4
3.2.2. Interpreted Well Completion Report and Data ...........................................................................................4
3.3. Geophysical Survey Reports and Data .............................................................................................................4
3.3.1 Geophysical Survey Acquisition Reports and Data .........................................................................................4
3.3.2 Geophysical Survey Processing Reports and Data ........................................................................................4
3.3.3. Geophysical Survey Interpretation Reports and Data ....................................................................................5
3.4. Notification of discovery ....................................................................................................................................5
3.5 Core Sampling Report ........................................................................................................................................5
4. Report Content ................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1. Annual Reports ..................................................................................................................................................5
4.2. Well Completion Reports and Data ...................................................................................................................6
4.2.1. Basic Well Completion Report and Data ...................................................................................................6
4.2.2. Interpreted Well Completion Report and Data ...........................................................................................7
4.3. Geophysical Survey Reports and Data .............................................................................................................8
4.3.1. Geophysical Survey Acquisition Reports and Data ...................................................................................8
4.3.2 Geophysical Survey Processing Reports and Data ....................................................................................8
4.3.3. Geophysical Interpretation Reports and Data ............................................................................................9
4.4. Notification of Discovery ....................................................................................................................................9
5. Reports and Data Formats and Specifications .............................................................................................. 10
5.1 File Naming Convention ...................................................................................................................................10
5.2 Data Formats ....................................................................................................................................................10
6. Media and Labelling ....................................................................................................................................... 10
7. Geological Samples ....................................................................................................................................... 11
7.1. Notice of recovery ...........................................................................................................................................11
7.2 Submission and disposal ..................................................................................................................................11
7.2.1 Sample type and quantity .........................................................................................................................11
7.2.2 Submission procedures ............................................................................................................................11
8. Confidentiality................................................................................................................................................. 11
8.1 Annual Reports .................................................................................................................................................11
8.2 Well completion reports and data .....................................................................................................................12
8.2.1 Basic well completion reports and data ....................................................................................................12
8.2.2. Interpreted well completion reports and data (Section 61(7)) ..................................................................12
8.3 Geophysical Survey .........................................................................................................................................12
8.3.1 Acquisition and processing reports and data ............................................................................................12
8.3.2 Interpreted geophysical reports ................................................................................................................12
8.4 Geological Samples .........................................................................................................................................12
9. Non-exclusive surveys ................................................................................................................................... 12
9.1 Non-exclusive Surveys Report and Data Submission......................................................................................12
9.2 Non-exclusive Surveys Reports and Data Confidentiality ................................................................................13
9.2.1 Basic Data* ...............................................................................................................................................13
9.2.2 Interpretative data and reports** ...............................................................................................................13
10. Combined Reporting ...................................................................................................................................... 13
11. Where to Submit Reports ............................................................................................................................... 13
12. Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
13. Appendix 1. Data Submission Tables ............................................................................................................ 14
Table 1. Well Data ..................................................................................................................................................14
Table 2. Seismic Survey Data ................................................................................................................................16
Table 3. Gravity, Magnetic and all other geophysical or geological survey data ...................................................19
1. Source References and Amendments
This document has been prepared for holders of titles under the following Northern Territory legislation.
Petroleum Act
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act
These guidelines replace the directions given in the Schedule of Onshore Petroleum Exploration and
Production Requirements 1993
They have been adapted from the Draft Guidelines for Reporting and Submission of Offshore
Petroleum data (Oct 2012) and from Approved Guideline 7 under the NT Mineral Titles Act and the
Australian Requirements for Submission of Digital Exploration Data.
Permit holders are obliged to follow these guidelines as per Section 71 and 72 of the Petroleum Act and
section 122 of the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act. The guidelines may be updated from time to time
and it is the responsibility of the titleholder to ensure they use the latest version when submitting reports
or data.
Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in cancellation in a licence or permit (Petroleum Act
74 (1c) and Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 105(c).
2. Introduction
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist with statutory obligations that petroleum exploration permit
holders need to observe when preparing geoscientific reports for petroleum exploration (EP) permits,
retention licences (RL) and coastal exploration permits (NT/CP) and Speculative Surveys (SPA).
