Notes - Home of Bob

EDU 600 Notebook
Links for notes:
Activity 1
Posting best
children’s book every
read and discussion
Discussion Questions
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Activity 2
Crow Boy
Book chapter notes
Preface & Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Putting It All Together
Activity 3
Optional --Integration of
literature into subject
areas survey
Book File Notes
Outside this document
Activity 4
Table 1.1
Literacy Portfolio File
Outside this document
Discussion Questions Set 1
What is literacy and what should it be in my class or K-12 curriculum?
1. What is literature?
1. What are multiple forms of literacy? How does media fit with literature and literacy?
1. What is children's literature?
How is quality literature/ literacy facilitated? (instruction/ teaching look like?)
1. Describe a productive literary discussion, talk, class.
1. How do Imagination, creativity, and visual literacy fit with literature and literacy?
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Discussion Questions Set 2
What is literacy and what should it be in my class or K-12 curriculum?
2. What makes quality literature?
2. How has children's literature evolved and what impact should that evolution have on literature
and literacy?
How is quality literature/ literacy facilitated? (instruction/ teaching look like?)
2. What makes different pieces of literature quality? Is there a difference between standards of
quality between different genre and between different communicative media?
2. How are students encouraged or guided toward indulging in quality literature?
2. What are students’ responses to literature?
2. How do students’ responses differ with development?
What is a quality literature/ literacy curriculum
2. How has children's literature evolved and what impact should that evolution have on a
literature curriculum?
2. How does quality literature fit within the curriculum?
2. How does imagination, creativity, and visual literacy and its relationship to literature fit within
the school curriculum?
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Discussion Questions Set 3
What is literacy and what should it be in my class or K-12 curriculum?
3. What is literacy? --- web resources on literacy BLUE background in chart
3. How do multiple forms of literacy fit into children’s literature?
How is quality literature/ literacy facilitated? (instruction/ teaching look like?)
3. How can the idea of a communicative event and its multiple forms of literacy and elements be
used in instruction?
3. What characteristics or elements do quality picture books, realistic fiction, historical fiction, non
fiction, poetry/imagery, fantasy/science fiction/ fairy tales have?
3. What characteristics or elements do quality multiple forms of literacy have?
What is a quality literature/ literacy curriculum
3. What standards is there that directly relate to literature and literacy?
3. What is missing from the standards that should be included?
3. What should be included in your curriculum?
3. How can the idea of a communicative event and its multiple forms of literacy and elements be
used in curriculum?
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Discussion Questions Set 4
What is literacy and what should it be in my class or K-12 curriculum?
4. How do Imagination, creativity, and visual literacy fit with literature and literacy?
How is quality literature/ literacy facilitated? (instruction/ teaching look like?)
4. What are the qualities, skills, theories, methodologies that a teacher needs to have command
of to facilitate student’s literacy?
4. How can students learn to appreciate the intricacies of the characteristics or elements of
quality picture books, realistic fiction, historical fiction, non fiction, poetry/imagery, fantasy/science
fiction/ fairy tales have?
4. How can students learn to appreciate the intricacies of the characteristics or elements of
quality multiple forms of literacy have?
What is a quality literature/ literacy curriculum
4. How does the emotional, attitude, or disposition of a person towards literature enter the
4. How does a curriculum create critical students that desire to be critical consumers of quality
4. Select one of the three (goals, outcomes, objectives) and create a list of them for literature for
a class for a school year.
4. What does a literature curriculum assess and how is that assessment accomplished?
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Discussion Questions Set 5
How is quality literature/ literacy facilitated? (instruction/ teaching look like?)
5. Why is assessment important for facilitating students’ literacy development?
What is a quality literature/ literacy curriculum?
5. Why is integration of literature into all curricular areas important?
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Book Readings and Class Discussion Topics:
General Discussion for EDU 600: Postings to all for WHOLE CLASS
Activity 1 --- General Discussion for EDU 600: Postings to all for all
Message board Introductory activity --- Choose one of the best children or
adolescent pieces of literature you have ever read or viewed and briefly explain
why it has left a lasting impression. (briefly = one paragraph = 4-5 short
sentences or = 2-3 complex sentences. [If you get excited about this activity post
the short version and work the rest into another activity responses to literature
might be one place to do so]).
