Hawk Happenings
Middle School Activities Handbook
Introduction to Club Orange
& the Student Activities Office
Dear Students and Parents:
The school experience is more meaningful and enjoyable when a student becomes involved in
student activities such as clubs, extra-curricular programs, and athletics. Whether the
activity is part of a sports program, a club, a special interest organization, or student
government, involvement provides students with an opportunity to make friends, learn
important social skills, develop leadership ability, and take part in fun activities. Studies
indicate that students who participate in extra-curricular activities are more likely to be
successful in their academic work. It is our hope that each student finds an activity that is
exciting and helps to shape his/her future.
As a middle school student, your child has the privilege of joining Club Orange. All middle
school activities are run through Club Orange, which offers a mix of homework assistance,
tutoring, school clubs, community service, and recreational activities for seventh and eighth
grade students. A schedule of specific activities will be available when school begins. The
cost is free and the only requirement for participation is a completed registration form.
Rising eighth grade students must fill out new registration forms, even if they participated in
Club Orange last year. Club Orange will meet Monday through Friday from 2:20 – 6 PM.
This handbook provides a brief overview and description of co-curricular and extra-curricular
opportunities available to students. However, Club Orange is always undergoing change in
order to best suit your student. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Student
Activities or call the Club Orange Office.
E.W. Nowland III, CMAA
Director of Student Activities
James Purdham
Director of Club Orange
FCPS Regulation 3860
Parents have the right to decline permission for their son or
daughter to participate in any extra-curricular activity/club.
Please call the Student Activities Office (703) 924-7472 if you wish
to exercise the above regulation for your child/children.
Please note:
There are late buses on Mondays. Notices of club meetings are usually made on the
announcements or daily school bulletin. Flyers are also posted around the school to
remind participants of meeting locations and times. The Director of Student Activities
must approve the activities of any organization. The information contained within this
pamphlet is as current as possible, but please check with Mr. Purdham for the most up
to date information.
Extra-Curricular Participation Policy
Fairfax County Public Schools has developed an extra-curricular activities policy
governing the conduct of students involved in extra-curricular activities. This policy has
been adapted for use by Hayfield Secondary School. A copy of the participation policy is
enclosed in the back of the school packet (part of your summer mailing). You can also
obtain one from your club sponsor or the Student Activities Office. Any student
participating in any extra-curricular activities, including programs and activities run
through Club Orange, must sign the policy and return it to the sponsor.
Sponsor: Dan Helm
Where: Room 1520
What: The Hayfield Middle School Band is made up of band members from five middle
school groups. The band performs a number of concerts and attends music
festivals and competitions.
How: See Mr. Helm and your guidance counselor for more information on enrolling in
Band as a class and in joining.
Sponsor: Katie Zitz
Where: Auditorium and Blackbox Studio
What: Extra-curricular drama activities are open to 7th and 8th graders. Students may
audition for two productions, as well as the Theatre Sports team. Students may also
participate in the numerous field trip and workshop opportunities.
How: See Ms. Zitz for more information.
Sponsor: Stephanie Lewis
Where: Rm 1517
What: The Hayfield Orchestra program consists of five string orchestras and one full
orchestra. Students perform for many events including school concerts, district
festivals, and competitions during the annual spring trip.
How: Classes are offered; contact Ms. Lewis for information on how to get involved!
Step Team
Sponsor: Laurie Ligon
Where: Lafayette Hall
What: The Step Team is a rhythmic dance club open to 7th and 8th graders. Students must
maintain a C average and attend weekly practices after school. The club will meet
from November to February learning new steps and practicing for various
How: See Ms. Ligon in Lafayette Hall for information
Sponsor: Walther Krushinski
Where: Rm 1525
What: Choir is an elective class. Membership is open to all students. An
audition/recommendation from your elementary choral director is required for
Advanced Mixed Chorus and Treble Choir. All groups rehearse during class time but
have occasional rehearsals and performances after school. All groups have the
opportunity to participate in local and national competitions and festivals.
How: See Mr. Krushinski for details; see your guidance counselor to sign up for the class.
Student Council Association
Sponsor: Janet Whitney
Where: Rm 1141
What: SCA officers are elected in the spring prior to the academic year in which they serve.
Delegates representing the eight (8) middle school teams are elected in the fall of
the academic year. The Council’s goals are to provide direction for middle school
students, develop school-wide communication, and organize activities and
community service projects.
How: See Ms. Whitney for more information.
Impressions – Literary Magazine
Sponsor: Carolyn Rash
Where: Rm 1112
What: The staff of Impressions is responsible for editing, formatting, and compiling the
original writings and artwork of our 7th and 8th grade students. One magazine is
published at the end of each year.