Titleholders of permits and licences issued in the Northern Territory coastal waters should follow the
directions in all sections of these guidelines unless otherwise specified. (Petroleum (Submerged Lands)
Act, Section 115)
Field development plans, well operations plans, quarterly reports, daily drilling reports, weekly survey
reports, notices of geophysical or geological surveys, production reports, rehabilitation or restoration
reports and pipeline reports are outside of the scope of these guidelines.
Whilst these guidelines have been provided to assist applicants in their compliance with the legislation,
it is incumbent on the applicant to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the Petroleum Act, the
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act and all other laws of the Northern Territory as are applicable.
Although these guidelines are here to assist you, in all cases the legislation prevails.
3. Reporting Type and Frequency
3.1. Annual and Surrender or Cancellation Reports
Annual Reports are to be submitted not later than 28 days after the completion of that work program
year.(Petroleum Act 59).
A Retention Licence (RL) holder may be requested to provide a project report instead of an annual
report at any time (Petroleum Act 62)
When an exploration permit (EP) or retention licence (RL) has ceased (surrendered, cancelled or
expired) a report with equivalent content to an annual report should be submitted within 3 months of the
date the permit or licence ceased. (Petroleum Act 75)
When an exploration permit (EP) or retention licence (RL) has been partially surrendered a report on
the relinquished area with equivalent content to an annual report should be submitted within 3 months
of the date of surrender. (Petroleum Act 75)
3.2. Well Completion Reports and Data
3.2.1. Basic Well Completion Report and Data
A basic or initial well completion report must be submitted to the department within 3 months after the
rig release date.
3.2.2. Interpreted Well Completion Report and Data
A final or interpreted well completion report must be submitted to the department within 12 months of
the rig release date.
3.3. Geophysical Survey Reports and Data
Acquisition and processing reports and data should not be combined with interpreted reports and data.
3.3.1 Geophysical Survey Acquisition Reports and Data 2D Seismic Survey acquisition reports and data should be submitted within 12 months
of completion of data acquisition 3D Seismic Survey acquisition reports and data should be submitted within 12 months
of completion of data acquisition. All other geophysical survey acquisition reports and data should be submitted to the
department within 12 months of completion of data acquisition.
3.3.2 Geophysical Survey Processing Reports and Data 2D Seismic Survey processing reports and data should be submitted within 12 months
of completion of data acquisition 3D Seismic Survey processing reports and data should be submitted within 12 months
of completion of data acquisition All other geophysical survey processing reports and data should be submitted to the
department within 12 months of completion of data acquisition
3.3.3. Geophysical Survey Interpretation Reports and Data Seismic Survey interpretation reports and data should be submitted within 12 months*
of completion of data acquisition All other geophysical survey interpretation reports and data should be submitted to the
department within 12 months of completion of data acquisition
3.4. Notification of discovery
Titleholders are required to notify the department as soon as possible after discovery of petroleum and
provide details of the discovery within 3 days. (Petroleum Act section 64, Petroleum (Submerged
Lands) Act section 34 and section 38J)
A discovery assessment report should be submitted within 90 days of rig release (Petroleum Act
section 64(2), Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act section 34(2)).
3.5 Core Sampling Report
Reports on analysis undertaken on core held in the NTGS core store are required as a condition of
sampling within 6 months of getting the sample. For more information refer to the Core Facility
4. Report Content
In submitting reports required under the Petroleum Act, the author acknowledges that the Department
may provide electronic copies through the department website or other media.
Reports must not include any material that is protected by copyright or prohibited from release by other
laws (eg some aerial photos’ some satellite imagery, data from technology embargoed by US
International Traffic in Arms Regulations).
Reports must not include any information, language, names or images that may be culturally sensitive,
offensive or in confidence to traditional owners (eg. AAPA reports, locations or images of sacred sites).