Class Discussion Question for Activity 1
Discuss the qualities that are common among the favorite stories posted by members of the
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Activity 2 --- Share with SMALL GROUP
Introductory activity --- Crow Boy--- activity--- reference --- Whitin, Phyllis
(2002) Leading into Literature Circles through the Sketch-to-stretch Strategy The
Reading Teacher, Feb. 2002 v55 i5 p444(7)
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Activity 3 --- Use for Notes or portfolio if want to integrate literature into a subject
Optional --- Integration of literature into subject areas survey
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Activity 4 Communication frame
Use the frame in the text TABLE 1-1 or choose another, select a story, and complete the
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Preface and Chapter 1 Introduction: The Literacies
Inclusion of ideas specifically targeted for this chapter are definitions of literacy and multiple forms
of literacy.
Definition of a communicative event it elements and examples of communicative events from
multiple forms of literacy.
What are multiple forms of literacy?
Use the frame in the text TABLE 1-1 or choose another, select a story, and complete the table.
Resources for the Tapestry of Bayeux. Also begin thinking about the history of children's literature
--- my timeline and notes.
Continue discussion on what is literature and specifically children's literature and how it has
become a literature in its own right.
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Chapter 2 Art Literacy: Visualizing Language
Inclusion of ideas specifically targeted for this chapter are definitions of Imagination, creativity,
and visual literacy and its relationship to literature and the school curriculum.
Good reference on imagination --- Karen Gallas, (2002) Imagination and Literacy: A Teacher's
Search for the Heart of Learning New York: Teachers College Press
Some notes on visual spatial abilities.
Faith Ringgold sources: --- Her web site
Nancy Doyle biographical information about Faith
Art exhibits of hers
PBS information on Faith
Teacher resources to use with Faith's work
What are these strands?
Inquiry p-13,
Language p-22,
Poetry p-34,
Story p-39, and
Information p 49?
Picture books and graphic stories - comics and graphic novels.
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Chapter 3 Music literacy: Listening this Language
Is this music or is this poetry? -- Click to decide
What are these strands again?
How do ideas from this chapter fit the curriculum?
What standards are applicable?
Why, how, and what should be assessed?
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Chapter 4 Dance literacy: Communicating Nonverbally
What are these strands again?
How do ideas from this chapter fit the curriculum?
What standards are applicable?
Why, how, and what should be assessed?
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Chapter 5 Theater literacy: Performing Language
Reader's Theater
Role Play
What are these strands again?
How do ideas from this chapter fit the curriculum?
What standards are applicable?
Why, how, and what should be assessed?
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Chapter 6 Film Literacy: Imagining Language
How many videos, movies, TV programs do K-12 students view a year? How does education use
this information to encourage reading and a literacy?
What are these strands again?
How do ideas from this chapter fit the curriculum?
What standards are applicable?
Why, how, and what should be assessed?
This chapter is a good tie in to Steven Goodman's book -- Discussion for: Goodman, Steven.
(2003). Teaching Youth Media: A critical guide to literacy, video production, and social change.
And other resources on media --- my notes --- web articles on media Pink in chart
How should media be used to encourage reading and literacy. What does Goodman's years of
research suggest and how can curriculum and pedagogy change to create a more literate
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Postscript: putting it all together
What is literacy?
What is children's literature?
What is literacy? --- web resources on literacy BLUE background in chart
Describe a productive literary discussion, talk, class..
What standards are there that directly relate to literature and literacy?
What is missing from the standards that should be included?
Select one of the three (goals, outcomes, objectives) and create a list of them for literature for a
class for a school year.
Select or create a document (principled procedures or action plan) to explain how a teacher
would achieve the goals, outcomes, or objectives.
What should be included in your curriculum?
What makes quality literature? (Section of genre by each group to define quality literature, tie it to
a standard or curriculum outcomes, and create a plan to assess it.
How is quality literature assessed?
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