Hot Food Takeaway SPD - Salford City Council

Salford City Council - Record of Decision
I, Councillor Antrobus (Assistant Mayor for Strategic Planning) in exercise of the
powers within the City Council Constitution do hereby:
Adopt the hot food take aways supplementary planning document which
updates and replaces the hot food take aways supplementary planning
document adopted in July 2007. This is subject to an amendment to
paragraph 6.9 of the Reasoned Justification to Policy HFTA2 (Hot food take
aways and schools) so that it states: ‘A restrictive hours condition
preventing counter service before 5pm Monday to Friday in close proximity
to secondary schools would still allow a business to operate telephone and
internet services. Some secondary schools may also teach pupils for a
number of hours over the weekend. Where this is normal practice and a
new hot food take away is proposed in close proximity, consideration will be
given to applying a similar condition. This approach is considered to provide
an appropriate balance between protecting the health of children and
enabling new businesses to become established.’
The reasons for revising and updating the 2007 hot food take aways
supplementary planning document are so that the new supplementary planning
document reflects the national planning policy framework and other changes to
legislation and government guidance that have occurred since the documents were
first adopted. Recent planning appeal decisions in Salford have also necessitated
The supplementary planning document provides detailed planning guidance to
assess and determine planning applications and is intended to guide prospective
take away owners and their agents to encourage the submission of good quality
planning applications. The document expands on saved policies S4, S3, DES7,
DES10 and ST1of the Salford unitary development plan, to provide additional
guidance on the development of hot food take aways.
Assessment of Risk: Low – the revisions to the supplementary planning document
have been prepared in accordance with relevant legislation.
The source of funding is Local Development Framework Budget.
Legal Advice obtained: Yes. Supplied by Robert Irvine, Solicitor
Financial Advice obtained Yes. Supplied by Gary Morris, Group Accountant.
The following documents have been used to assist the decision process.
(if the documents disclose exempt or confidential information, they should not be
listed, but the following wording shall be inserted : "(The relevant documents
contain exempt or confidential information and are not available for public
Revised hot food take aways supplementary planning document
Hot food take aways supplementary planning document, adopted July 2007
Consultation Statement
Community Impact Assessment
Contact Officer:
Tel No: 793 3106
Cheryl Price (Planning Officer)
This matter is also subject to consideration by Councillor Merrett
(Assistant Mayor for Environment) and accordingly, has been referred to that
Assistant Mayor / Director for a decision.
This decision is not subject to consideration by another Assistant
This document records a key decision, but the matter was not
included in the Council's Forward Plan and it has been dealt with under the
emergency procedure.
This decision is urgent and is not subject to call-in, in accordance with
paragraph 5 of the Decision Making Procedure Rules
The appropriate Scrutiny Committee to call-in the decision is the
Sustainable Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.
Tick () boxes at the end of these lines, as appropriate.
Signed: Councillor Antrobus
Date: 20 January 2014.
This decision was published on 20 January 2014.
This decision will come in force on 28 January 2014 unless it is called-in in
accordance with the Decision Making Process Rules.
Insert date five days after decision notice is to be published.