4.1. Annual Reports
Annual Reports should include:
a) A title page showing
i. Name of titleholder/s
ii. Report title specifying report type, title number and licence year
iii. Reporting period <start date {dd/mm/yyyy} to end date {dd/mm/yyyy}>
iv. Corporate and/or personal author
v. The names of the NT 1:250 000 scale mapsheet/s relevant to the report
b) An abstract or summary
c) Location map including sample points and surveys
d) A general discussion of title status and operations carried out (including office studies);
e) Technical conclusions derived from the year’s operations
f) A list of reports submitted during the year
g) An outline of work plans for the next year
h) A summary of annual expenditure.
Further details on content are as follows:
Title Page
The title page must include:
a) Company Name and/or Name of Title holder
b) Corporate Author if different from above
c) Report Title specifying report type, title number and licence year
d) Reporting period <start date {dd/mm/yyyy} to end date {dd/mm/yyyy}>
e) Project Names if applicable
f) Project Operator if different from above
Abstract or Summary
Text only summary including tenure history, permit holder changes, associated activities licences,
exploration rationale, exploration activity during the reporting period, main results and conclusions.
Location Map/s
Scaled map detailing title boundaries, partial relinquishment areas if applicable, and sample, well and
survey locations in relation to title boundaries (GDA94)
Technical Work Program and Work Completed
Brief discussion of the technical work program and work completed during the reporting period.
Provide sufficient detail to substantiate expenditure claims.
Include a brief description of any regulated exploration activities explaining the rationale, results and
Include the following for the relevant activities:
Drilling and Related Activities
Well name, location (GDA94) date spudded, rig release date, well cased/suspended
Seismic Data Acquisition
Survey name, 2D or 3D, commencement and completion dates, line length (km)/area (km2)
Seismic Data Processing or Reprocessing
Survey/project name, line length (km)/area (km2), details of integration with other data
Geochemical, Gravity, Magnetic and other Surveys
Survey name, type, commencement and completion date, line length (km)/area (km2)/number of
sample locations
Recovery of Geological Samples
Provide details of drill core ,cuttings, gas or fluid samples recovered. Include well name and
sample depth.
Geological and Office Studies and Other Reports
Reports generated from geological and office studies and any additional reports or data not included
under sections 3.2-3.5 should be submitted with the annual report.
4.2. Well Completion Reports and Data
4.2.1. Basic Well Completion Report and Data
Basic Well completion reports should include:
a) The name of the well.
b) The name of the title area in which the well is located
c) The well location
i) Latitude and longitude in GDA94 values
ii) Map sheet name and graticular block number
iii) Seismic line location and shotpoint number if applicable
The elevation of the ground and Kelly bushing or elevation of the Kelly bushing and water depth
for offshore (coastal) wells.
If the well is a side track – the name of the parent well
Names of MWD and LWD tools used
List of all well evaluation logs including measurement while drilling logs, pressure detection logs
and mud logs
List of log runs for wireline logging and velocity surveys
The purpose of the well (eg development, appraisal, exploration, stratigraphy)
The outcome of the well operation (eg completion as a producer, suspension or abandonment)
Raw pressure time listings for any formation fluid sample tests and production tests
The spud date, date of reaching total depth and rig release date
Depth reference (eg Kelly bushing or rig floor) and height of depth reference above sea level for
offshore (coastal) wells.
