September 2, 2014 Dear Parents: This is to inform you of the spelling activities that your child will be completing throughout this school year. Spelling words will go home on the first school day of each week (usually Monday). The activities completed and test will be on the last school day of the week (usually Friday). On weeks of 3 days or less, we will not have words to study. Rather than specific assignments, students will be given a choice of activities to complete. Attached you will find that list of activities. Students should choose 3 different activities to complete each week. They may do the same 3 activities each week, they may do completely different activities each week, they may do some over while changing others—it’s entirely up to the student. I will not be sending home the activity sheet each week because it will never change. Please put the attached copy somewhere will you can refer to it each week—on the fridge, in a folder on the student’s desk, etc. I know things happen and I will have extra copies that I can give out during the year. Students were also given a copy to keep in their agendas. They are colored for easy recognition. Please DO NOT throw it away. The first test is on Friday, September 5, 2014. Students received their first set of words today. Students also wrote them in their agendas, as I will ask of them every week. It is up to your student to keep track of their words. I will encourage the use of the agenda for this. Three of the activities should be completed on these words by Friday. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 410968-1295, or e-mail me at Sincerely, Rebecca Cain Spice Up Your Spelling Words! Students should complete three activities for each list of spelling words. Activities should be completed on lined paper and turned in no later than the day of the test. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ABC order—Write your words in alphabetical order. Rainbow words—write your words in three colors Backwards words—write your words forwards, than backwards Silly sentences—use all your words in just ten sentences. Picture words—draw a picture and write your words in the picture Words without vowels—write your words replacing all vowels with a line 7. Words without consonants—write your words replacing all consonants with a line 8. Story words—write a short story using all your words. Make sure to underline each word. 9. Scrambled words—write your words, then write them again with the letters mixed up 10. Surround words—write your words on graph paper and outline in colors 11. Ransom words—write your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and glue them on a paper 12. Pyramid words—write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid shape of words 13. Words-in-words—write your words and then write at least 2 words made from each 14. Delicious words—write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter, or anything you can eat! Bring in a note from a parent that you did it! 15. Good clean words—write your words in shaving cream on a counter or some other surface that can be cleaned safely. Bring in a note from a parent that you did it. 16. Pasta words—write your words by arranging alphabet pasta or Alphabits. Glue on paper. 17. Reversed words—write your words in ABC order—backwards! 18. 3Dwords—use modeling clay rolled thinly to make your words. Bring a note from a parent that you did it. 19. Create an activity—can you think of a fun way to do your spelling activities? Try it out! 20. Magazine words—use an old magazine or newspaper and find your words. Cut them out and glue them on paper. 21. X words—write two words having one common letter so they criscross. You must use all your words 22. Other handed—if you are right-handed, write with your left, or if you are left-handed, write with your right 23. Choo-Choo-words—write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for different words 24. Telephone words—translate your words into numbers from a telephone keypad 25. Newspaper words—search a newspaper page from top to bottom, circling each letter of a word as you find it 26. 30 second words—write a TV commercial using all the words from your list 27. Popsicles—make words using popsicle sticks 28. Secret agent words—number the alphabet from 1 to 26, then convert your words to a number code