Japanese 1 Semester 1 Unit 5: Places Section 1, Part A, Writing Assignment: 16 points P-1A Writing Say what things are in your city using things that you know how to say in Japanese. This assignment is worth 16 points. Sample Answer うちが は たくさん あります。どうろが あまりいません。うまも たくさんあります。きは あまり ありません。うし あまりいません。 Rubric Task Completion (1-4 pts): Completion of the task; content appropriate, ideas well developed and well organized Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-4 pts): Control of language structure; word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense / (adjective/verb) / present/ future), affirmative / negative (verbs / adjectives) Mechanics (1-4 pts): Accurate spelling, punctuation and diacritical marks Section 1, Part A, Speaking Assignment: 8 points P-1A Speaking Make a recording for you teacher telling some things that are in your town in Japanese. Speak in at least 5 complete sentences. This assignment is worth 8 points. Rubric Pronunciation (1-2 pts): Produce Japanese sounds correctly. Pronounce Japanese words with proper intonation and accent Fluency (1-2 pts): Recite sentences with appropriate speed without stop and go Vocabulary (1-2 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-2 pts): Word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), imasu/arimasu Section 1, Part B, Discussion Assignment; 8 points P-1B Discussion Assignment Go to the discussion area and post a brief description in English about a festival in your town. This Assignment is worth 8 Points. Section 1, Part C, Writing Assignment: 16 points P-1C Writing Answer the following questions about the location of these places in your own town with respect to your own house. The first one is done for you. This assignment is worth 16 points. 1. プールは どこに ありますか。 うちの 2. がっこうは どこに ありますか。 3. スーパーは どこに ありますか。 4. パンやは どこに ありますか。 5. としょかんは どこに ありますか。 6. びょういんは どこに ありますか。 7. くつやは どこに 8. ゆうびんきょくは ちかくに ありますか。 どこに ありますか。 Sample Answer 1.うちのちかくに あります。 2. がっこうは うちの ちかくに あります。 3. スーパーは うちの とおくに あります。 4. パンやは うちの ひだりがわに 5. としょかんは うちの とおくに 6. びょういんは うちの みぎがわに 7. くつやは うちの 8. ゆうびんきょくは Rubric となりに うちの あります。 あります。 あります。 あります。 とおくに あります。 あります。 Task Completion (1-4 pts): Completion of the task; content appropriate, ideas well developed and well organized Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-4 pts): Control of language structure; word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense / (adjective/verb) / present/ future), affirmative / negative (verbs / adjectives) Mechanics (1-4 pts): Accurate spelling, punctuation and diacritical marks Section 1, Part D, Speaking Assignment: 16 points P-1D Speaking Speaking Assignment For this speaking assignment, record yourself saying at least two things you like and at least two things you want to do. This assignment is worth 16 points. Rubric Pronunciation (1-4 pts): Produce Japanese sounds correctly. Pronounce Japanese words with proper intonation and accent Fluency (1-4 pts): Recite sentences with appropriate speed without stop and go Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-4 pts): Word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense (verb / adjective, present/future), negative / affirmative, ~ga suki desu, ~ga kirai desu. Section 1, Part E, Writing Assignment: 16 points P-1E Writing Answer the following questions in complete Japanese sentences. Start each answer with either はい (yes) or いいえ (no). This assignment is worth 16 points. 1. (Your name)さんの まちは くるまが おおいですか。 2. (Your name)さんの まちは しんごうが 3. (Your name)さんの まちは いぬが たくさん たくさん ありますか。 いますか。 4. (Your name)さんは スポーツが すきですか。 5. (Your name)さんは テレビが 6. (Your name)さんは アイスクリームを 7. (Your name)さんは コーラを すきですか。 たべたいですか。 のみたいですか。 1. はい、おおいです。/ いいえ、おおくないです。 2. はい、たくさんあります。/ いいえ、たくさんありません。 3. はい、たくさん います。/ いいえ、たくさん いません。 4. はい、すきです。/ いいえ、すきじゃないです。/ いいえ すきではありません。 5. はい、たべたいです。/ いいえ、たべたくないです。 6. はい、のみたいです。/ いいえ、のみたくないです。 Rubric Task Completion (1-4 pts): Completion of the task; content appropriate, ideas well developed and well organized Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-4 pts): Control of language structure; word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense / (adjective/verb) / present/ future), affirmative / negative (verbs / adjectives / tai-form) negative form of i-adjective Mechanics (1-4 pts): Accurate spelling, punctuation and diacritical marks Section 2, Part B, Speaking Assignment: 8 points P-2B Speaking Make a recording of yourself talking about the places in your city. Compose at least 3 sentences in Japanese using what you have learned in this course. This