Booklist 32KB Dec 04 2014 10:53:44 PM

“Agincourt” – Christopher Hibbert
“A History of England from Edward II to James I" - Anthony Goodman
"Battles in Britain 1066-1547" - W. Seymour
"Bosworth Field and the Wars of the Roses" - A.L.Rowse
“Cal.I.P.M. 6-10 Henry VI” – “Calendar of Inquisitons Post Mortem 6-10 Henry VI
(1427-32)” ed. Claire Noble
"Chronicles of the White Rose of York" - Hutton
"Crown and Nobility" - J.R.Lander
"Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire" two volumes. – William Dugdale
"Edward IV" - Charles Ross
"Edward IV's French Expedition of 1475" - Francis Pierrepoint Barnard.
“Everyday Life In Medieval England” – Christopher Dyer
“Government and Community" - J.R.Lander
"Harleian Manuscript 433" - Hammond & Sutton
“Henry VI” – Bertram Wolffe
“History of the Life and Reign of Richard the Third” - James Gairdner
"History of Parliament 1439-1509" vol.I, Biographies of Members of the Commons
- Col. J.C.Wedgewood.
“Kings In The North” – Alexander Rose
“Lancaster and York” - Alison Weir.
"Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII" - S.B.Chrimes
“Making A Living In the Middle Ages” – Christopher Dyer
“Medieval Merchants” – Jenny Kermode
“On Some Bones In Westminster Abbey” - Philip Lindsay.
"Patronage, Pedigree and Power in Later Medieval England" - ed. C.Ross
"Records of the City of York" - Davies
"Richard III" - Paul Murray Kendal
"Richard III" - Charles Ross.
“Richard III and Buckingham’s Rebellion” - Louise Gill.
“Richard III, A Reader in History” - Keith Dockray.
“Richard III, A Study in Service” - Rosemary Horrox.
"Richard III, His Life and Character" - Sir Clements Markham
“Richard III, Loyalty Lordship and Law” - ed. P.W.Hammond.
“Richard III - The Great Debate” - Walpole & More.
“Richard III, the Man Behind The Myth” - Michael Hicks.
“Richard III, The Road To Bosworth Field” - P.W.Hammond & Anne F.Sutton.
“The Battle of Bosworth” - D.T.Williams.
“The Battle of Bosworth Field” - William Hutton
"The Battle of Tewkesbury" - Michael Bennett
"The Battle of Tewkesbury" - P.Hammond
“The Battle of Towton” - A.W.Boardman.
“The Battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury” - P.W.Hammond.
“The Betrayal of Richard III” - V.B.Lamb.
"The Calendar of Close Rolls" 1461-68; 1468-76; 1476-85
"The Calendar of the Fine Rolls" 1445-52; 1452-61; 1461-71; 1471-85; 1485-94
"The Calendar of Patent Rolls" 1446-52; 1452-61; 1461-67; 1467-77; 1476-85; 1485-94
"The Commons and their Speakers in English Parliaments" - J.S.Roskell
"The Concise Dictionary of National Biography"
"The Coronation of Richard III" - Sutton and Hammond
“The Crown and the Tower: The Legend of Richard III” - William H.Snyder
"The Dictionary of Heraldry" - Joseph Foster
“The History of King Richard the Third” - Sir George Buck.
"The Nobility of Later Medieval England" - K.B.McFarlane
“The North of England In The Age Of Richard III” - ed. A.J.Pollard.
"The Political History of England 1377-85" - C.Oman
"The Princes in the Tower" - Elizabeth Jenkins
"The Ricardian" - the Journal of the Richard III Society.
“The Ricardian” volume XIII
“The Ricardian” volume XIV
“The Wars of the Roses” - Hubert Cole.
"The Wars of the Roses" - Anthony Goodman
“The Wars of the Roses” - J.R.Lander.
"The Wars of the Roses" - Charles Ross
"The Yorkist Age" - Paul Murray Kendal
"This Son of York" - Mary Clive
"Warwick the Kingmaker" - Paul Murray Kendal
“Yorkshire I.P.M.” – Yorkshire Inquisitions Post Mortem