Film thickness determination from ITO reflection spectra of infrared

UDC 621.315.592
L. Ishchuk, Ph.D.
S. Pavlyuk, Ph.D.
O. Zubrikova, Stud.,
A. Paltsev*, Stud.,
Department of Electrophysics,
Department of Physical Electronics
Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems,
National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv
Determining the thickness of transparent film deposited on transparent substrate causes difficulties because the common
optical methods are unsuitable. In this paper, the film thickness was determined from the plasma wavelength obtained from
infrared reflection spectra. Matching results obtained witn profilometer method confirms the possibility of both methods of
thickness measurement for ITO thin films. Their relationship with the mechanical properties of film deposition system simplifies
the definition of film thickness.
Keywords: transparent film, thickness measurement, profilometer, reflection spectrum, plasma wavelength.
Introduction. Due to its unique combination of
properties (high conductivity, light reflection in the near
infrared (IR) spectrum and transparency in the visible
spectrum), indium tin oxide ( ITO) has wide application
(see., eg [1,8]).
In the process of device miniaturization also reduces
film thickness, resulting in increased current density that
flows through the ITO films. This leads to considerable
Joule heating of the film. This heating can significantly
change the electrical and optical properties of the films
[3,5]. In this regard, for predicting the reliability of the
devices containing the ITO film, it is important to know the
cross-sectional area of the film, which includes the film
thickness. Because of the small size of devices direct
measurements of the film thickness are impossible.
The article offers a contactless method for
determining of the film thickness by the number of
magnetron turns in their deposition, calibrated in thickness
by two independent methods – IR reflectance spectra and
by profilometer.
Method of determination of the film thickness
from reflectance spectra of IR radiation. It is known [1],
that ITO films have a high reflectance in the near IR
spectrum. At the same time, in the visible spectrum
reflectance is practically zero. The wavelength λp , when
the reflection becomes dominant, known as plasma
wavelength. Plasma wavelength depends on the
concentration of charge carriers. According to the classical
theory [4], it is associated with concentration as
2πc ε0εm *
λp 
where c is the speed of light in vacuum, e is electron
charge, ε0 is dielectric constant, ε  4 is permittivity of the
ІТО material, m*  0, 29me is the effective mass of the
electrons in it [1], me is electron mass. Defining the
plasma wavelength λp from reflectance spectrum, we can
calculate the concentration of electrons in the film by the
formula (1).
The mobility of the charge carriers μ and their
measurements of the Hall effect [6]. If a weak magnetic
field condition, μ and n can be determined from a Hall
measurement as
l U
μ  H ,
b U B
1 JB
ed UH
where l and b are the length and width of the sample,
respectively, U is a voltage drop on it, UH is Hall
electromotive force (emf), J is the current flowing in the
film, B is magnetic field. From (2) and (3) is obviously, that
knowing planar dimensions, the mobility can be determined
directly from the Hall effect measurements (2), and to
determine their concentration n we need to know the
thickness of the film d .
Thus, defining the carrier concentration independently
with the formula (3 ) the film thickness d can be
Samples. ITO films were fabricated by magnetron
sputtering [7]. The target of In-Sn alloy was sputtered in a
mixture of argon and oxygen. The content of tin in the
target ranged from 0 to 30%. Pressure of gas mixture was
p = 0,57 Pa, and the partial pressure of oxygen pO2 was
chosen in a such way that the value
pO2 p
0,085  5%, thus ensuring approximation electrical and
optical parameters of the films to actually used in
engineering applications [2].
Films were deposited on substrates of chemically pure
glass with dimensions 2cm2cm0,05cm at room
temperature, covering the entire surface of substrate.
The thickness of the films in the deposition process
was measured relatively. Magnetron was placed in a
cylindrical chamber, and the cassettes with substrates
were fixed on the inner wall of the chamber. In the process
of deposition magnetron turned around a vertical axis
several times, passing over each of the substrates. The
number N of such turns was calculated. In samples under
investigation this number was ranged from 3 to 15. Film
uniformity of some samples was examined by probe
method [5].
Plasma wavelength definition. IR reflectance
spectra were measured by IKS-20 spectrometer. First of
all, the spectra calibration was performed, i.e. registration
of mirror reflectance spectrum. Mirror is a surface that is in
the range of wavelengths used shows the reflectance
Rm  1. Separately recorded the reflection spectrum of the
substrate Rs .
The radiation falls on the film normally to the surface
© L.Ishchuk, S.Pavlyuk, O.Zubrikova, A.Paltsev, 2015
were associated with different concentrations of electrons
in them.