How: See Ms. Rash for more information.
Hawk’s Flyer - Newspaper
Sponsor: Carolyn Wright
Where: Journalism Room (2449)
What: The Hawk’s Flyer is a class for creative, artistic, and energetic 7th and 8th graders.
Students write articles about current in-house events and issues, create comics, and
give advice. The ability to write well is a plus, but it is not required. Artists and
photographers are most welcome.
How: Newspaper is run through Club Orange. Please see Ms. Wright for more information
Sponsor: Carolyn Wright
Where: Journalism Room (2449)
What: The objective of yearbook class is to produce a hardcover book for grades seven and
eight. The staff meets as an elective class during the school day, takes photos,
creates pages, and helps publicize and sell yearbooks. A yearlong commitment is
How: Participation in yearbook is limited; see your guidance counselor and for more
Math Team
Sponsors: TBD
Where: TBD
What: Middle school students improve their problem-solving and critical thinking skills as they
represent Hayfield in two math leagues and several other competitions. The team and
individual participants have won many awards over the years.
How: See Ms. Lawhon or Ms. Applegate for more information.
Junior National Honor Society
Sponsor: Sherry Adams Johnson and Sherri Berggren sajohnson1@fcps.edu or
Where: Rm 2227
What: The Junior National Honor Society is open to all 8th grade students who accumulated
an overall GPA of 3/75 with no grade below a “B” on their 3rd and 4th quarter
seventh grade report cards. The Society promotes high standards of scholarship,
leadership, character, and service within Hayfield.
How: Selection to Junior National Honor Society is by invitation. Please see your guidance
counselor with any questions.
Spanish Honor Society
Sponsor: Jennifer Mathews
Where: 2429
What: The Spanish Honor Society seeks to recognize high achievements in the Spanish
language and to promote a continuity of interest in Hispanic studies. With a
commitment to school service, members of the Spanish Honor Society provide
tutoring to other students of Spanish. To be eligible for membership, students
must have maintained at least a 3.5 GPA in Spanish in Spanish I.
How: See Ms. Sledge for more information.
Junior Thespians
Sponsor: Katie Zitz
Where: Blackbox Theatre
What: The International Junior Thespian Society is an honor society for 7th and 8th grade
students who complete over 100 hours in extra-curricular theatre activities.
Students may earn hours by participating in productions, field trips, workshops, and
How: See Ms. Zitz for more information.
Japanese Club
Sponsor: Kyoko Vaughan
Where: Rm 2432
What: As members of the Japanese Club, students will have a chance to explore Japanese
culture by learning the language, cooking Japanese food, and watching Japanese Anime
and Japanese traditional performance such as dancing, martial arts, and more.
How: See Ms. Vaughan for more information.
Latin Club
Sponsor: TBD
Where: TBD
What: The Latin Club is open to all students. The purpose of the Latin Club is to promote
interest in Latin studies. This club participates in performances and competitions
throughout the year.
Spanish Club
Sponsor: Emma Riccardi
Where: Rm 2428
What: The Spanish Club is open to all students. The purpose of the Spanish Club is to
promote interest in Spanish studies.
How: See Ms. Riccardi for more information.
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
Sponsor: Soundra Ward
Where: Rm 1351
What: FBLA is a co-curricular activity available to all students who are enrolled in a businessrelated class. Meetings will emphasize building knowledge and skills through
demonstrations, guest speakers, field trips, and much more.
How: Members must be enrolled in business-related classes; see your guidance counselor for
more information.
FCCLA (Family, Community, & Career Leaders of America)
Sponsor: Lana Capps
Where: 1361
What: FCCLA is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men
and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal
issues through Family & Consumer Sciences education. It is a co-curricular club that is
open to all 7th and 8th grade students currently enrolled in a Family & Consumer Sciences
class and to students who have taken a FACS class. Chapter activities focus on a variety of
youth concerns, including relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, environmental
issues, nutrition and fitness, intergenerational communication, and career exploration.
How: Members must be enrolled in Family & Consumer Sciences classes; see your guidance
counselor for more information.
Anime Club
Sponsor: Ira Baker
Where: 2442
What: The club members watch student-selected Anime videos, vocaloids, tv show episodes, and
movies. On occasion, the students will have drawing activities, Manga reading, and Dress-up
opportunities. The student leaders will sometimes present lessons on the Japanese language,
culture, and the Anime sub-culture.
How: The Anime Club meets in room 2442 after-school on Mondays and Thursdays. See Mr. Baker
for more information.
