Maths Spectacular Booklet 2012

Methanex Maths Spectacular 2012 Information Booklet
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Monday 30th July to Friday 3rd August
Pukekura Raceway Function Centre, New Plymouth
Entries open to Years 7 to 10
Visit the website:
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors .................................................................................. 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
Contact Information ............................................................................................................... 5
Privacy Statement .............................................................................................................. 5
Judges’ Decisions .............................................................................................................. 5
Important Information for 2012 ............................................................................................... 6
Other Information ................................................................................................................... 7
Maths Trail ......................................................................................................................... 7
Timetable for Maths Spectacular Week ................................................................................. 8
Categories ........................................................................................................................... 10
Hand Drawn 2D Artwork (for INDIVIDUALS only)......................................................... 10
Computer Generated 2D Artwork (for INDIVIDUALS only) ........................................... 10
3D Artwork (for 1 or 2 students only) ............................................................................ 10
Poetry and Creative Writing (for INDIVIDUALS only) ................................................... 10
Central Design for Next Year (for INDIVIDUALS only) ................................................. 10
Maths in the Energy Industry Project (for 1, 2 or 3 students only) ................................ 10
IT Project (for 1, 2 or 3 students only) ........................................................................... 10
Individual Projects (for INDIVIDUALS only) .................................................................. 11
Group Projects (for 2 or 3 students only) ...................................................................... 11
Class Projects - Primary Years 7 to 8 (for the WHOLE CLASS) ................................... 11
Class Projects - Secondary Years 9 to 10 (for the WHOLE CLASS) ............................ 11
Statistical Projects (for 1, 2 or 3 students only) ............................................................. 11
Teams’ Quiz Competition..................................................................................................... 12
Prizes ................................................................................................................................... 13
Competition Prizes ........................................................................................................... 13
Grand Prize ...................................................................................................................... 13
Teams’ Quiz Competition Prizes ...................................................................................... 13
Display Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 14
Headings .......................................................................................................................... 14
Text .................................................................................................................................. 14
Diagrams .......................................................................................................................... 14
Layout .............................................................................................................................. 14
Labelling Exhibits ................................................................................................................. 15
Project Ideas ........................................................................................................................ 16
Further Ideas ....................................................................................................................... 17
Please support our generous sponsors ............................................................................... 18
Methanex Maths Spectacular 2012 Information Booklet
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Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our generous sponsors for their
Please help us thank them by supporting them and using their
Major Sponsor:
Teams’ Quiz Sponsor:
Major Associate Sponsors:
Origin Energy Resources NZ Ltd
Transfield Worley
Plant & Platform Consultants Ltd
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT)
Associate Sponsors
Liquigas Limited
McDonald’s Family Restaurant
Taranaki Daily News
Supporting Sponsors
Clelands Construction
Fitzroy Engineering Ltd
Kip McGrath Education Centre
GEON Print & Communication Solutions
Subsidiary Sponsors
Excel Tuition
Taranaki Mathematics Association
Methanex Maths Spectacular 2012 Information Booklet
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Following the tremendous success and involvement of students at last year’s METHANEX
Maths Spectacular we are delighted to be able to confirm the on-going support of
METHANEX for this year’s competition. The sustained commitment of METHANEX over the
past two decades has been phenomenal and Taranaki students are once again going to be
the beneficiaries of their vision in 2012. With competitions from two-dimensional designs
through to fast moving quizzes there are opportunities for students of all ages and talents.
In addition to our Major Sponsor Methanex we also thank our Quiz Sponsor, AWE Taranaki
Thank you to our Major Associate Sponsors: Transfield Worley , Origin Energy Resources
NZ Ltd, Plant & Platform Consultants Ltd, Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
(WITT) and the New Zealand Association of Mathematic Teachers (NZAMT) ; to our
Associate Sponsors: Liquigas Limited, McDonald’s Family Restaurant and Taranaki Daily
News; to our supporting sponsors; Clelands Construction Ltd, Fitzroy Engineering Ltd
Kip McGrath Education Centre, GEON Print & Communication Solutions; to our subsidiary
sponsors: Excel Tuition and the Taranaki Mathematics Association and I ask everyone to
support our sponsors in return. I would like to thank them particularly for their vision and
investment in supporting the mathematical education of our students.
A great debt is also owed to the passion and hard work of those teachers who have
encouraged their students and invested so much effort in supporting their ideas and
development. Of equal importance are those parents who support their children all time.
A special thank you to the Principals who encourage and support the work of their teachers
and a huge thank you to the Maths teachers at New Plymouth Girls’ High School who have
taken on the responsibility of organising the event this year.
I hope everyone involved has a lot of fun, either in the lead up to the event or during the
week of the METHANEX Maths Spectacular. Good luck to all of the competitors, whatever
their event.
Remember, we’re counting on you!