Measured depth of the well
True vertical depth of the well
If applicable, the depth of perforation in the petroleum reservoir
If the well is deviated or horizontal
i) The surveyed path of the well
ii) The co-ordinates of the bottom of the well bore
iii) If applicable the coordinates and true vertical depth of the intersection of the well with the
reservoir horizon
List of cores, cuttings and samples taken and their depths and intervals
The following data:
i) Raw data, edited field data and processed data for all wireline logs, MWD and LWD
ii) Log displays
iii) Edited field data and processed data for borehole deviation surveys
iv) Mudlogging data
v) Mudlog display
vi) If generated, data raw data and processed data checkshot and time/depth analysis
from velocity surveys
vii) Velocity survey displays
viii) Photography of the core and sidewall core, in both UV and natural light
4.2.2. Interpreted Well Completion Report and Data
Interpreted Well Completion Reports should include:
a) The name of the well
b) The name of the title are in which the well is located
c) The well location
i. Latitude and longitude in GDA94 values
ii. Map sheet name and graticular block number
iii. Seismic line location and shotpoint number if applicable
d) List of cores, cuttings and samples taken and their depths and intervals
e) List of core, side wall core, fluid and gas sample analysis studies undertaken
f) Results of analysis of geological samples and copies of geochemistry reports
g) List of logs acquired
h) The measured depth and true vertical depth of marker horizons or formation tops
i) Wireline formation test results
j) Production test results
k) Details of any hydrocarbon indications
Geological interpretations of the well data including
i. Lithology
ii. Stratigraphy
iii. Reservoir properties and quality (fluid saturations, relative permeability, capillary pressure)
iv. Trap integrity
v. Geochemistry of source rocks if available
vi. Environment of deposition if available
m) For exploration wells, a discussion of the relevance of the observations and interpretations to
the evaluation of the hydrocarbon potential of the area
n) For development or appraisal wells the implications for future field management
o) The following final well completion data
i. Interpretative log analysis
ii. Composite well log
iii. Well index sheet
iv. Petrophysical, geochemical and other sample analysis results
4.3. Geophysical Survey Reports and Data
4.3.1. Geophysical Survey Acquisition Reports and Data
Survey acquisition reports should include:
a) Name of the survey
b) The title under which the survey was conducted
c) Name of the contractor that conducted the survey
d) Name of the aircraft used to conduct the survey
e) Location of the survey (map)
f) Start and end dates of the survey
g) Details of data acquisition equipment and systems used
h) Details of all positioning and navigation equipment and systems used
i) The number of lines of data acquired and the number of acquisition points along each line
j) Navigation data for the survey
i. For a 2D seismic survey – line ends and bends and total km acquired
ii. For a 3D seismic survey – a full fold polygon outline and full fold area acquired
iii. For other 3D surveys – a polygon outline
k) The geometry of the acquisition parameters
l) The results of any data processing
m) The results of any system tests, calibrations and diagnostics
n) The following survey acquisition data for seismic surveys
i. Raw Navigation data
ii. Seismic field data
iii. Seismic support data
iv. Itemised field tape listing showing tape number, survey name, line number, shotpoint range
and data type
o) The following survey acquisition data for all surveys, excluding seismic surveys
i. Field data
ii. Field support and navigation data
4.3.2 Geophysical Survey Processing Reports and Data
Survey Processing Reports and Data should include
a) The name of the survey
b) The title under which the survey was conducted
The start and end dates of processing
The name of the processing contractor
The purpose of the processing
A summary of the data acquisition parameters
Details of all processing sequences and techniques used
A sample Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBDIC) header from the final
data set
i) A list of all the processed data
j) For a 3 dimensional survey:
i. A description of the position of the survey polygon
ii. A calculation for the 3 dimensional line numbering convention
k) For a 2 dimensional seismic survey the following data:
i. Raw and final stacked data including near/mid/far stacks if generated
ii. Raw and final migrated data including pre-stack time migration (PSTM), pre-stack depth
migration (PSDM) and near/mid/far sub-stacks
iii. Final processed navigation and elevation data
iv. Shotpoint to common depth (CDP) relationship (in ASCII format)
v. Data for stacked and migrated velocities including line number, shotpoint and time versus
root mean square (RMS) pairs
vi. Itemised process tape listing showing tape number, survey name, line number, shotpoint
range, common depth points (CDP’s) and data type
l) For a 3 dimensional seismic survey the following data:
i. Raw and final stacked data including near/mid/far stacks if generated
ii. Raw and final migrated data including pre-stack time migration (PSTM), pre-stack depth
migration (PSDM) and near/mid/far sub-stacks
iii. Final processed navigation and elevation data
iv. Final navigation data in the form of final processed (grid) bin co-ordinates and polygonal
position data (outline of the full fold area)
v. Data for stacked and migrated velocities including bin number and time versus root mean
square (RMS) pairs
vi. 2D data subset if production is required as a condition of the grant of a title
vii. Itemised process tape listing showing tape number, survey name, in-lines and cross-lines
and data type
m) For all types of surveys, excluding seismic, the following data:
i. Final processed data
ii. Final processed image
4.3.3. Geophysical Interpretation Reports and Data
Geophysical Interpretation Reports should include
a) the name of the survey
b) The title under which the survey was conducted
c) A description of the objectives of the interpretation
d) For a seismic survey
i. a list of the surfaces interpreted
ii. a justification of the surfaces interpreted, including synthetic seismograms if available
iii. the velocity field used to convert time to depth and the basis for the velocity field
iv. Time slices to described the deposition environment, if available
e) An index of the maps created during the interpretation
f) Digital images of interpretation maps
4.4. Notification of Discovery
Notification of discovery of petroleum should include:
The title in which the discovery was made
The name of the well through which the discovery was made
If known, the rate or quantity of production of petroleum and water from the well
The physical and chemical properties of the petroleum if assessed
A preliminary estimate of quantities of petroleum discovered
A discovery assessment report due 90 days after discovery should include
a) An estimate of the location and areal extent of the petroleum pool
b) Details of the geological structure in which the petroleum pool is located
c) The data used to estimate the quantity in the petroleum pool
d) An estimate of the recoverable quantity in the petroleum pool
e) Details of plans for further evaluation of the discovery
5. Reports and Data Formats and Specifications
All reports and data should be submitted in digital format.
