Master of Social Sciences (International Studies) Programme 1 PREPARATORY PROGRAMME: MODULE LIST AND DESCRIPTION Selected applicants with no/weak background in International Studies are required to take three/five undergraduate modules in the first semester of their candidature before they can commence on the graduate course. They are required to pass the undergraduate modules with at least a B-/CAP: 3.0. If a student fails to meet the undergraduate requirements, he/she will be terminated from the Graduate Programme. Essentials 1 EC3341 International Economics I 2 PS2237 Introduction to International Relations 3 SC3212 Southeast Asia in a Globalising World 4 SE2213 Politics in Southeast Asia 5 SE2218 Electives Growth and Development in Southeast Asia 6 EC2373 Global Economic Dimensions of Singapore 7 EC3371 Development Economics I 8 EC3373 ASEAN Economies 9 EC3375 The Asian Newly Industrialised Economies (NIEs) 11 MS2205 Islam and Contemporary Malay Society 12 PS2235 Comparative Study of Development 13 PS2238 International Politics of Northeast Asia 14 PS3234 Comparative Political Economies of SEA 15 PS3235 Politics of Reform in China and Japan 16 PS3236 Ethnicity and Religion in Asian Politics 17 PS3238 International Political Economy 18 PS3239 International Conflict Analysis 19 PS3240 International Security 20 PS3241 International Politics of Southeast Asia 21 PS3246 Corruption and Governance in Asia 22 SC2209 Money, Business & Social Networks 23 SC3205 Sociology of Power: Who gets to rule? 24 SE3218 The Industrial Challenge in Southeast Asia Module Code: EC3341 Module Title: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS I Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Prerequisites: EC2101/EC2151 and EC2102/EC2152 Preclusions: EC3205 This module is divided into two main parts. Part I focuses on the micro or 'pure' theory of trade, including those factors which determine the pattern of trade and the gains from trade, commercial policy, and economic integration. Part II switches attention to international money and finance and discusses the balance of payments, the foreign exchange market, balance of payments adjustment mechanisms, policies for achieving internal and external balance, and the international monetary system. Module Code: EC2373 Module Title: GLOBAL ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS OF SINGAPORE Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-4 Preclusions: EC2202, SSA2220 Cross-listing: SSA2220 This course will introduce students to the dynamics of the world economy and the impact on Singapore in the last two centuries. It will demonstrate how Singapore grew through continual dependence on the rest of the world in different ways by focusing on major labour, capital and technological factors, in which threats are also seen as opportunities. Master of Social Sciences (International Studies) Programme 2 Module Code: EC3371 Module Title: DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS I Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Prerequisites: EC2101/EC2151 Preclusions: EC2203, SE3232, EC3223 This module will introduce students to the economics of developing countries. The first three lectures will focus on principles and concepts of development. The second part of the module will provide an overview of theories of development. The third part will examine development strategies and policies designed to address issues of growth and development and will, in this instance, focus on the development experiences of selected Asia-Pacific economies. This segment of the module will provide students with an appreciation of the development problems, possibilities and prospects in these regional economies. Module Code: EC3373 Module Title: ASEAN ECONOMIES Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Prerequisites: EC2101/EC2151 Preclusions: EC3375/EC3211, EC3376/EC3218, EU3214, SE3231, EC3207 This module analyzes the economic development experiences of the ASEAN economies in post-war years with emphasis on the role of ASEAN economic cooperation. Major topics covered include agricultural and rural development, industrialization, international trade, resource transfers, development of local capital, ASEAN's international economic relations and future prospects for ASEAN growth and economic cooperation. Module Code: EC3375 Module Title: THE ASIAN NEWLY INDUSTRIALISED ECONOMIES Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Prerequisites: EC2101/EC2151 Preclusions: EC3373/EC3207, SE3231, EC3376/EC3218, EU3214, EC3211 The aim of this module is to provide a critical and evaluative survey of the recent macroeconomic experience of the East Asian NIEs - Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. It also focuses on the future prospects of these economies. The salient topics covered are: agricultural and rural development, industrial development, trade and development, the behaviour and performance of the capital market, short-run macro-economic management, poverty and income distribution, the NIEs in the international economy and the Asian Financial and economical crisis. Module Code: MS2205 Module Title: ISLAM & CONTEMPORARY MALAY SOCIETY Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-4 Preclusions: SE2263, SSA2206 Cross-listing: SSA2206 This module, targeted for FASS students, examines the dominant religious orientation that had evolved among the Malays of SEA and analyses the socio-historical factors that had influenced such orientation. How the religious orientation conditions their response to the modern world is then discussed. The module also looks at the phenomenon of the Islamic resurgence and its effects. It also deals with the style of thought of the religious elite and its impact on the Malays. Apart from these, factors that condition the image of Islam and the issues relating to Islam in a plural society will also be examined. Module Code: PS2235 Module Title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS2205B This module introduces to students some basic theories on economic and political development. It discusses how the state, institutions, culture, technology, and globalization may affect the economic development of a country. The module also introduces to students some theories on political development and changes, such as political reform and stability. Specific countries are used as cases to illustrate these theories. This basic introductory module is mounted for students interested in theoretical approaches to economic and political development in different countries. Master of Social Sciences (International Studies) Programme 3 Module Code: PS2238 Module Title: INTERNATIONAL POLITICS OF NORTHEAST ASIA Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS2208B The module focuses on the politics of China, Japan, and South Korea with regard to their external relations and foreign policies. It examines some of the major international relations theories and models to analyze the bilateral and multilateral relations pursued by these three countries. The module also places emphasis on the trends of changes in foreign policies of these three countries caused by the end of the Cold War. The module is open to all 1-3 students across faculties. Module Code: PS3234 Module Title: COMPARATIVE POLITICAL ECONOMIES OF SEA Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS3223, PS3204B This module identifies and examines the linkages