Printable Version of Creative Choice Spelling

Printable Version of Creative Choice Spelling
The day before a spelling test is Free Choice night for homework.
Students can choose among 40 fun and creative ways to practice
their spelling words. Once they complete an activity, it's off
limits until the new spelling cycle. Most assignments must be
completed in their spelling notebooks. However, not all
assignments can be completed in a notebook. Some activities
listed below need a parent note to ensure me that you saw your
child doing the activity. The note should be written by your
child, and you should only have to sign it. Those activities that
require a parent note have a symbol that looks like this:
1.ABC orderWrite your words in
alphabetical order.
5.Picture words -
2.Rainbow Words - Write 3.Backwards Words4.Silly sentences
your words in three colors Write your words
forwards, then backwards. -Use all your words in ten
7. Words without
ConsonantsWrite your words
replacing all consonants
with a line.
8.Story words -
Draw a picture and write
your words in the picture.
6.Words without Vowels
Write your words
replacing all vowels with a
line. Then write the same
words again, only this time
replace the consonants
with lines.
9.Scrambled words
10.Wordsearch II
11.Wordsearch I -
12.Crossword -
-Write your words, then
write them again with the
letters mixed up.
-Make a word search with
a friend, then trade and
Complete a word premade search.
Complete a pre-made
crossword puzzle.
13.Beautiful words -
14.Ransom words -
15.Pyramid Words -
16.Words-in-words -
Write your words on
graph paper and outline
in colors.
Write your words by
cutting out letters in a
newspaper or magazine
and glue them on a paper.
Write your words adding Write your word and then
or subtracting one letter at write at least 2 words
a time. The result will be a made from each.
pyramid shape of words.
17.Delicious words -
18.Good Clean Words
19.Dirty Words -
Write your words in
whipped cream, peanut
butte, or anything you can
eat! Bring in a note from a
-Write your words in
Write your words in mud
shaving cream on a
or sand. (ask a parent
counter or some other
surface that can be cleaned
Write a short story using
all your words.
20.Pasta Words Write your words by
arranging alphabet pasta
or Alphabits. Glue on
paper or bring me a note
from a parent and do on a
table or counter at home.
21.Reversed words -
22.3D words -
23.Create an activity -
24. Etch-A-Word -
Write your words in ABC
order -backwards! This is
Use modeling clay rolled
Can you think of a fun
thinly to make your words. way to do your spelling
activities? Try it out!
Use an Etch-A-Sketch to
write your words.
25.Magazine words -
26. Morse Code -
28.X Words -
Use an old magazine or
newspaper and find your
word. Cut it out and glue it
on paper.
Convert your words to
Morse Code. Click here to
see a website with the
27.Sound Words -Use a
tape recorder and record
your words and their
spelling. Then listen to
your tape, checking to see
that you spelled all the
words correctly.
29.Other Handed -
30.Choo-Choo Words -
31.Silly String -
32.Backwriting -
If you are right-handed,
write with your left, or
vice versa.
Write the entire list endto-end as one long word,
using different colors of
crayon or ink for different
With a long length of
string, "write" words in
cursive, using the string to
shape the letters.
Using your finger, draw
each letter on a partners'
back, having the partner
say the word when
33.Telephone Words -
34.Flashwriting -
35.Newspaper Words-
36.30 Second Words -
Write two words having
one common letter so
they criss-cross.
Translate your words into In a darkened room, use a Search a newspaper page
numbers from a telephone flashlight to draw letters
from top to bottom,
in the air.
circling each letter of a
word as you find it.
Write a TV commercial
using all the words from
your list. Then perform it
in front of your family!
37.Popsicles -
40.Look Say Spell Cover
Write Check- Write your
words on a blank page of
your spelling notebook.
Then LOOK at the first
word. SAY that word out
loud. SPELL that word out
loud. COVER that word
up. WRITE it next to the
word you were just looking
at. CHECK the spelling to
see if you spelled it right. If
it's right, move on to the
next word and repeat for
all 20 of your spelling
words. If it's not correct,
try the whole thing again
until you get it right.
38.Cheer Your Words
39. Puzzle words -
Make words using popsicle Make up a cheer for each
Use a blank puzzle form.
of your words and perform Write your words on
for a family member.
the form, making sure that
the words cross over the
pieces. Then cut them out
(color if you wish) and put
them in a baggie with your
name on it. When you and
a friend have completed
your puzzles, trade and
put them back together.