“Prevent Influenza Infections” Public Service Pamphlet

L1 Infectious Disease Public Service Pamphlet (50 pts)
Infectious diseases caused by bacteria or viruses, including recent outbreaks of MRSA bacteria and
H1N1 flu virus and MRSA bacteria, have proven to be a topic of great public health concern to everyone.
Our battle with these organisms continues to change (evolve) over time and will continue to be a challenge to
keep all people and populations free from diseases. Knowledge and education are important for helping
people understand important facts about diseases in order to prevent continued spread of disease and
maintain health: locations and symptoms that occur in the body, how to prevent spread of disease, and how
to treat infections appropriately.
YOUR TASK is to research and design a pamphlet describing basic facts about your virus or
bacteria. Your pamphlet is something that could be seen in public places like doctor’s offices, dentist’s
offices, or distributed in schools. The pamphlet (50 total points) needs to include the following
Project Description: Make a tri-fold pamphlet for the microorganism that you have chosen that includes
1. COVER of PAMPHLET: Title with NAME of organism AND the disease it causes; Picture or
drawing (electron micrograph or microscopic picture/diagram) with it structures/identifying
characteristics labeled (cell wall, capsule, flagella, etc for bact; capsid, envelope for virus). 6 pts
2. Brief description of the disease (1-3 sentences; what type of disease? Respiratory? STD? food
poisoning?) and the infectious agent (bacteria or virus) that causes it. (5 pts)
3. Description of what the infectious agent looks like - If bacteria include “shape” (round, rod, spiral)
and Gram stain result; If virus: describe its shape/structure, if it has an envelope, and tell whether
DNA or RNA is its nucleic acid. 5 pts
4. How does it attack people (ex.: breathe it in? touch nose/mouth/eyes to introduce agent? eat food
containing it? Sex? Enter through a cut in the skin (wound)? From the environment? ) How does the
organism spread- person to person? Eating food with the bacteria in it? From an insect? From dirt or
a surface? 6 pts
5. In what part(s) of the body is it most likely found (nose/upper throat? Lungs? Intestines? Sex organs?
Brain? Skin?) Does it spread in the body? 5 pts
6. What is the most common damage to the victim? What physical signs and symptoms would
someone exhibit if they were sick from this disease? Any pain? Does it kill people? How long does
it last? 6 pts
7. List and explain the most effective weapons against it – a.k.a treatment that might include
antibiotics or antivirals. 6 pts
8. Prevention: Explain what things need to be done and by whom to prevent transmission of the
organism. Include things like vaccinations (if available), sanitation practices such as personal
hygiene habits (hand washing, clean wound, clean surfaces) as well as environmental prevention
(hands?; things done to the area and places we live in; precautions taken with FOOD; bug spray;
condom use) 6 pts.
9. REFERENCES CITED: neat, well organized and MLA (see back of sheet) 5pts
How to do the Pamphlet (journal may be done in a note/journal format), Websites, and
How to List your References
Remember: A pamphlet generally contains a few sentences to a paragraph in each section.
Your pamphlet can be tri-fold or bi-fold, and TYPE the pamphlet information.
Be sure to search RELIABLE websites for your information. Below are some suggested sites to check out!
Health & Wellness/ Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine & other health resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization
A government website about preparations for a pandemic
www3.niaid.nih.gov/healthscience/healthtopics/ National Inst. of Allergy & Infectious Disease
US Dept. of Health & Human Services National Vaccine Program
Refer to the “Reliable websites sheet” before using a website.
Once I find what I’m looking for on the internet, what should I do?
1. TAKE NOTES on PAPER. If you are writing word-for-word notes, put them in quotes & list the author.
The pamphlet can contain some sentences, some BULLET points! ALL should be your words!
2. Write down bibliographical information (this will be on the BACK PAGE of your pamphlet) when you
are writing your notes. It is EASIER to do it now when you are on the website- it will be harder to decide
which website the notes came from when you are organizing the pamphlet. Write all the information on the
form, and you can organize it in the correct format later. Fill in everything possible.
Name of website:
Date Published:
Date updated:
Institution/organization affiliated with the site:
Today’s date (date of access):
3. How to cite a website:
Author’s last name, first name. “Name of the website.” Date of posting or revision.
Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site. Date of access.
You can earn up to 50 points for the pamphlet- number of points earned is listed next to each part of the
pamphlet description.
List of possible topics for Project: MONERAN DISEASES
Bacillus anthracis
Bordetella pertussis
Clostridium botulinum
Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium tetani
Corynebacterium diphtheria
Escherichia coli
Hemophilus influenzae
Mycobacterium leprae
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria meningitidis
Rickettsia richettsii
Salmonella typhi
Salmonella typhimurium
Shigella dysenteriae
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus (group A)
Helicobacter pylori
Treponema pallidum
whooping cough
acute pyelonephritis
leprosy (Hansen’s disease)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Typhoid fever
Salmonella food poisoning
Tooth decay
Pneumococcal pneumonia
Strep throat, (scarlet fever & rheumatic fever)
Vibrio cholerae
Yersinia pestis
Listeria monocytogenes
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus aureus
Borrelia burgdorferi
Food poisoning
skin infections
Lyme disease
Streptococcus (Group A)
Necrotizing Fasciitis
(flesh eating disease)
Viral Diseases
Herpes virus
West Nile virus
Rabies virus
Influenza virus (flu)
Rubella virus
Ebola virus
Rhinovirus (common cold)
Varicella-Zoster(chicken pox)
Respiratory syncytial virus
Infectious Disease Diary/Journal (Option #2)
Infectious diseases caused by bacteria or viruses have proven, particularly recently with the recent
outbreaks of H1N1 virus and MRSA bacteria to be a topic of great public health concerns to all of us. Our
battle with these organisms continues to evolve over time and will continue to be a challenge to the wellness
of all individuals and the human population as a whole. Knowledge and education are key to ensuring that
all people understand what locations and symptoms occur in the body, how to prevent the spread of them,
and how to and treat them.
YOUR TASK is to research and then draft up a letter to a friend that includes your description of the
following to prove to me that you fully understand your bacteria or viral disease.
The letter (50 total points) needs to include the following information:
Write a diary or journal entry imagining that you are affected by the disease. The journal entry must
be word processed and include:
1. The way you felt when you were diagnosed with the disease. What physical signs and symptoms
would you exhibit)? 5 pts
2. Must include (paste) a picture or drawing (electron micrograph or microscopic picture/diagram) with
name of organism – label its structure/identifying characteristics. 5 pts
3. Description of what it looks like, (according to the doctor who told you about it) - If bacteria
include “shape” (round, rod, spiral) and Gram stain result If virus: describe its shape/structure and
tell whether DNA or RNA is its nucleic acid and if it is single or double stranded. 10 pts
4. The effect the disease is having on your daily activities. 6 points
5. Your reaction to available treatments; discomfort, inconvenience, side effects, etc List and explain
the most effective weapons against it – a.k.a treatment that might include vaccination, antibiotics
or antivirals. . 8 points
6. Your outlook on the future and prevention to others you know – what effect you believe the disease
will have on your schooling, employment, family, longevity, and quality of life.
Prevention: Explain what things you need to do and towards whom to prevent the transmission of your
organism. Include things like vaccinations (if available), sanitation practices such as personal hygiene
habits as well as environmental prevention (things done to the area and places you live and go to)
7. REFERENCES CITED: neat, well organized and MLA Should be typed on a second sheet of paper
from your letter and staple it to it