Drug Education Policy Introduction Drug use and misuse are becoming increasingly common in our society. We appreciate that this is an area of growing concern. We aim for the children at The Colleton to receive education about drug issues which is relevant to their age and experience. We believe that the ethos of The Colleton School is instrumental in creating an environment where drugs education can be successfully delivered. We place a strong emphasis on respect for all individuals and encourage all members of our school community to care for each other. We believe that in this environment the children will learn to make good choices both now and in their future lives. Objectives To promote healthy lifestyle choices To help our pupils recognise that they are unique and develop their selfesteem. To develop in children self-confidence and assertiveness enabling them to make informed choices. To ensure that children are informed about the risks and consequences of drug use and misuse. To follow government guidelines when dealing with drug related incidents in school. (Please see Health and Safety Manual) Teaching Methods The skills needed to teach about drugs are the same skills required for addressing any aspect of PHSE. This policy should be read in conjunction with the PHSE policy, as drug education needs to take an unobtrusive place within the more general PHSE curriculum. We believe that drugs education should start early and deal with issues appropriate to that age group, e.g. safe use and storage of medicines would be suitable for early years children. There are a variety of different methods, which may be used to deliver this area of the curriculum e.g. discussion in circle time, assemblies or debating forums. They may work as a whole team, class or small group according to the subject matter being covered. Drugs education needs to start from where children are and appeal to their integrity. At certain times we may feel it appropriate to invite a visitor e.g. a school nurse to talk to a group of children in relation to a particular issue, or take the children out of school to visit a relevant educational establishment e.g. Amaze. However the main aspects of drug education will be delivered during curriculum time as it is the Teachers who know their children well and are ideally placed to provide sensitive drugs education. Definition of Terms When dealing with complex issues such as drug use it is useful to establish some definitions of the terms used. Drugs – Drugs are substances taken into the body to cause physical or psychological changes: all legal drugs (including tobacco, alcohol and over the counter prescription medicines) all illegal drugs and volatile substances, Drug related incident – Evidence or suspicion of a specific event at school involving one or more unauthorised drugs, and requiring immediate action by school staff. Planning All planning will be in line with school policy. The planning will make reference to the cross-curricular links with other subject areas. Assessment and record keeping Please refer to the PHSE policy. Resources Resources for teaching drugs education are available in the staff library and in the resources area. These include books, posters and worksheets. Every effort is made to invite relevant guests to speak to the children or to offer them opportunities to visit appropriate offsite education centres. Cross-curricular links Through the rolling programme relevant cross-curricular links should be established and used where possible. Equal opportunities and Inclusion At The Colleton we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils. All pupils have equal access to the drug education programme in line with their individual needs. Set suitable learning challenges Respond to diverse learning needs Endeavour to overcome barriers to learning for individuals and groups of pupils. Please refer to the Special Needs Policy, the Able Child Policy and the Equal Opportunities Policy. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Child Protection Policy and The Health and Safety Policy