Unit Overview – Socially Responsible Engineering & Technology (POS) Course: Y2 – Energy & Power Unit Title: “Fully Charged” – Portable Electronics’ Solar Charging Device Approximate Length of Unit: 6 Weeks (based on five day weeks; 45 minute periods each day) Unit Summary This unit will expose students to basic DC electronics theory, IC (Integrated Circuits) and solar cell technologies. Integrated DC circuits are at the heart of every electronic device, portable and nonportable. Globally, energy production and consumption has taken a toll on our environment. The current and future trend is to develop electronic products, systems and devices that use “Green” energy technologies and/or are highly energy efficient. At the beginning of the unit we will look at three major “Green” energy production technologies; Hydro-Electric, Wind and Solar Array. The culminating Design Challenge will have students designing a portable DC charging device that is completely “Off Grid”. Students will use current solar film technology to re-charge batteries that power the portable charging device. The charging unit will be capable of providing portable “green” power to a variety of USB powered electronic devices (CellPhones, MP3 Players, Tablets, Cooling Fans etc...) Primary Interdisciplinary Connections: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science 21st Century Themes: Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Systems, Alternate Energy Unit Rationale Of all human-designed technology, it would be difficult to find a technology that has had a larger impact on human existence than electronic-enabled technologies. In the late-1700’s human existence consisted of an agrarian culture supported strictly by mechanical and metallurgical technologies. However, in a mere 100 years (1-2 human life spans), by the late 1800’s, transportation, housing, food cultivation and preparation, healthcare and communications were revolutionized by the use of electronics-enabled technologies. Some of these enabling technologies included motorized vehicles, lighting and heating, telegraphs, radios and telephones. After an additional brief 100 year span, from approximately 1900 to 2000, brings us to current time where electronics technology is truly dominant in society. Today, we enjoy the benefits from numerous electronics capabilities and a significant percentage of this “electro” dependence contributes directly to the rapidly growing portable electronics industry. The question is, can we design and engineer these devices to be more energy efficient and incorporate renewable energy technologies. This unit will give students insight on current renewable energy trends and how they can incorporate it into their everyday way of life. Suggested Materials: Variety of plastic containers, plastics, cloth and fabrics, old backpacks, purses, small storage containers. USB mini and micro cables, USB “A” female cable. The IC charging circuit is called the MintyBoost v3.0, this is a kit that can be purchased from Adafruit Industries. 18-22GA solid core wire, electronics solder, solder suckers, double sided tape, AA NIMH Re-Chargeable Batteries, 9v Batteries and Snaps, small breadboards, 5V Voltage Regulator (LM7805), .22uf radial capacitors, blocking diodes (35VDC), 3V LED’s. The flexible solar film can be purchased here, Solar Made Power Film Suggested Tools/Machines: Basic materials processing and electronics tools such as: - Hand Tools - Power Tools - Soldering Irons and Stands - Wire Cutters and Strippers - Scroll Saw/Band Saw - Drill Press - Sanders Unit Assumptions 1. Students have been exposed to the problem solving process more than once and that the steps are understood. 2. Students have been exposed to a variety of hand and power tools and can use them as needed. 3. Students have been trained in CAD and technical drawing. 4. Students have processed a variety of modeling and prototyping materials. 5. Students have accessed and use the internet, email, and research databases. 6. Students have performed on structured teams. 7. Students have been exposed to a variety of portable electronic devices 8. Students have a basic understanding of electronics Learning Targets Math (NJCCCS 4) 4.2 All students will develop spatial sense and the ability to use geometric properties, relationships, and measurement to model, describe, and analyze phenomena. CPI # Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 4.2.12 A.2 Geometric Properties - Draw perspective views of 3D objects on isometric dot paper, given 2D representations (e.g., nets or projective views). Science (NJCCCS 5) 5.1 Science Practices: Students will understand that science is both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, model-building enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge. The four science practices strands encompass the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science. CPI # Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Engage in multiple forms of discussion in order to process, make sense of, and learn 5.1.12.D.1 from others’ ideas, observations, and experiences. Educational Technology (NJCCCS 8.1) 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge. CPI # 8.1.12.A.4 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Create a personalized digital portfolio that contains a résumé, exemplary projects, and activities, which together reflect personal and academic interests, achievements, and career aspirations. 