Plasma wavelength was determined for reasons that
when λ  λp the reflection of electromagnetic waves
Rm  1
(1– Rf)Rs
becomes predominant. Since the transition to reflection
looks like indistinct step, to determine λp on the spectrum
we approximated areas with the lowest and highest rates of
growth to the wavelength axis, finding λ1 and
λ2 ,
1– Rf
λp   λ1  λ2  2 . For the spectrum
respectively. Then
shown in Fig.2 λ1 =7.88 m, λ2 =8.46 m, so λp =8.17 m.
Fig.1. Schematic drawing of the IR rays passing in the film
under investigation.
We assume that the intensity of radiation falling on the
film surface is 1, the outer surface reflectance of the film is
Rf , the substrate reflectance is Rs . Then on the interface
between the film and the substrate falls the ray intensity
1  Rf , will be reflected 1  Rf  Rs , and the spectrometer
will register the signal intensity
R  Rf  1  Rf  Rs ,
consisting of the signal reflected by film (first term), and the
signal reflected on the boundary of the film and the
substrate (second term). Then for each wavelength of the
spectrum the film itself reflectance will be determined as
R  Rs
Rf 
1  Rs
IR reflection spectrum calculated by such algorithm (4)
for the film, containing 91% In + 9% Sn, and was received
at the ratio of pressure pO2 p =0.085, is shown on Fig.2.
Number of turns of the magnetron was N =5.
Measurement error for this method was (3…5)% for
different samples.
d, nm
N, turns
Fig.3. The film thickness vs the number of magnetron turns
dependence received from the spectra of IR radiation
reflection (empty circles) and by profilometer (black circles).
To confirm the validity of the proposed method an
independent measurements of film thickness were made
by profilometer of 296 industrial model. The results are
shown in Fig.3 with black circles. The results obtained with
both methods agree well.
R, %
Conclusion. The paper presents an alternative noncontact method of the film thickness determining, based on
the determination of plasma wavelength from the IR
radiation reflectance spectra. A reconciliation of the results
obtained by this method with measurements of thickness
using profilometer confirms the viability of the proposed
method. Matching the results of two independent methods
simplifies determining of the thickness reducing it to
counting the number of magnetron turns and using the
calibration dependence d  N  .
?1 ?2
?, ?m
Fig.2. IR reflection spectrum of the ITO film, and an
illustration of the determination of plasma wavelength.
Then by formula (1) the concentration of charge
carriers n in the films was determined, and by formula (3)
their thicknesses d were calculated. The film thickness vs
the number of magnetron turns dependence received by
the proposed method are shown in Fig.3 with empty
IR radiation reflection spectra obtained for the films of
other composition and of other thicknesses qualitatively
coincide with illustrated in Fig.2. Quantitative differences
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Submitted on 01.07.2015.
Л.Іщук, к.ф.-м.н.
С.Павлюк, к.ф.-м.н.
О.Зубрікова, студентка
А.Пальцев*, студент
кафедра електрофізики,
* кафедра фізичної електроніки
факультет радіофізики, електроніки та комп’ютерних систем
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Визначення товщини прозорої плівки, нанесеної на прозору підкладку, викликає труднощі, тому що найбільш поширені оптичні
методи виявились непридатними. У цій статті товщина плівки була визначена за плазмовою довжиною хвилі, отриманої зі спектрів
відбиття інфрачервоного випромінення. Узгодження отриманих результатів із отриманими методом профілометрії підтверджує
можливість використання обох методів вимірювання товщини для тонких плівок ITO. Їхній зв’язок з механічними властивостями
системи осадження плівки спрощує визначення її товщини.
Ключові слова: прозора плівка, вимірювання товщини, профілометр, спектр відбиття, плазмова довжина хвилі.
Л.Ищук, к.ф.-м.н.
С.Павлюк, к.ф.-м.н.
О.Зубрикова, студентка
А.Пальцев*, студент
кафедра электрофизики,
*кафедра физической электроники
факультет радиофизики, электроники и компьютерных систем
Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко
Определение толщины прозрачной пленки, нанесенной на прозрачную подложку, вызывает трудности, так как наиболее
распространенные оптические методы оказались непригодными. В этой статье толщина пленки была определена по плазменной
длиной волны, полученной из спектров отражения инфракрасного излучения. Согласование полученных результатов с полученными
методом профилометрии подтверждает возможность использования обоих методов измерения толщины для тонких пленок ITO. Их
связь с механическими свойствами системы осаждения пленки упрощает определение ее толщины.
Ключевые слова: прозрачная пленка, измерения толщины, профилометрия спектр отражения, плазменная длина волны.