Book Club
Sponsor: Amy Koening
Where: Library
What: The Middle School Teen Read Book Club promotes the love of reading and creates an
opportunity for discussions. Books for monthly discussion are chosen by the students for
pleasure and enjoyment apart from assigned classroom reading. The club is a place for
avid readers to share their enjoyment of reading and for all readers to enjoy a book each
month in the company of friends.
How: See Ms. Koening in the Library for more information.
Character Counts (Jr. HAWCs)
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: Jr. HAWCs is an offshoot of the high school group, the HAWCs. The purpose of this group
is to develop and promote activities that support a positive school atmosphere and to
demonstrate that character counts at Hayfield Middle School.
How: TBA
College Partnership Program
Sponsor: Tim Dodson & Kellie Rodriguez
Where: Fairfax Hall
What: The mission of the College Partnership Program is to create a collaborative collegial
culture that responds to the achievement challenges of racial, ethnic, and language
minorities. Through partnerships with parents, colleges and universities, and the
business community, the office facilitates: the development of positive attitudes toward
academic achievement, increased communication between staff and parents, increased
minority enrollment and participation in advanced level courses, and increased
numbers of minority students who graduate and enroll in college.
How: See Mr. Dodson or Ms Rodriguez for more information for more information.
Sponsor: Debbie Sullivan
Where: Middle School Lecture Hall
What: Emerge’s purpose is to create a place in the school where students can pray, worship,
form a relationship with God, and discuss the Bible and its meaning. The club meets
once a week. Members create an inviting, positive pressure-free environment to
create community involvement through volunteering.
How: See Ms. Sullivan in Rm 2417 for more information.
Environmental Club
Sponsor: TBD
Where: TBD
What: Membership in the Environmental Club is open to all students who share a concern for
our environment. Students will engage in discussions and hands-on activities that deal
with environmental issues. Students will also develop an awareness of environmental
ESL Tutoring
Sponsor: Ms. Elena Hellweg
Where: Rm 2201
What: This organization allows ESL students to obtain additional academic assistance and to
learn about American customs and traditional holidays.
How: See Ms. Hellweg for more information.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) is a student-led Christian organization that
supports young athletes through worship and scripture studies. The organization
encourages and promotes students in their spiritual growth.
How: TBA
Girl Power
Sponsor: Anna Brussel
Where: Rm 2200
What: Girl Power is a club that meets weekly to build and strengthen life skills in young females.
Students learn friendship skills, communication skills, self esteem, and also do community
How: See Ms. Brussel for more information.
Mentor Works
Sponsor: TBD
Where: TBD
What: Mentor Works promotes the act of resolving conflicts through mediation instead of
violence. Members learn peer mediation techniques. The club is open and available to all
Odyssey of the Mind
Sponsor: TBA
Where: Rm
What: Odyssey of the Mind is a program that promotes creative team-based problem solving. The
program helps students learn divergent thinking and problem-solving skills while
participating in a series of challenging and motivating activities, both inside and outside
their regular classroom curriculum.
How: TBA
Red Cross Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: In collaboration with the Red Cross Chapter and a teacher sponsor, students in the Red
Cross Club participate in service learning activities designed to create positive changes in
their community, their school, and in the lives of their peers. Students also learn valuable
leadership and health and safety skills. The club meets fifteen (15) times a year.
How: TBD
Science Olympiad Club
Sponsor: TBD
Where: TBD
What: The focus of Science Olympiad Club is to improve science education, increase student
interest and provide recognition for outstanding achievement. This is accomplished
through classroom activities, research, and training workshops. All of these activities
prepare students for the state tournament. The Science Olympiad tournaments are
rigorous academic competitions that consist of a series of individual and team events
which students prepare for a fun during the school year. Competitive events are balanced
between the various science disciplines of biology, earth science, chemistry, physics,
computers, and technology. Knowledge will revolve around science facts, concepts,
processes, skills and applications. Science Olympiad events require a wide range of
scientific knowledge, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and the ability to design and
construct devices such as bottle rockets, gliders, bridges, and catapults.
Hayfield Student Activities Office
and Club Orange
Colors…………………………………………………………………………………..………...Orange and White
Principal………………………………………………………………………….…………….Mr. David Tremaine
Director of Student Activities……………………………………………….………..…Mr. E.W. Nowland III
Assistant Director of Student Activities……………………………………….....……….Mr. Jeff Herbert
Assistant Director of Student Activities…………………………………….....................Mr. Matt Cope
Administrative Assistant – Student Activities Office…………………………....Ms. Theresa Hayman
Student Activities Office………………………………………………….…….………….…(703) 924-7472
Director of Club Orange…………………………………………………………….……Mr. James Purdham
Club Orange Office……………………………………………………………………….……(703) 924-4787
School Website……………………………………………………………….…….www.fcps.edu/HayfieldSS/