8.1.12.F.2 Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technology resources and assess their potential to address educational, career, personal, and social needs. Engineering and Technological Literacy (NJCCCS 8.2) 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world, as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment. CPI # 8.2.12.A.1 8.2.12.C.2 8.2.12.F.3 8.2.12.G.1 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Design and create a technology product or system that improves the quality of life and identify trade-offs, risks, and benefits. Evaluate ethical considerations regarding the sustainability of resources that are used for the design, creation, and maintenance of a chosen product. Select and utilize resources that have been modified by digital tools (e.g., Computer Numeric Control (CNC) equipment, CAD software) in the creation of a technological product or system. Analyze the interactions among various technologies and collaborate to create a product or system demonstrating their interactivity. 21st Century Skills (NJCCCS 9.1) 9.1 21st-Century Life & Career Skills: All students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures. CPI # 9.1.12.A.1 9.1.12.A.4 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies during structured learning experiences. Justify problem-solving strategies used in the development of a particular innovative product or practice in the United States and in another country. Standards 9.4 Career and Technical Education All students who complete a career and technical education program will acquire academic and technical skills for careers in emerging and established professions that lead to technical skill proficiency, credentials, certificates, licenses, and/or degrees. CPI # 9.4.12.A.16 9.4.12.A.19 9.4.12.A.69 9.4.12.O.17 9.4.12.O.21 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Employ critical thinking skills (e.g., analyze, synthesize, and evaluate) independently and in teams to solve problems and make decisions. Conduct technical research to gather information necessary for decision-making. Demonstrate knowledge of tools, equipment, machinery, and technology used in this cluster. Employ critical thinking skills independently and in teams to solve problems and make decisions. Effectively develop and apply the skills inherent in systems engineering in which requirements, configuration, integration, project management, quality assurance, and process applications are necessary. 9.4.12.O.(1).7 Use mathematics, science, and technology concepts and processes to solve problems in projects involving design and / or production. 9.4.12.O.(1).8 Select and use a range of communication technologies, including word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, email, and Internet applications, to locate and display information. 9.4.12.O.(1).9 Employ concepts and processes for the application of technology to engineering. 9.4.12.O.(1).12 Model technical competence by developing and applying processes and concepts in the design process. 9.4.12.O(1).2 Apply and use algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric relationships, characteristics, and properties to solve problems. 9.4.12.O(1).6 Explain relationships among specific scientific theories, principles, and laws that apply to technology and engineering. Mathematics (Common Core) G-MG.3. Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios). ★ N-Q.1. Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. Science (Common Core) RST.11-12.4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and topics. Industry Standards NOCDI STEM – Pre-Engineering, Engineering Technology IEEE - International Electrical & Electronics Engineers Unit Essential Questions What are the two main types of electrical currents? What is an Integrated Circuit? What are “Green” energy production methods? What are the standards for USB electrical components? What is Ohms Law? How do solar cells work? Chris – on Bloom’s taxonomy, these are in Unit Enduring Understandings All electronic devices either operate on Alternating (AC) or Direct (DC) currents An IC is a small wafer, usually made of silicon, that can hold anywhere from hundreds to millions of transistors, resistors, and capacitors. These extremely small electronics can perform calculations and store data. Hydro-Electric Generators, Solar Panel Arrays, Wind Turbines. USB standards specify