5.1 File Naming Convention
File names should preferably conform to the following naming convention:
Title id_YYYY_[A|R]_##_[data type}.eee
Title id is Tenure number eg EP123
YYYY is the year the report is due eg 2012
A or R denotes Annual or Relinquishment Report respectively
## is a 2 digit sequential number for each file submitted
Data Type is the data type contained in the file eg Aeromag
eee is the file suffix eg .las, .pdf
Further examples and details can be found in the Australian Requirements for the Submission of Digital
Exploration Data, version 3
5.2 Data Formats
Data and report formats should follow Guideline 7 for Reporting under the NT Mineral Titles Act (see
chapters 13 and 14)
Seismic data and any other data specific to petroleum exploration should be submitted in the formats
specified in Appendix 1.
6. Media and Labelling
The department will accept the following media for delivery of reports and data:
e-mail attachment (where total attachment file size not does exceed 10MB)
CD-ROM – full size, no multisession, read only
DVD-ROM – full size, no multisession, read only
Portable Hard drive, non-returnable
USB flash drive, non-returnable
Industry standard 3592 tape cartridges for large volume datasets eg seismic field data
All media must be compatible with the Windows operating system.
All media must be individually labelled with the company name, title number(s), report type and period,
and disc or drive number, for example 1/5. A list of all files is to be included with the report submission.
The titleholder or operator should keep a digital back-up copy of the report and data submitted to the
Department for at least a year to cover the possibility of physical damage, data loss or corruption.
7. Geological Samples
7.1. Notice of recovery
The department must be notified of the recovery of drill core, cuttings, fluid or gas samples from a
petroleum permit or licence area as soon as possible after the recovery.(Petroleum Act 60 and
Petroleum Submerged Lands Act 122) Notification of recovery must include the location and depth
where the sample was obtained.
7.2 Submission and disposal
Drill core and cuttings should be provided to the department within 6 months of rig release.
Full diameter core may only be retained for special studies and samples may only be sent out of
Australia with written permission from the department. Titleholders should not dispose of geological
samples without written permission from the department.
Palynological slides and residues, palaeontological material and petrological slides should be offered to
the department after analysis is complete.
7.2.1 Sample type and quantity
The department requires 1 set of 200 g dry weight of all cutting samples and/or at least one vertical half
of whole core samples.
7.2.2 Submission procedures
Petroleum titleholders should follow the geological sample submission procedure guidelines provided
under the Minerals Titles Act and all samples should be accompanied with a Petroleum Core
Submission Form available on the department’s Core Facility webpage.
Cutting samples should be:
Washed and dried
In approved cuttings samples bags
Clearly and permanently labelled with well name, number and depth interval of sample
Details for core sample submission are in the geological sample submission procedure guidelines on
the department’s Core Facility webpage.
8. Confidentiality
8.1 Annual Reports
Annual Reports are not made available to the public.