Kathy Fagg
Taranaki Maths Association
Methanex Maths Spectacular 2012 Information Booklet
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Contact Information
Kathy Fagg
New Plymouth Girls’ High School
School Ph. 06 7573899
School Fax: 06 757 3882
Registrations Jonathan Faulkner New Plymouth Girls’ High School
& Treasurer
Eileen Mott
New Plymouth Girls’ High School
Quiz Night
Jonathan Faulkner
Sandra Parry
New Plymouth Girls’ High School
Andrew Bone
New Plymouth Girls’ High School
We look forward to seeing you at the Spectacular!
Privacy Statement
By entering this competition, schools and students are granting permission for the
organising committee to use their names and the images and descriptions of their entries for
publicity purposes such as reporting on the event and in promoting next year’s event in
various formats such as posters, booklets, websites etc.
Judges’ Decisions
Please make sure that the Mathematical content of each entry is clear. The judges’
decisions are final and no communication will be entered into.
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Important Information for 2012
Please read: This page contains a quick guide of notes of particular importance
Entry Fee – The entry fee is $30 for a school or $10 for a home schooled student. To be
eligible to enter and display posters, projects etc the entry fee must be paid before
exhibits are delivered to the venue.
Venue - This year’s event will be held at the Pukekura Raceway Function Centre, La Mer
Lounge, Mason Drive, New Plymouth.
Official Opening – This year the official opening will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday
2nd August. Invited guests will be present and the Grand Prize will be awarded. All
competitors, friends, families and school representatives are welcome to attend.
Bookings for viewing – The Spectacular is only open to the public and visiting schools
on Thursday 2nd August and Friday 3rd August. Please make sure that you book your
school visit. See contact details on the front page.
Prize winners notification – An e-mail will be sent to the school contact on Wednesday
afternoon/evening. This will outline all prize winners. Schools please make sure all prize
winners are aware of their success and that they are expected to attend prize giving. An
additional email will be sent to confirm the final quiz results.
Labels on Exhibits – Labels must be securely attached to all exhibits.
Please download the correct page of labels from and print/copy.
Exhibit labels must:
Be on the correct colour paper (Y7 Red, Y8 Yellow, Y9 Green and Y10 Blue)
Have student names neatly printed and correctly spelt
Have the school clearly identified
Be entered into the correct category for that exhibit
Be firmly attached to the exhibit in a suitable location (easily viewable from the front)
Note:. The organising committee cannot take responsibility for exhibits without labels or that
have lost their labels. Exhibits without labels will not be eligible for prizes.
Collecting Exhibits – All exhibits can be collected between 11 am and 12 noon on
Saturday 4th August. Please note that any uncollected exhibits cannot be stored
and will be disposed of
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Other Information
The competition is open to students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the judges.
Prize Giving will immediately follow the respective year’s Quiz. (Please refer to Section C
for times). Prize winners are expected to attend.
The Grand Prize will be awarded at the official opening 7.30pm on Thursday 2nd
All entries must be clearly labelled using the correct colour of labels
(downloadable from the website
Y7 Red
Y8 Yellow
Y9 Green
Y10 Blue
The exhibition will remain open for public viewing until the end of the quiz on Friday 3rd
August. Please arrange for all exhibits to be collected between 11 am and 12 noon on
Saturday, 4th August. Any exhibits remaining after this time will be disposed of.
In all categories the judges will be looking for mathematical content, quality of work,
clarity of presentation, neatness, originality, imagination, positive portrayal of
Mathematics, clear explanations where appropriate, and accuracy in construction. The
judges’ decisions are final and no communication will be entered into on this matter.
Maths Trail
When visiting the Spectacular, students can participate in the Maths Trail, a series of
questions about specific displays which the students must find the answers to as they go
around the exhibition. The questions will be available at the venue for the students. Prizes
will be awarded for the Maths Trail, so ensure that your students bring a pen with them and
that their Maths Trail entries are put in the box provided before they leave.
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Timetable for Maths Spectacular Week
Friday 27th July – Pre Spectacular preparation by schools
Schools should pre-sort all ‘flat’ entries, such as two dimensional artwork, posters, central
design for next year, and poetry and creative writing. Print the name of the category on the
exhibit label. Please make sure exhibit labels are clearly written and correctly spelt as this is
what will be printed on certificates. Labels must be attached securely to the exhibit. The
label should show the first and last name of each student, the school name and the
category in which the item is entered. Note: St Joseph’s schools – please ensure it is
clearly marked which St Joseph’s you are.
Monday 30th July – Delivery of exhibits to venue
All entries are to go directly to Pukekura Raceway between 3:30 pm and 5:00 pm. Further
details regarding this will follow. Schools must arrange for their exhibits to be sorted
into separate categories when they are dropped off. Please note that exhibits dropped
off unsorted will not be displayed, it is not fair on the team setting up. Please help make the
system work.
Tuesday 31st July – Setup of displays by setup team
The organising committee will set up the displays at the Pukekura Raceway.
Note: No late exhibits will be accepted.
Wednesday 1st August – Judging of entries
9:00 am
Judging of exhibits.
Results from each category at each Year level will be emailed to your contact on
Wednesday evening. Please check for prize winners and alert them to this fact.