the connector design the lower ends of the taxonomy ( knowledge and understanding. If all this knowledge is leading to designing, then your questions, understandings, and learning targets need to reflect this higher order thinking. I see a lot of higher order thinking going on in this unit that aren’t reflected in these three areas adequately. and pinout configurations for all connections in any device that required USB connectivity for power and data transfer Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points Solar cells convert light energy into a DC electrical current. These enduring understandings reflect mostly knowledge level questions. If students are designing, your understandings need to incorporate this level of thinking on Bloom’s. Unit Learning Targets (ULT) 1. Differentiate between the two types of electrical currents 2. Understand how electricity is created and distributed 3. Identify various electronic devices, components and Integrated Circuits 4. Understand how current transformers work 5. Demonstrate how to solder an electronic component to a wire lead and PCB 6. Understand how a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) works. 7. Identify how a solar cell works. 8. Demonstrate how to use an electronic multi-meter to take voltage readings. 9. Identify the various types of USB connectors and specifications. 10. Understand why electronic components are standardized. 11. Safely and accurately use tools and machines to process materials in generating a solution to a problem. 12. Identify green energy production technologies. 13. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy resources. 14. Demonstrate how to draw an label an electronic schematic 15. Demonstrate how to correctly assemble a basic DC parallel, series and voltage regulating circuit. 16. Demonstrate how to develop a Morphological Matrix Chart for brainstorming design ideas. 17. Understand how to calculate variables using Ohm’s law formula. 18. Present evidence of a solution to a problem using the data gathered in the design process. 19. Document the use of the engineering design process to develop a solution to a problem. Chris – Again, mostly in range of knowledge and understanding. #18 is exception. This requires higher order thinking. I don’t see where designing is brought in. Project-Based Learning Plan: Engineering Design Process (Sequence and Assessments) Design Brief: Please See attached worksheet. Teacher Instruction Student Evaluation Step One: Identify the Problem Lessons / Topics Lesson 1: Introduction to AC/DC Electricity How electricity is supplied to your home Devices that require AC/DC currents Formative Assessments: Teacher questioning during lesson Teacher generated diagrams on whiteboard Student discussion and reflection throughout lesson. Summative Assessments: Students will create a short list of products and/or devices that they interact with and determine the type of current and voltage that they require. (ULT # 1,2) How is this being graded? Where and when is this assignment reviewed with students? Is it a written assignment or a quiz? If possible students with cell phones can remove their batteries to explore the electronic specifications. (ULT # 3) How is this being graded? What if students don’t have a cell phone? How are they being graded? Guided Practice Power Point Presentation Chris – where is the guided practice powerpoint presentation reviewed for students? Should be included in your instruction. All assessments should be reviewed prior to being given with models provided where possible. Notes: Have a variety of electric/electronic devices (AC & DC) that students can interact with Notes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXasvq1ivnw Step Two: Frame the Design Brief Introduction to Design Challenge Lesson 2: Schematic Diagrams and Components Formative Assessments: Student design teams will begin collaboration on what direction they will take in the overall design of their device Student group discussion of where they have seen schematic diagrams and electronic components (ULT # 3,10) Summative Assessments: Students will complete an electronic component symbols chart (ULT #14) Students will sketch basic DC circuit schematic diagrams (ULT # 15) How are these both being assessed? Rubrics? Notes: Use Handouts Electronic Symbols Chart.pdf Electronics Presentation.ppt Notes: Have a variety of electronic components available for students to interact with and relate the schematic symbols to the actual components Step Three: Research & Brainstorming Lesson 3: Series and Parallel Circuits Lesson 4: Ohm’s Law & Resistors Lesson 5: Morphological Chart Brainstorming Notes: Morphological chart template can be created a word document table that is 5 rows Formative Assessments: Group contributes to teacher directed schematics and diagrams on whiteboard to plug in circuit components Assuming you have multiple groups, how is this being done