Geological and office studies and other reports appended to annual reports will be made available to
the public 6 years from the due date of submission. Notification of release will be published in the NT
Government Gazette. (Section 61 (8))
8.2 Well completion reports and data
8.2.1 Basic well completion reports and data
Basic well completion reports are kept confidential for 2 years and 28 days from the date of rig release.
8.2.2. Interpreted well completion reports and data (Section 61(7))
Interpreted well completion reports and data are kept confidential for 6 years from the date of rig
Notification of release will be published in the NT Government Gazette. (Section 61 (8))
8.3 Geophysical Survey
8.3.1 Acquisition and processing reports and data
Basic geophysical survey reports and data are kept confidential for 3 years from the date of completion
of acquisition.
8.3.2 Interpreted geophysical reports
Interpreted geophysical reports and data are kept confidential for 6 years from the date of completion of
acquisition. Notification of release will be published in the NT Government Gazette. (Section 61 (8))
8.4 Geological Samples
Geological samples (core and cuttings) are kept confidential for 2 years after rig release.
8.5 Core Sampling Reports
When a geological sample analysis undertaken on samples held in the NTGS core facility is claimed as
part of permit work program, associated reports and data submitted as a condition of sampling will be
kept confidential for 1 year from the date of sampling.
9. Non-exclusive surveys
Non-exclusive or speculative surveys are not addressed in the NT Petroleum Act and inadequately
covered in OPGGSA (RMA) regulations.
9.1 Non-exclusive Surveys Report and Data Submission
SPA Titleholders should submit survey acquisition and processing reports and data as for Exploration
Permits (EP’s). Sections 3.3.1 / 3.3.2 / 4.3.1 and 4.3.2
Other titleholders, using purchased or licenced non-exclusive data, are not required to submit the
acquisition data, however and re-processing and interpreted reports and data are required following
sections 3.3.2 / 3.3.3 / 4.3.2 and 4.3.3
9.2 Non-exclusive Surveys Reports and Data Confidentiality
9.2.1 Basic Data*
Seismic survey basic reports and data submitted under SPA titles are kept confidential for 15 years
from the date of completion of acquisition.
Other geophysical surveys basic reports and data submitted under SPA titles are kept confidential for 6
9.2.2 Interpretative data and reports**
Seismic Surveys interpretative reports derived from non-exclusive surveys are kept confidential until the
latter of 15 years from date of original acquisition by SPA titleholder or 6 years from date of licencing by
purchasing company.
Other geophysical surveys interpretative reports derived from non-exclusive surveys are kept
confidential until the latter of 6 years from date of original acquisition by SPA titleholder or 6 years from
date of licencing by purchasing company.
Combined Reporting
A titleholder with more than one title may combine annual reports into a single document with written
permission from the department.
Where to Submit Reports
Annual Reports and Notifications of Discovery should be submitted to the Petroleum Registrar, Titles
All other reports and data should be submitted to the Petroleum Data Manager, NTGS
Contact details are on page 1.
Whilst these guidelines have been provided to assist applicants in their compliance with the Petroleum
Act and Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act, it is incumbent on the applicant to acquaint themselves
with the provisions of the Petroleum Act, Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act and all other laws of the
Northern Territory as are applicable.
Appendix 1. Data Submission Tables
Table 1. Well Data
(prior to or
Edited field data and processed data for all wireline
logs, MWD or LWD tools. Includes well test raw
DVD or portable
hard drive
Include full header
information. As per the
3 months after rig
Australian Requirements
for Submission of Digital
Exploration Data
Log displays
DVD or portable
hard drive
3 months after rig Continuous page at a
readable scale
Edited field and processed data for borehole
deviation surveys.
DVD or portable
hard drive
Include full header per the
3 months after rig
Australian Requirements
for Submission of Digital
Exploration Data
Mudlogging data
DVD or portable
hard drive
With a header giving field
3 months after rig
names, curve names and
units of measure
Mudlog display
DVD or portable
hard drive
3 months after rig Continuous page at a
readable scale
Velocity surveys -raw; processed; checkshot; and time/depth analysis (If
ASCII (Checkshot
DVD or portable
hard drive
3 months after rig Include verification header
Velocity survey displays
Core, side wall core in natural and UV light
Interpretative log analysis
DVD or portable
hard drive
3 months after rig
DVD or portable
hard drive
UV light to be in
fluorescent sections
Provide minimum 300 DPI
image in 24-bit colour.
