Book Pass - Curriculum

Focus Lesson Planning Sheet
Focus Lesson Book Pass
Note: This focus lesson will take longer than 10-15 minutes.
The “Books to Read” chart may become a page in students’
reading response journals.
Tell them what
you taught them
 1 minute!
Assortment of books from classroom library
 Arrange books in groups (4-5 titles per group)
 Place a range of books (genres, topics, reading
level, etc.) in each group
Teacher’s personal list of “Books to Read”
Student copies of “Books to Read”
Yesterday we learned some strategies for previewing
books so that you can make good choices when you are
selecting your independent reading books. Today you will
have the chance to apply what you learned about
previewing books as you get to know some of the books
in our classroom library.
Good readers often keep a list of books they want to
read. Sometimes when I go to a library or a bookstore I
see so many books that I would like to read. I usually
can’t borrow or buy them all at once, so keep a list of
SHOW them
books that I would like to read in the future. Let me
exactly how to
show you my list. [Teacher should briefly display and
do it. Read and
discuss his/her list of “books to read.”] Sometimes
think aloud while when I finish a book and I am not sure what to read
they watch, or
next, I look at my list and my list helps me remember
the titles of the books that I want to read. This helps
exactly what you me as a reader because I have an easy way to find my
want them to do. next book to read.
 5-10 minutes!
This year you will keep your own list of books to read.
We are going to do an activity called a book pass to get
your lists started. In this activity you will have a chance
to preview some great books from our classroom library.
When you preview a book that you would like to read,
you will record it on your Books to Read chart. Let me
show you what I mean. [Review previewing a book anchor
chart from previous lesson. Model previewing a book and
recording the book on Books to Read chart. Repeat
demonstration a second time, if necessary.]
Ask them to try
it with you, or
with a partner.
 3-5 minutes!
Send Off
Divide students into groups of four to five. Give each
group set of books. The number of books should match
the number of group members. (For example, a group of
five students should have five books.)
Now you will start the book pass. When I say begin,
each group member should take one book to preview.
You will have 2-3 minutes to preview the book.
Remember to use the strategies that are listed on our
anchor chart. If the book looks interesting to you,
record the title, author, and any comments that you may
have about the book on your “Books to Read” chart.
When I say “Book pass,” you will pass the book that you
reviewed to the person on your right. When you get a
new book, you will preview it and decide if it looks like a
book that you would like to read. We will repeat this
procedure until you have previewed all the books in your
I want you to remember that good readers are always
thinking about their next great read. Your Books to
Read chart is a great way to keep track of the books
that you want to read. You got to sample a few books
from our classroom library during the book pass, but as
the year goes on you will see and hear about many other
books. Any time you see a book that you would like to
read, remember to record it on your list. This way you
will always know what to read next! Today during
independent reading you may want to select one of the
books from the book pass or you may continue with your
book from yesterday.
Group Share
 5-10 minutes!
Who previewed a great book during the book pass that
they would like to share with the group?