logistically? Group uses whiteboard generated parallel and series circuit diagrams to solve for missing variables in Ohms Law (Voltage, Current, or Resistance) This is an instructional activity not formative assessment the way it is written. Teacher and group developed Morphological chart on whiteboard to determine 5 design attributes. The way this is written sounds more like an instructional activity than formative assessement. Summative Assessments Chris – have you demonstrated or reviewed the assessments and what you expect in advance? Are you showing students models of high rubric scores and low rubric scores? o Student completes Ohm’s law problems worksheet. (ULT # 17) Chris – not crazy about putting grades to worksheets. Worksheets are usually for practice or graded as homework. I would rather see a quiz or part of a written test here. o Students construct basic series and parallel circuits using AA batteries, connectors and colored LED’s (ULT # 15) method of evaluation? o Students develop morphological charts using group determined attributes to begin the brainstorming process.(ULT # 16) Method of evaluation? Notes: Use Handouts Ohms Law & Series v Parallel.doc by 8 columns with 2” square boxes Morph Chart Example Resistors.ppt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta9lE0hPYI8 http://www.quickar.com/ledbasics.htm Step Four: Generation Alternate Solutions Lessons / Topics Introduction to MintyBoost Tutorial and 5V Charging Circuit Lesson 6: IC & USB Standards and Power Transformers Students will also begin to develop rough design sketches of their possible solution using the completed morphological chart Lesson 7: IC LM7805 and 5v Regulated USB Charging Circuits Notes: MintyBoost Tutorial Page Purchase USB Female A Cables Here: USB Cables Formative Assessments: Group discussion of USB powered and connected devices, provide examples of devices that use USB standards Group discussion of “How do you charge your cell-phone /ipod?” May want to look at varying you formative assessment a little more. Refer to resource guide on formative assessment activities in Dropbox. Teacher design meeting with groups to discuss provide feedback of design ideas. Summative Assessments Chris – determine how you are assessing the list of below. Are you observing them do this and checking off a rating sheet, for example? Are any of these paper and pencil? Are these performance activities you are evaluating? Students will access mintyboost tutorial page on Internet and list all of its components and determine what IC it uses.(ULT # 9) Students will cut and strip a USB A Female cable to determine its color code. (ULT #6) Students will determine specifications of ac/dc phone charger adapters provided and list relevant information.(ULT # 4) Students will create preliminary design sketches in isometric format Students will create 5V USB charging circuit and test final circuit using multi meter to determine output (ULT # 8) Use : DC Charging Devices.ppx Step Five: Chosen Solution with Rationale Lesson / Time Lesson 8: PCB (Printed Circuit Boards) and Soldering Techniques. Formative Assessments: Group discussion of where you can find PCB’s, what and how they are manufactured. (ULT # 6) Group discussion and detailed look at the MintyBoost PCB and possible soldering MintyBoost Kit Assembly ??? Is this a lesson? issues. Again, a little too much group discussion used for formative assessment. How are you ensuring that all group members are equally participating and getting the feedback they need? Observe and discuss differences from the 5V Regulator circuit and the MintyBoost PCB. How is this observation taking place and how are they receiving feedback. Lacks specificity. Summative Assessments See earlier comments. Groups will solder all connections on their 5V regulator circuit (ULT #5) Finalize design sketches using exact specifications of MintyBoost PCB layout Submit 2-3 paragraph rational statement of intended design solution. Notes: Have students access MintyBoost tutorial online or print out hard copies for students to reference during the assembly of the circuit. It is important that the instructor carefully monitors each group to ensure the correct placement and soldering of the MintyBoost components to the PCB Step Six: Developmental Work Lesson / Time MintyBoost Kit Assembly ??????? Lesson 9: Renewable and Non-Renewable energy resources Lesson 10: Solar Cell Technology and Wiring of Solar Film Formative Assessments: Teacher questioned background knowledge of what renewable and non-renewable energy resources are.