3 months after rig High-resolution images
able to be magnified
without pixilation.
Provide as separate files to
allow preservation of
original image quality.
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months after
rig release
The data shall include full
header information.
Include full header per the
Australian Requirements
for Submission of Digital
Exploration Data
Composite well log
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months after
rig release
Well index sheet
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months after
rig release
Petrophysical, geochemical and other sample
analyses results
delimited) or XLS
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months after
rig release
Include metadata
Table 2. Seismic Survey Data
Raw navigation data
2D, 3D
UKOOA (P2/94 or
DVD or portable
hard drive or
3592 cartridge
Seismic field data
2D, 3D
SEG standard
3592 cartridge
Seismic support data
2D, 3D
DVD or portable
hard drive
Itemised field tape
listing showing :
a) tape number,
b) survey name,
c) line number,
d) shotpoint range
e) data type
2D, 3D
ASCII (tab
DVD or portable
hard drive
(by or prior to)
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Must include observer logs
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Raw and final
stacked data
including near/mid
and far stacks if
Raw and final
stacked data
including near/mid
and far stacks if
2D, 3D
3592 cartridge
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
3592 cartridge
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Include fully annotated EBDIC header
Provide sample print of SEG-Y header
with survey processing report (PDF)
and include 3D grid definition details
used for loading SEG-Y into
interpretation work stations.
Clearly identify original survey name
and line prefixes
Clearly identify the reprocessing
project name and use the same
project name for all submissions
Raw and final
migrated data
a) Pre-stack time
migration (PSTM)
b) Pre-stack depth
migration (PSDM)
c) Near/mid/far substacks
Final processed
navigation and
elevation data
Shotpoint to common
depth point
Data for stacked and
migrated velocities
a) Line number
b) Shotpoint
c) Time versus RMS
Itemised process
tape listing showing:
a) Tape number
b) Survey name
c) Line number
d) Shotpoint Range
e) Common depth
f) Data type
Final navigation data
in the form of
a) final processed
(grid) bin
b) Polygonal position
data (outline of
the full fold area)
(by or prior to)
2D, 3D,
3592 cartridge
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Include fully annotated EBDIC header
2D, 3D
UKOOA (P1/90 or
DVD or portable
hard drive
ASCII (tab
DVD or portable
hard drive
ASCII (tab
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
ASCII (tab
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
UKOOA (P6/98 or
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
RMS = Root mean square
UKOOA 3D binning grids; listing major
inflection points of a polygon
describing the location of the survey
providing survey name, polygon point,
inline/crossline nomenclature, latitude
and longitude
Data for stacked and
migrated velocities
a) Bin number
b) Time versus RMS
2D data subset if
production is required
as a condition of the
grant of a title
Itemised process
tape listing showing:
a) Tape number
b) Survey name
c) In-lines and crosslines
d) Data type
(by or prior to)
ASCII (tab
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Time versus root mean square (RMS)
velocity pair for both stacked and
migrated velocities
3592 cartridge
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Related to non-exclusive surveys
Final migrated data
ASCII (tab
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Geo-referenced TIF
or PDF
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Images of
interpretation maps
2D, 3D,
These include TWT and depth
structure maps at key horizons and
representative sections showing
seismic horizon picks
Table 3. Gravity, Magnetic and all other geophysical or geological survey data
(by or prior to)
Field data
ASCII (tab delimited)
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Field support and
navigation data
ASCII (tab delimited)
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Final processed
ASEG-GDF2, Gridded
data in ASEG GXF or
ER mapper gridded
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Final processed
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Images of
interpretation maps
Geo-referenced TIF or
DVD or portable
hard drive
12 months of
completion of
data acquisition
Refer to Approved Guideline 7 under the NT
Mineral Titles Act and the Australian
Requirements for Submission of Digital
Exploration Data for details and examples of
acceptable geophysical survey data submission