between politics and economics in Southeast Asia. It focuses on structures and processes responsible for levels of development and differing policy outcomes among the larger countries in the region. The module will examine regime types as they occur in Southeast Asia with levels of development as well as identify specific regional characteristics like clientelism and strategic interactions. The module, at a later stage, will involve cross-national comparisons. This module is ideally suited for students who would like to understand the correlation between politics and economics in Southeast Asia. Module Code: PS3236 Module Title: ETHNICITY AND RELIGION IN ASIAN POLITICS Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS3201, PS3206B One of the main features of Asian politics and government is the complex nexus of ethnicity, religion, and the state. This module focuses on the colonial formation and postcolonial continuation of these ethno-religious features of politics, known as the politics of identity in Asia. It explains some major ethnic and religious conflicts in Asia; their impacts on national politics, party systems, state structures, and government policies; and the role of the state in this regard. The module is available to all 1-3 year students at NUS. Module Code: PS3238 Module Title: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: GEK3001, GEM3001K, PS3207, PS3208B Cross-listing: GEK3001 This course presents a broad overview of international political economy (IPE). It introduces the student to main theoretical approaches, concepts and substantive issues in the IPE field, and help him/her better understand the relationship between power and wealth and the interplay of economics and politics in the world arena. After a critical evaluation of major theoretical perspectives on IPE, this course examines the politics in some core issue areas, such as economic interdependence, international division of labor, international trade, multinational corporations, regional cooperation, and North-South relations. Module Code: PS3239 Module Title: INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT ANALYSIS Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS3209B The module aims to provide a broad understanding of international conflict situations, conflict behaviour and attitudes. It deals with the nature, type and sources of conflict. Based on insights from general conflict studies it explains conflict pathologies and the debilitating effects of protracted social conflicts. It also analyses various conflict resolution strategies by focusing on negotiation techniques, third party mediation and intervention. Bearing in mind that conflicts are mostly transformed rather than eliminated the module assesses the experience of peace-promotion and peace-building in post-conflict societies. The module is meant for students keen on a multi-disciplinary approach to international conflict. Master of Social Sciences (International Studies) Programme 4 Module Code: PS3240 Module Title: INTERNATIONAL SECURITY Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS3210B This module examines key issues pertaining to international security including: the various approaches to studying international security, the nature of interaction among various levels (national, regional, international) of security, and the major security threats caused by the expansion of conventional arms, proliferation of nuclear arsenal and the spread of biological and chemical weapons. The rise of non-traditional security threats in world politics, especially Southeast Asia, and of Asia, particularly China, as a security concern internationally is also analysed. Module Code: PS3241 Module Title: INTERNATIONAL POLITICS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS3215, GEM3003K, PS3211B This module examines the evolution of Southeast Asia as a region in international politics. The emphasis of the module is on the impact of external actors on Southeast Asia, albeit the module will also deal with regional developments and indigenous initiatives. Initially, the module will deal with past developments that affected the region. The second half will deal with more contemporary regional developments, some of which are still ongoing. This module will be extremely useful for students who would like to understand regional political issues. Module Code: PS3246 Module Title: CORRUPTION AND GOVERNANCE IN ASIA Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 Preclusions: PS3221, PS3216B This module analyses the linkage between corruption and governance in ten Asian countries namely, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. It examines the situation in these countries by focusing on these five aspects: the policy context, the extent of corruption, the causes of corruption, the anticorruption measures employed, and the evaluation of these measures. This module is designed for those students with some background in public administration and policy. Module Code: SC2209 Module Title: MONEY, BUSINESS & SOCIAL NETWORKS Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-2-5 This module focuses on the sociology of economic life. At the micro level, it examines the social relationships that are formed when economic transactions are performed. At the macro level, it analyses the role of social institutions in influencing economic behaviour. In the course of this module, students will be introduced to key concepts such as competition, entrepreneurship, business networks, trust, social capital and economic globalisation. It will also introduce students to social networks analysis. This module is mounted for students throughout NUS who are interested in understanding how societies are organized within their respective economic environments. Module Code: SC3205 Module Title: SOCIOLOGY OF POWER: WHO GETS TO RULE? Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-3-4 This module introduces students to political sociology which is broadly concerned with understanding such phenomena as power, state and society relations, and the nature and consequences of social conflict. The main concerns of this module are issues pertaining to modern society and capitalist development, referring to diverse cases from Western Europe to Southeast Asia. We will also be looking at the state, civil society and societal movements, including that of labour, and such contentious contemporary issues as economic globalization, US global hegemony, and terrorism. Master of Social Sciences (International Studies) Programme 5 Module Code: SE3218 Module Title: INDUSTRIAL CHALLENGE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Modular Credit: 4 Workload: 2-1-0-4-3 Preclusions: SE2215 "To industrialise or not" -- this is the challenge faced by Southeast Asian economies. Why have some economies industrialised faster than others, particularly in the promotion and development of the manufacturing sector? In some economies, the manufacturing industries have remained backward and labour intensive. However, in other economies, they have become modern and capital intensive. This module will examine the industrial development processes that have taken place in Southeast Asia by analysing the various constraints faced by these economies and the responses that have been undertaken by their respective governments including whether to adopt inward-looking or outward-oriented industrialisation policies.