Maths SNAPSHOT Key idea term assessments info

Mathematics Key Ideas in Number
SNAPSHOT Term assessments
Tenambit PS
To identify students at risk in mathematics
To provide formative assessment for all students in number
Each Snapshot assessment includes one question for each Key Idea
in Number from the new Mathematics syllabus K-6
One page term assessments for each year K-6
 Student page
 Teacher page - details key ideas for each question
 Teacher page - marking guide
Formative Assessment tracking sheets
Updated regularly using term assessments and classroom
observations. The Snapshot assessments alone are insufficient to
determine student understanding of key idea. Assessment
performance together with classroom assessments/observations
will assist the teacher in completing tracking sheets.
Data informs the point of need and teaching focus.
Data informs the identification of students at risk.
Key Ideas sheets
Lists key ideas in Number
Use to log weeks concepts have been taught
Formative assessment will inform when concepts need to be
repeated and for which students