EXECUTIVE REPORT Report to: EXECUTIVE Earliest date for decision: 15TH MARCH 2006 Decision number: 5. MARTON MERE REMEDIAL WORK 1.0 Matter for consideration: 1.1 Prudential borrowing to fund replacement of the reinforced concrete overflow structure and remedial work to the adjacent dam structure. 2.0 Recommendation(s): 2.1 To approve the Prudential Borrowing of the sum of £240,000 to fund the replacement of the overflow structure and associated repairs to the mere dam. 3.0 Category grouping: 4.0 Community Plan objective: Service Specific Sustainable Environment 5.0 Information 5.1 In 1974 Blackpool Borough Council carried out works around Marton Mere to provide a local nature reserve and reservoir. The mere was encased in earth bunds on three sides and was effectively increased to 17.8 hectares. A caravan park borders the mere and is leased from Council owned land. A requirement of the lease is that the Council endeavours to keep the level of the mere below 5.03m AOD. This resulted in modifications to the concrete overflow weir in 1995. The Marton Mere Local Nature Reserve is now a recognised wetland Site of Special Scientific Interest and the ability to regulate the water level is imperative to maintaining this. Under the provision of the Reservoir Act 1975 the mere levels are monitored monthly by Blackpool Council, with annual inspections of the mere. Presently Blackpool Council carry out a detailed survey of the artificial dam structure to monitor any movement. The concrete overflow section is suffering from differential settlement and cracking. The draw off equipment has also suffered from settlement. Although there is no immediate danger, should either or both of the weir & valve chamber fail this could result in significant loss of water from the mere and put at risk the Site of Special Scientific Interest wildlife and wetland area. Remedial works are required to address these issues. These works will allow the Council to safely control the Mere water levels. It is proposed to undertake the annual inspection, which is now due, and a detailed site investigation to establish the full extent of the works necessary, carry out the necessary environmental audits for the local nature reserve and undertake detailed design of the works. Work on site will commence in August 2007 after the major breeding seasons on the SSSI. The estimated cost of the works is £240,000 based on last years inspection and assumes that there have not been any further significant changes to the condition of the structure. Actual costs will depend on the results of the site investigation and the subsequent detailed design. It is proposed to prudentially borrow the sum required to fund the proposed works. Repayment of the sum borrowed will be funded from income to the Estates budget from the caravan park lease review. Repayment will be £34,000 per year for a maximum of 10 years. 5.2 Does the information submitted include any exempt information? NO 6.0 Legal considerations: 6.1 In accordance with the Reservoir Act 1975 and to mitigate any future public claims. 7.0 Personnel considerations: 7.1 None 8.0 Financial considerations: 8.1 Initial cost estimates indicate a Prudential borrowing of £240,000. 9.0 Performance management considerations: 9.1 None 10.0 Risk management considerations: 10.1 None 11.0 Relevant Officer: 11.1 John Shaw, Head of Technical Services 12.0 Relevant Cabinet Member 12.1 Councillor F. Jackson, Urban Environment 13.0 Consultation undertaken: 13.1 None 14.0 Background papers: 14.1 None 15.0 Key decision information: 15.1 Is this a key decision? NO 15.2 If so, Forward Plan reference number: N/A 15.3 If a key decision, is the decision required in less than NO five days? 15.4 If yes, please describe the reason for urgency: 16.0 Reasons for recommendation(s): 16.1 The overflow structure is degrading and the residual life of the structure is difficult to estimate. Remedial works now will provide better safety to the public, more accurate controls on the level of the mere, reduce the risk of flooding from dam failure and ensure the protection of the Site of SSI wetland habitat that has been created by the dam. 16.2a Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy NO adopted or approved by the Council? 16.2b Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved budget? 16.3 YES Other alternative options to be considered: None 17.0 Call-in information: 17.1 When this decision has been made it will be subject to call-in. Are there any grounds for urgency that would cause this decision to be exempt from the call-in process? 17.2 NO If yes, please give reason: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPER OFFICER 18.0 Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Chairman (where appropriate): Date informed: N/A 19.0 Declarations of interest (if applicable): 19.1 20.0 Executive decision: 20.1 20.2 Date: 20.3 Reason(s) for decision: 21.0 Date of publication: Date approved: N/A 22.0 Call-in: 22.1 23.0 Notes: 23.1