Name: Timmy Whipple Date: 1-11-11 The Study of Genetics: The Basics Go to the following website to complete the following questions. Use the interactive at the bottom. Make sure you answer each question in detail, since we will be using this information to continue our study of genetics. If you cannot find the information on the website, you may search the internet. 1. Genes are located somewhere in your body. How would we get to your genes? Genes are sections of DNA where many traits are placed they are located in the nuclus of cells 2. Genes determine our inherited traits. What is a gene? Genes determine your physical traits 3. We inherit our genes from someone. Who do you get your genes from? You get your Genes from your parents 4. Heredity explains a lot about who we are. What is heredity? A process in which an offspring gets some physical and mental qualities from its parent. The passing of genetic traits from parents to a offspring. 5. Traits are passed on from parent to offspring. What are traits? Give three examples. They are characteristic feature or quality distinguishing a particular living thing Examples... personality preferences, eye color, hair color, 6. How are traits passed on? How many genes for a trait do we get from each parent? Traits are passed on through gene transmission genes are located on the chromosomes and consist of dna to offspring through reproduction and that’s passed to parents. We got 50% of our genes from parents. 7. Some traits are dominant and some traits are recessive. What does this mean? How are they represented? Which are more likely to show in an organism? Give an example of three dominant traits and three recessive traits in humans. Dominant traits require only 1 allele for that trait to show recessive traits require 2 of the same allele foe that trait to show. A dominant has more control. You recessive 1 allele from each parent. The 2 alleles together determine what trait you have. Traits are represented through the alleles. 8. Traits can be show as phenotypes and genotypes. What is the difference between these two? Give an example of a phenotypes and its genotype. Phenotypes – any trait that can be seen, genotype- is the instructions for the trait, genotypes are the codes for the phenotype, 9. When we get genes from our parents we can get several different combinations: one dominant from our mom and one dominant from our dad. One recessive from our mom and one recessive from our dad. One dominant from one parent and one recessive from the other parent. What is it called when we get two dominant traits? Two recessive traits? One dominant and one recessive? 2 dominant traits- homozygous dominant 2 recessive traits- homozygous recessive, 1 dominant, 1 recessiveheterozygous 10. Who made the discovery about inherited traits? What organism did he use to do this? Gresor Mendel , he was considered the father of genetics because he was the first one to understand the dna work He was, important.,