(ULT #13) Lacks specificity. What is the format for this? How is this being delivered? Summative Assessments Completion of MintyBoost PCB assembly and multi-meter output testing (ULT # 5,8) How are you assessing this? Where did you review the specifications and requirements for this with the students in advance? What form is the multi-meter output testing in? Solar Film Wiring and multi-meter voltage output readings. (ULT #7,8) ?????? Have students access MintyBoost tutorial online or print out hard copies for students to reference during the assembly of the circuit. It is important that the instructor carefully monitors each group to ensure the correct placement and soldering of the MintyBoost components to the PCB Notes: Solar Film Supplier See PowerFilm.jpeg for correct Polarity when wiring. Need to review this with students in advance of assigning this. Make it part of the lesson if necessary. Step Seven: Prototype Lessons / Topics Lesson 11: DC Switches Formative Assessments: Teacher critique of design solutions as devices are fabricated by teams. More specificity. Are you meeting with the teams or meeting with individuals to give feedback? Summative Assessments: Completion of MintyBoost PCB and incorporating/modification into portable units Addition of solar cell switching circuit to charge MintyBoost batteries. Not clear what the products here look like and how they are being assessed. Need to discuss this with you. Notes: At this stage students should be incorporating the solar cell circuitry with the MintyBoost into their design, to add the solar charging component to the design project Notes: See Solar Cell Schematic.pdf Step Eight: Testing and Evaluation Lessons / Topics Design Project Field Testing Formative Assessments: Teacher critique of device specifications and durability Notes: Summative Assessments: Team field testing of solutions and capability of charging multiple devices successfully. Notes: Step Nine: Redesign and Reflect Lessons / Topics Formative Assessments: Redesign and Reflect Notes: Warm and cool student feedback has students participate in a unanimous critiquing session where design projects are displayed around the room and students can walk around and write their comments on clipboards next to each project Put this in notes under assessment. This is a good formative assessment activity. Group critique of team design solutions giving “Warm” and “Cool” feedback Summative Assessments: Student teams complete engineering digital design portfolio documenting entire scope of project. (ULT # 19) This is first mention of a portfolio. Again, when were expectations and criteria for portfolio discussed and reviewed with students? Notes: Step Ten: Communicate Lessons/ Topics Presentation and Demonstration of Charging Devices Lesson 12: Public Speaking and Presentations Are you reviewing the criteria for the presentations? Are you showing videos of past presentations by students to point out strengths and weaknesses? Notes: Teacher will develop criteria for presentation format and guidelines in the form of a rubric. Place this note under assessments. Formative Assessments: Practice presentations with group members and other groups Are you equipping students with a rubric to score the presentations? Is there opportunity for feedback by their peers? Summative Assessments: Team presentations of final solution and data developed throughout the design process (ULT # 18) How is this being assessed? Notes: Presentations can be completed in a variety of formats; powerpoint, keynote, adobe illustrator, prezi. Corresponding Technology Student Association (TSA) Activities Lesson Plans Lesson Timeframe Lesson 1 Introduction to AC/DC Electronics 45mins / 2 days 2 Days to lecture Lesson 2 Schematic Diagrams & Components 45 mins / 2 days Day 1 Lecture Day 2 Review/Student Complete Worksheets Lesson 3 Series & Parallel Circuits 45mins / 3 Days Day 1 Lecture Day 2/3 Lecture/ Student Completing Worksheets and Construction of Circuits Lesson 4 Ohm’s Law & Resistors 45mins / 3 Days Day 1 Lecture Day 2/3 Student complete worksheets and use existing LED circuits to include resistors Lesson 5 Morphological Chart Brainstorming 45mins/4 days Day 1 Lecture Days 2-4 Morph Chart Development Lesson 6 IC & USB Standards 45mins / 2days Day 1 Lecture Day 2 Lecture and USB Cable Prepping Lesson 7 IC LM7805 / 5V Charging Circuits 45mins / 4 days Day 1 Lecture Day 2-4, Lecture and Circuit Construction Lesson 8 PCB & Soldering Techniques 45mins / 5days Day 1 Lecture and Soldering Techniques Days 2-5, MintyBoost Kit Construction Lesson 9 Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy Resources 45mins / 2 days lecture Lesson 10 Solar Cell Technology 45mins / 3 days Day 1 Lecture Days 2-3, Solar Circuit Design Lesson 11 DC Switches 45mins / 1day Students will incorporate switch into solar circuitry Lesson 12 Public Speaking 45 mins / 2 days Teacher Notes: The above timeframes are just an estimated suggestion as to how much class time should be allocated throughout the entire design process. Once students complete the circuitry portion of the activity, there should be an additional week or so for teams to complete the carrier/holder component. Curriculum Development Resources Resources are imbedded throughout document and additional supplements are provided