FOREST ECOLOGY LAB 1: ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS Group Members Liza, Dave, DJbrilla Abstract Our experiment focuses on a set of linear plots along a 100 yard slope at Heiberg Forest in Tully, NY, looking at whether there is stable regeneration of tree species throughout. We used ten sample plots along this transect, gathering data from each regarding the number and species of young trees that are growing. By comparing our results to those of the group studying mature tree species, we will be able to conclude whether tree regeneration is stable or not. Introduction Because our transect is located along a slope, there is the possibility that there may be environmental differences within that in some way affect regeneration. Examples of such factors could include differing soil types or textures, and drainage class. Although we do not yet know if such differences are present, we can later correlate our findings with other groups who are investigating such conditions. Despite the likelihood of at least some varying environmental factors over the slope, we feel they are unlikely to be of sufficient magnitude to have a significant effect on regeneration success. Therefore, we expect NOT to see a distinct gradient in regeneration. Alternatively, one tree species might be more affected by certain conditions than others, so there is the possibility that individual species might exhibit regeneration trends. Depending on the severity of change in controlling environmental conditions, there is a final, third possibility that most or all of the tree species in the transect will display some sort of gradient in their reproduction efforts. Methods Materials: Loggers Tape Flagging Tree Key Procedure: Plot centers were marked out for us. Using the Diameter Tape, measure and mark plot boundaries with a 15’ radius. With one person recording, other two group members canvass plot area, giving species and designation to trees under two inches DBH. Loggers tapes are used to determine class. Following completion of a plot, individual counts are tallied by species. Results Species Striped Plot 1 10 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 2 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 Plot 10 Maple Sugar Maple Service Berry American Beech Red Maple Norway Spruce Hemlock 1 1 2 2 2 20 30 1 20 3 2 7 9 4 5 6 4 5 5 8 36 27 Unidentified 7 12 1 12 4 4 Please see excel document, Chart 4 for graph. Discussion The results from our findings showed that tree species did vary as placement on the gradient slope varied. Certain species of trees are shown to thrive more in higher elevation while other species are shown to thrive in a lower elevation along the gradient slope. The Striped Maple and American Birch are example of tree species that thrive at higher elevation while species such as Hemlock thrive at the lower elevation. Environmental factors related to elevation, such as drainage, are likely to be responsible for such variation. In order to complete our lab, we must compare our understory regeneration data to lab group 4’s overstory data. As we have previously stated, we expected that the regeneration of tree species along this gradient slope would follow the same ratio of mature trees along the slope. Upon looking at group 4’s data, which is conveniently posted on the FOR 332 website, we can make these observations and test our hypothesis. Just as our stem count for each species varies along the gradient slope, so does group 4’s stem count. In areas such as Plot 1, our regeneration data clearly matches that of the mature tree species; there is an abundance of maples in both of our groups. Also, in Plot 7, both groups have shown to have a significant amount of Hemlocks. While group 4 has shown there are 5 mature Hemlocks in plot 7, our group has shown that there are 7 hemlocks regenerating in the same plot. Though there some plots’ data shows that our hypothesis is true, not all plots are regenerating the mature species that are present. For instance, we did not find a regenerating Black Cherry stem in any of our plots, even though group 4 found many occurrences of mature Black Cherry stems. Also, the area of most abundant mature Hemlock stems was in plot 9, where there is absolutely no Hemlock regeneration. The area of most abundant Hemlock regeneration is instead in plot 5. Conclusion Our hypothesis that tree regeneration along this 100m gradient slope at Heiberg Forest in Tully, NY, is stable has been proven partially true. We predicted that tree species would vary along the gradient slope due to environmental factors involved, and this was proven true. In some cases, the variation of regenerating trees along this slope matched the variation of mature trees along the slope. Such a match proves our hypothesis true. However, there are some plots where there is an abundance of mature tree species and a lack of regenerating tree species, and vice versa. This unstable regeneration could be caused by a number of factors that we did not account for, such as crown size, fern growth/density, and lack of sunlight reaching the forest floor.