CALL IN CHECKL IST Subject Matter: Date of Decision: Date Received: Decision Maker: SE E S T A ND I NG O R DE R S I N R EL A T IO N T O OV ER V IE W A N D S CR UT I N Y ( D 1 3 , D 1 4 A N D D 1 6 ) key milestones milestone description Deadline/date Board must meet by …… Board will meet on …… Deadline for receipt of supporting information …… Despatch of agenda…… first response notes Check validity of call-in request: Has it been received within five clear working days of the publication of the decision? Has it been signed by five members of the Council (this can include one statutory co-opted member if the matter relates to education)? Does it include a reason for calling-in the decision? Get the call-in request signed by the proper officer (Democratic Services Manager) Inform those tasked with implementing the decision (check the appropriate action sheet) that a call-in notice has been received. Determine which overview and scrutiny committee should consider the matter Determine the date by which the appropriate board should meet (The board must meet within ten working days of receipt of the request (excluding the day of receipt and the day of the meeting)) Notify Mayor, Cabinet Member, O&S Co-ordinator, Scrutiny Lead Member, Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer, Commissioner and Executive Head that a call-in request has been received (See example email in Good Practice Guide) Liaise with Communications Team to ensure public are kept aware of the process Consider updating website to ensure public are kept aware of the process Arrange meeting (See meeting checklist) agenda and meeting preparation notes Speak to chairman about: What supporting information should be presented to the Board? Who should be invited to the meeting to provide information and to answer the Boards questioned? What are the key questions? Where should the meeting be held? Draft a briefing note for the call-in – this will help in setting the agenda and running order for the meeting so that all parties can be notified (See example briefing note in Good Practice Guide) Notify all parties about the date and deadlines for the meeting – explain the process and the expected running order for the meeting (See example letter in Good Practice Guide) Ensure that the Monitoring Officer can attend the meeting to be able to advise on the “exceptional circumstances” which would mean the Council could be asked to consider the matter Finalise briefing note (this should have a normal report number) Collate supporting papers Prepare agenda Prepare distribution list ensuring all invitees receive an agenda and sufficient spare copies are available if the matter is contentious Despatch agenda Update Communications Team Update website if appropriate the meeting The meeting is usually held “select committee” style: Call-in promoter to explain the reasons for calling-in the decision Call-in supporters to provide any additional information about why the decision was called-in or why they supported the call-in (The Call-in Promoter and at least two Call-in Supporters must be present at the meeting for the call-in to be valid – for full details see Standing Orders) Councillors attending under Standing Orders to raise any points of concern Members of the public and/or stakeholders to make representations to the Board (normally each allowed up to three minutes) Officers to make presentations if necessary or appropriate Mayor and/or Cabinet Member to give the reasons for the decision and to answer any of the points raised at the meeting (At each stage above, there should be an opportunity for members of the Board to ask questions or seek clarification) The Board should then debate the issue and reach a decision as per Standing Orders post call-in work Write minutes of meeting (See example minutes (“call-in referred to Council” and “no further action”) in Good Practice Guide) notes If the decision was referred back to the decision maker or to the Council: Notify Democratic Services of the decision of the Board to enable meetings to be arranged Use the minutes to prepare an overview and scrutiny report (See example report in Good Practice Guide) Notify outcome of Board to all parties (including details of future meetings, if appropriate) Forward contact details of all parties to Democratic Services to enable them to be kept informed (if the decision was referred back to the decision maker or Council) Update Communications Team Update website if appropriate W:\CESRV\CCGeneral\Overview and Scrutiny\16 Checklists