


October 16-21, 2016

Enjoy walking along Greek, Roman, Venetian and French trails and towns while discovering local culture and gastronomy of Dalmatia – one of the most beautiful areas in the Mediterranean! Start your hiking tour in the historic Roman emperor’s Palace in Split; walk on Islands Brac, Hvar, Korcula and

Peljesac before finishing your Dalmatian coast tour in Dubrovnik, the pearl of Adriatic!

Day 1

Welcome to Split, a 1700 year old Roman town!

We will meet our guides in the morning and begin our walking tour of Split and its beautiful Palace, which originally was a retirement residence of the Roman emperor Diocletian, nowadays inscribed in UNESCO’s World heritage list. After the tour we will have lunch in the centre, followed by a walk along the coast, small local ports and Marjan Park Forest, which is a popular recreation place for citizens of Split. Late afternoon, we will enjoy a local yoga session before an introductory dinner in a family owned tavern or Konoba (in Dalmatian)!

Day 2

This morning we leave the mainland behind us and depart for our first Dalmatian Island – Hvar, rated as one of the "top ten most beautiful islands in the world" according to Traveller

Magazine! Cultural and historical sites, lavender fields, crystal clear turquoise waters, charming villages and towns are just some of the highlights this island offers.

The hike starts from an abandoned village, once famous for its lavender and rosemary oil production and leads to the south coastline of Hvar Island. Along the way, we will learn about these famous plants, walk along olive groves and discover charming and hidden beaches with turquoise sea color then return to Hvar Town for our opening ceremony before another delicious evening meal.

Day 3

This morning we depart with a private boat to our next island –

Brač. The island is famous for its white stone and the tradition of stone cutting and carving as well as for its numerous stone quarries.

We will have a hiking tour to Monastery Blaca, a hermitage and a perfect example of stone architecture, built in the 16 th century by two Glagolitic monks who fled from the Turks and found a shelter in the nearby cave. Today, Blaca is a museum, also inscribed in

UNESCO’s World Heritage List, with an intense spiritual vibe. In the

past, the hermitage used to be a school, a farm and a private astronomical observatory. After the visit we will descent to the southern coast of the island, from where a private boat transfer will take us back to Hvar Island, where we will spend another glorious evening.

Day 4

This morning we depart for our third island – Korčula.

The island is considered to be the hometown of Marco Polo, the famous world traveller and the place where his silk road began. Korčula used to be a Greek colony, dating back to the 4 th century and known as

Korkyra Melaina (Black Korčula). Nowadays, the island is famous for the production of the best Croatian white wines - Pošip and Grk.

Our hike today takes us through the nature park with some amazing rock formations and wild life. The walk itself is very peaceful, in an unusual, but very pleasant landscape for Dalmatian karst region. The area contains dolomite rock formations and is very densely wooded.

The hike through the nature park will lead us to the ancient Napoleon path and walking along olive groves, small vineyards and beautiful fields of sage, oregano and other healthy herbs. The hike ends in the village of

Pupnat, where a unique lunch prepared by our hosts will be waiting. Most of their ingredients come from the fields where we have been walking through all day...known as Farm to Table in America!

Day 5

Our morning starts with the short boat ride to the Pelješac Peninsula and the town of Orebić. The town itself was founded in the 15th century as a part of the Republic of Dubrovnik (Ragusa). As it was famous for seaman and its maritime tradition, there are many charming stone houses (villas) of the once famous sea captains you can see even today in Orebić. Our hike starts from Orebić, going along the southern slopes of Mt. Ilija, where we will be passing by secluded vineyards, old Franciscan monastery and enjoying great views on Korčula and

Pelješac archipelago. When we get back to the coast, we can enjoy a scenic walk along the waterfront of Kučište and Viganj, laid-back Dalmatian villages.

Later this afternoon, we will make our way to the mainland. En route pass through Ston, where we will have to chance to discover the second longest stone wall in the world, ancient salt works and the important role this area had in the 14th century for the Republic of Dubrovnik. After a short break, we will set off to the “Pearl of the Adriatic” – the town of Dubrovnik where we will spend our final evening!

Day 6

Today after breakfast we will enjoy a guided walking tour along the marble streets and Baroque buildings of

Dubrovnik, where we will hear about the rich history of once a very important Republic of Dubrovnik. This journey will conclude our Dalmatian coast adventure and you will be ready to return home enriched by discovery of one small, but beautiful Mediterranean country! Pomalo!

The investment is $4800, with proceeds donated to a Croatian philanthropic endeavor.

• 203-253-9534 •

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