Introduction - Connecticut Regional Vocational

Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Unit: Introduction - Culture, Globalization, and the United States
Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of culture, global issues and geographic themes.
Big Idea (s):
 Everyone has a culture. Culture shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and others.
Culture is the total way of life of a group of people. Culture forms peoples’ view of
themselves and the world.
 Different cultures view the world in different ways; differences might exist within a
 Demographic data is a useful tool in analyzing culture, conflict and change.
 Geography, natural resources, technology and history have contributed to cultural
diversity of the region and impacted the governments and economies of the region.
Countries of this region have varying levels of stability and prosperity.
 Geography affects culture and the way people live.
 Globalization has changed the way people throughout the world interact.
 Global issues are interrelated, complex and changing often reflecting opposing views. It
is important to respect such views while maintaining the right to respectfully disagree.
 Global interconnections enhance our lives and also may create serious problems.
 All people are endowed with basic human rights.
 Every country’s economic, technological, political, social and human rights decisions
influence our global community.
 Cultures are dynamic they change through interaction with new ideas and other cultures.
 People may identify with more than one culture. Cultures cross national boundaries.
 Global issues and challenges exist and affect our lives.
Essential Question (s):
 What is culture? How does culture shape the way we see ourselves, others, and the world?
How does my culture shape me? What influences culture?
 How can you use demographic data? How can demographic data help people make
informed decisions on global issues?
 How do geography, natural resources, technology and history impact a region?
 How do ideas and beliefs influence the way I behave and think?
 Why is geography important in understanding the way people live around the world?
 Why is it important I learn to see the world through multiple perspectives of view?
 What is globalization and its impact on and the world? How do global issues affect me?
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
As evidenced by written, oral and/or
Literacy 1. Define and apply key
vocabulary/concepts including: cultural,
demographic, geographic, historical, economic,
political, social, beliefs, religion, traditions, point
of view, multiple perspectives, globalization:
 Paraphrase/summarize
 Compare/contrast
 Classify
 Categorize
 Discuss/explain
 Illustrate
 Demonstrate
 Reflect/relate
Vocabulary journals
Narrative descriptions
2-3 Column Notes (i.e.
Visual representation (i.e concept
diagram/map, graph, chart, drawing, poster,
comic strip, cartoon)
Oral presentation
Short answer
(H)- Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
As evidenced by written, oral and/or performance:
As evidenced by written, oral and/or performance:
9.1 Compare similarities and differences in
the ways groups, societies and cultures meet
human needs and concerns:
 Identify the major elements of
culture and why cultures change:
 Customs/Traditions
 Beliefs/Religions
 Language
 Material artifacts.
9.2 Recognize the importance of viewing a
culture through a variety of perspectives.
Design and present a “culture box” with:
 An explanation of the elements of
 Chart of similarities and differences.
 An analysis of why culture change.
 (H)-Compare and contrast your
cultural identity to another’s.
Analysis of point of view or cultural viewpoints
in various situations or scenarios. Analysis
using Material World and text vignette
analysis using Global Eyewitness My World
(Vy, U.S.; Alyssa, Canada; Carolina, Mexico;
Luis, Dominican Republic)
An explanation of why it is important to see
things from another culture’s point of view.
(H)-A position statement on the importance of
cultural diversity in a society and the difficulty
of understanding other cultures.
Literacy 1. Key vocabulary/concepts
including: geographic/cultural, culture,
historical, economic, political, social,
beliefs, religion, traditions, point of view,
multiple perspectives, globalization.
9.3 Explain the importance of geographic
themes and tools to the study of a region.
 Geographic Tools
 Geographic Themes
Define and apply (key vocabulary/concepts
including: geographic/cultural, culture,
historical, economic, political, social, beliefs,
religion, traditions, point of view, multiple
perspectives, globalization)
A summary of importance of geography and
geographic tools.
9.6 Explain how the characteristics of a
region influence how people live and analyze
how a region’s characteristics impact its
relations with the rest of the world.
 Geographic/Cultural
 Historical
 Economic
 Political
 Social
Summary of the geographic, historical, economic,
political and/or social characteristics of the region.
Chart (cause/effect)
Interpret information
(H)- Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
9.4 Define globalization and describe how
the world is becoming more
 Globalization
o Causes/Impact
o Benefits/Costs
o Impact
Participation and interpretation of “string
9.5 Define Human Rights
 identify examples of human rights
 Describe examples of violations
Define human rights. Provide examples of basic
human rights.
Summary and/or chart of causes and impact/
benefits and costs of globalization.
Brainstorm list of global issues.
(H)-Select a global issue. Explain its
significance and predict its impact on the
Global Challenge Bingo- Introductory Activity
Globalization Introductory Activity- Globalization String Activity
World Cultures: A Global Mosaic, Prentice Hall
DK Global Eyewitness My World, Prentice Hall
Contemporary World Cultures, Teachers’ Curriculum Institute
Building Bridges, National Geographic Education Foundation
Worksheet 1: Features of Culture
Worksheet 2: Everyone has a Culture
Worksheet 3: Americans
Worksheet 6 & 7: Understanding Cultural Viewpoints
Reading: “A Single Lucid Moment”
Material World, Peter Menzel
(H) Literature From Around the World, Scott Foresman
Nystrom World Atlas, Nystrom Publishing
Compact World Atlas, Dorling Kindersley Publishing
Brief Review in Global History, Prentice Hall
What’s Going On Video/DVD Series, Poverty in America DVD, What’s Going On Series
Issues- Poverty in the U.S.:
Population: Census Bureau:
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
Global Warming -
Extension Activity:
(H)- Required: Independent project-Cross cycle research assignment (research an issue in a Latin
American country)
Correspond with a Peace Corps volunteer:
Formative Assessment(s)
Summative District Assessment(s)
(H)- Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Students need to know about:
Students need to be able to do:
Literacy 1. cultural, demographic, geographic,
historical, economic, political, social, beliefs,
religion, traditions, point of view, multiple
perspectives, globalization:
Define and apply key vocabulary/concepts
 Paraphrase/summarize
 Compare/contrast
 Classify
 Categorize
 Discuss/explain
 Illustrate
 Demonstrate
 Reflect/relate
 Infer
(cultural, demographic, geographic, historical,
economic, political, social, beliefs, religion,
traditions, point of view, multiple perspectives,
Explain (characteristics of culture)
Analyze (change in culture)
(H)-Analyze (Similarities and
Material artifacts.
Variety of Perspectives
Recognize (the importance of viewing
culture through a variety of
Geographic Tools
Geographic Themes
o Location
o Place
o Interactions
o Movement
o Regions
Identify and use (geographic tools)
Identify and apply (geographic themes to a
 Globalization
Define (globalization)
Evaluate (the causes and effects of
globalization on the world.)
Compare/contrast (benefits/costs of
Brainstorm (global issues)
(H)- Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Human Rights
1. Define Human Rights
2. Identify examples of human
3. Describe examples of
Identify basic Human Rights
Provide examples
Identify examples of human rights
Summarize (efforts to protect human
(H)- Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over trade assignment.