pd project PSIII

PD Project: Exploring Globalization – An Activity Bank
A. Rationale
Recently the Alberta Social Studies curriculum has been reorganized to
reflect the changing nature of education and incorporate several more current
approaches to learning. The front matter of the new curriculum encourages the
exploration of multiple perspectives on issues and challenges teachers to foster
attitudes that lead to responsible citizenship. Given the infancy of this new
curriculum, we have decided to develop an in-depth activity bank to assist
teachers in implementing engaging daily lesson plans. Each activity corresponds
directly with the benchmarks outlined in the Social 10-1 program of studies.
B. Statement of Focus
The purpose of this project is to explore various activity ideas that could
be used to supplement the teacher resource manual. Specifically, this project will
provide teachers with an assortment of activities for each of the four major related
issues. This activity bank will also assist teachers in meeting objectives related to
multiple perspectives and responsible citizenship. By integrating these activities
into the classroom, teachers can provide students with meaningful learning
C. Related Literature
The following are the two primary resources utilized in the Social Studies
10-1 curriculum:
Exploring Globalization, Robert Gardner and Wayne Lavold, McGraw-Hill
Ryerson, 2007.
Perspectives on Globalization, Pamela Perry-Globa, Peter Weeks, Victor
Zelinski, David Yoshida and Jill Colyer, Oxford University Press, 2007.
D. Process of Development
1. Divide the related issues amongst group members.
2. Brainstorm a list of possible activities for each related issue.
3. Consult with other teachers and resources to formulate potential activities.
4. Compile a list of potential activities and begin preliminary development.
5. Develop and implement activities as the semester progresses.
6. Compile a final document of activities and share with colleagues.
E. Products of the PD Project
The finished product of the activity bank will consist of a professional document
containing activities organized according to sequential related issues.
F. Timeline
September 1, 2007 – September 5, 2007: Divide the course content by related
issue amongst group members. Brainstorm a list of potential activities for each
related issue.
September 5, 2007 – October 5, 2007: Complete the activity bank for related
issue 1.
October 5, 2007 – November 5, 2007: Complete the activity bank for related issue
November 5, 2007 – December 1 2007: Complete the activity bank for related
issue 3.
December 1, 2007 – December 21, 2007: Complete the activity bank for related
issue 4.
Before December 21, 2007: Compile all activities and corresponding worksheets
in a polished document to share with colleagues.