Religious Education Policy

At The Colleton, we believe that Religious Education provides an opportunity to celebrate
and foster awareness of differences in faith, both within our school and in the wider world.
It is a subject which celebrates diversity and challenges stereotypes. We recognise that
through Religious Education, we can provoke questions about and enhance pupils’
awareness and understanding of religions and beliefs, teachings, practices and forms of
expression and the influence of religion on individuals, families, communities and cultures.
Religious Education offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development,
and enables pupils to develop respect for and sensitivity to others.
In accordance with the 1996 Education Act, The Colleton provides religious education for
all its pupils.
The aims and objectives of Religious Education (RE) to be adopted by the staff of The
Colleton School are those specified in the Wokingham Agreed Syllabus 2006. Electronic
copies of the Syllabus and supporting documents are available on the Wokingham
Borough Council website. Religious Education should help pupils to:
Learn about religion by
acquiring and developing knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other
principal religions represented in Great Britain
developing an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on
individuals, communities, societies and cultures.
Learn from religion by
developing a positive attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold
different beliefs from their own and towards living in a society of diverse religions
developing the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious
and moral issues with reference to the teachings of the principal religions
represented in Great Britain
enhancing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by:
developing awareness of the fundamental questions of life raised by
human experiences, and how religious teachings can relate to them
responding to such questions with reference to the teachings and
practices of religions and to their understanding and experience
reflecting on their own beliefs, values and experiences in the light of
their study.
Teaching Methods
As with all areas of the curriculum, RE will be taught using a variety of teaching methods
appropriate to the subject matter and accessing different learning styles and abilities.
RE will be taught within The Colleton Primary School’s Rolling Programme to enable,
where possible, cross-curricular themes to be developed.
Our scheme of work will follow the programme of study laid down in the Wokingham
Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2006.
All planning will be in line with school policy and will add detail to our Rolling Programme,
highlighting cross-curricular links in order that the Rolling Programme functions to its
optimum effectiveness.
Assessment will take place according to school policy (please see the Teaching, Learning
and Assessment Policy). The children will demonstrate their achievements through a
variety of written and oral work. A variety of assessment methods will be used, and
evidence of attainment will be made through:
Observation of children at work
Questioning and listening
Marking and feedback
Teacher assessment (including observations recorded within purple folders)
Involving pupils in evaluating their own work.
Progress in religious education is dependent upon the application of a number of skills
and processes. Level Descriptions and expectations together with the non-statutory
National Framework for Religious Education, 2004 – ‘I Can’ Attainment Statements are
available electronically on The Colleton Primary School’s network.
Use of ICT in Religious Education can allow pupils to access information which is
available in many different formats to support a range of learning styles. The use of ICT
helps children to organise and present information in a variety of forms and broaden the
range of audiences for their work. Teachers and pupils have regular access to and use of
ICT resources.
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
At The Colleton we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils. All pupils
will have equal access to the RE curriculum in line with their individual needs. We will:
set suitable learning challenges
respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs
endeavour to overcome potential barriers to learning and assessment for
individuals and groups of pupils.
We value the contributions made by children and adults of all faiths and cultures within our
learning community and we celebrate the richness of experience and diversity these bring.
Please refer to the Special Educational Needs Policy, Gifted and Talented Policy, Racial
Equality Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy.
Last Review:
Next Review:
Curriculum Committee
Jan 2011
Jan 2014