assignment is worth 8 points. Rubric Pronunciation (1-2 pts): Produce Japanese sounds correctly. Pronounce Japanese words with proper intonation and accent Fluency (1-2 pts): Recite sentences with appropriate speed without stop and go (1-4 pts) Vocabulary (1-2 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-2 pts): Word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense (verb / adjective, present/future), negative / affirmative, imasu/arimasu Section 2, Part D, Discussion Board, 12 points P-2D Discussion Go to the discussion area and talk about your own town or city. You may use the above narrative as a model, but do your own work using what you have learned in this course. Mention at least six places in your town, and then where they are in relation to other places in your town. This assignment is worth 12 points. Section 3, Part A, Speaking Assignment: 16 points P-3A Speaking はやくちことば, Japanese Tongue Twister Let's try a Japanese tongue twister in the last unit of Japanese 1a. Remember that this is an invaluable aid in pronunciation. This one will be fun. Listen to it as many times as you need and then record it for your teacher in Japanese. This assignment is worth 16 points. あかパジャマ きパジャマ ちゃパジャマ Red pajamas Yellow pajamas Brown pajamas (Repeat two more times) Students repeat “aka pajama, ki pajama, cha pajama” for three times. Rubric Pronunciation (1-8 pts): Produce Japanese sounds correctly. Pronounce Japanese words with proper intonation and accent Fluency (1-8 pts): Recite sentences with appropriate speed (very fast) without sudden stop and go Section 3, Part B, Writing Assignment: 16 points P-3B Writing Prepare this written assignment based on the pictures you see. Imagine that you are coming from each of these places. Write one sentence saying where you are coming from. This assignment is worth 16 points. Answer 1. びじゅつかんに きました。 2. ゆうびんきょくに きました。 3. びょういんに 4. くつやに 5. ショッピング・センターに きました。 きました。 きました。 Rubric Task Completion (1-4 pts): completion of the task; content appropriate, ideas well developed and well organized Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-4 pts): Control of language structure; word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense / (adjective/verb) / present/ future / past), affirmative / negative (verbs / adjectives) Mechanics (1-4 pts): Accurate spelling, punctuation and diacritical marks Section 3, Part C: Writing Assignment: 32 points P-3C Writing In this activity, you are going to write a small story based on some pictures that you will see. The pictures will cue you to write about things that you know how to say now. Be sure to take some time to think about this assignment. First you are going to see the pictures and you will be given some things to think about, questions to ask yourself to get you thinking about what you know how to say. Then you will simply put it all together in Japanese. This assignment is in two parts. The writing assignment is worth 32 points. The recorded portion of the assignment is worth 20 points. Sample Answer もくようびです。まつばら っしん です。とうきょうに おおきい ごご ビルが たくさん よじです。 すうがくの ます。 はな です。 すんで あたまが います。 はなの まちに はなは ひとが なごや たくさん しゅ います。 あります。 がっこうから きました。 べんきょうを しゅくだいが あります。バックパックの はなは よくないです。 サッカーがすきです。 しに としょかんに いきます。 ほんが、けいさんきが、ノート あり たいいくがすきです。 Rubric Task Completion (1-4 pts): Completion of the task; content appropriate, ideas well developed and well organized Vocabulary (1-8 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-8 pts): Control of language structure; word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense / (adjective/verb) / present/ future), affirmative / negative (verbs / adjectives), progressive form (~ imasu form), negative form of i-adjective, arimasu/imasu, ~ga imasu Mechanics (1-4 pts): Accurate spelling, punctuation and diacritical marks Comprehensibility (1-4 pts): Text readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation on the part of the reader Level of Discourse (1-4 pts): Variety of complete sentences and cohesive devices Section 3, Part C: Speaking Assignment: 20 points P-3C Speaking Rubric Task Completion (1-4 pts): Completion of task Pronunciation (1-4 pts): Produce Japanese sounds correctly. Pronounce Japanese words with proper intonation and accent Fluency (1-4 pts): Recite sentences with appropriate speed without stop and go (1-4 pts) Vocabulary (1-4 pts): Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary Language Control (1-4 pts): Word order, use of particles (wa, ga, o, e, ni, de etc.), tense (verb / adjective, present/future), negative / affirmative