Prize Winners are expected to attend the relevant Prize Giving on Thursday or Friday
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Thursday 2nd August 2012 – Official opening and Year 9 & 10 Quiz
Any school wishing to visit the Spectacular must book a time
by contacting the bookings person (contact details on page 5)
Schools not booked run the risk of being turned away.
9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Pukekura Raceway will be open for schools and the public to visit.
Quiz Evening Schedule:
6:00 pm
Doors open for viewing.
7:00 pm
Year 9 Quiz Teams’ competition.
7:30 pm
Presentation of the Grand Prize
8.00 pm
Year 9 Exhibitors’ Prize Giving.
Year 9 Quiz Prize Winners announced.
8:15 pm
Year 10 Quiz Teams’ competition.
8:45 pm
Year 10 Exhibitors’ Prize Giving.
9:00 pm
Year 10 Quiz Prize Winners announced
Friday 3rd August – Viewing plus Year 7 & 8 Quiz
9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Pukekura Raceway will be open for schools and the public to visit.
Quiz Evening Schedule:
6:00 pm
Doors open for viewing.
7:00 pm
Year 7 Quiz Teams’ competition.
7:30 pm
Year 7 Exhibitors’ Prize Giving.
7:45 pm
Year 7 Quiz Prize Winners announced.
8:00 pm
Year 8 Quiz Teams’ competition.
8:45 pm
Year 8 Exhibitors’ Prize Giving.
9:00 pm
Year 8 Quiz Prize Winners announced
Saturday 4th August – Dismantling and collection of exhibits
10:00 am to 11 am
Committee and helpers to dismantle displays.
11 am to 12 pm
Please collect students’ exhibits.
Any unclaimed exhibits will NOT be kept.
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Hand Drawn 2D Artwork (for INDIVIDUALS only)
This group includes designs, tessellations, transformations etc. The finished work must
have an underlying mathematical theme, cannot be computer generated and must be either
A4 or A3 in size. No other size will be accepted.
Please do not allow students to merely colour in a photocopied design.
exhibits will not be displayed.
Computer Generated 2D Artwork (for INDIVIDUALS only)
This group includes designs, tessellations, transformations etc. The finished work must
have an underlying Mathematical theme, and must be accompanied by a portfolio
showing the design process and be either A4 or A3 in size.
No other size will be accepted.
3D Artwork (for 1 or 2 students only)
This category includes geometrical solids, mobiles, sculpture, models and collages. Up to
20 words are allowed for titles and labels.
Poetry and Creative Writing (for INDIVIDUALS only)
The writing must be original and well presented. There is no restriction on form. There is a
maximum of 200 words, presented on one side of an A4 or A3 page. Diagrams and
illustrations are acceptable.
Writing with a positive view of Mathematics will be at an
advantage in the judging.
Central Design for Next Year (for INDIVIDUALS only)
The design must be on A4 size paper. The winning design may be used in next year’s
promotional poster. Computer-generated designs are acceptable but hand-drawn designs
will not be disadvantaged. Care and accuracy in presentation is vital.
Maths in the Energy Industry Project (for 1, 2 or 3 students only)
Requirements are as for the Individual Project but the project must explore and relate to
Mathematics in the Energy Industry
IT Project (for 1, 2 or 3 students only)
This project involves using programmes such as Flash, Powerpoint, or similar software etc.
to create a presentation. The finished work must have an underlying mathematical theme.
The project is to be submitted on a CD for judging but a hard copy must also be provided to
be exhibited. The physical dimensions and requirements of the hard copy are as for the
Individual Project.
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Individual Projects (for INDIVIDUALS only)
This section is for topics that are not statistical in nature. Exhibits must have supporting
written material that shows research and/or investigative skills and/or design processes.
Projects must be no larger than 1200 mm wide by 600 mm deep by 800 mm high.
Backing and sides for the project are suggested. The venue will have some display boards
for posters and tables for standing displays. We strongly recommend that projects be free
standing. No computers or electronic equipment are to be on display.
Projects requiring participation by visitors (by pushing buttons, levers etc.) will be accepted,
but must be designed so that they are foolproof, robust and do not require operation or
explanation by the exhibitors. All items must be firmly attached so that they cannot be easily
picked up and carried away by visitors. The Committee cannot be responsible for any
losses or damage. Protective coverings and “Do Not Touch” signs may be used.
Group Projects (for 2 or 3 student only)
Requirements are the same as for Individual Projects.
Class Projects - Primary Year 7 to 8 (for the WHOLE CLASS)
Class Projects - Secondary Year 9 to 10 (for the WHOLE CLASS)
Requirements are the same as for Individual Projects. Everyone in the class must be
involved in producing the exhibit.
Statistical Projects (for 1, 2 or 3 students only)
Requirements are as for Individual Projects, except that projects must have a survey or
statistical theme.
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Teams’ Quiz Competition
Note: Schools are expected to supply teachers as markers for the Quiz evenings.
A team may have a MAXIMUM of 4 competitors.
Registered schools may enter up to TWO teams per level. Composite teams formed from
different year levels may be entered but they must take part in the quiz intended for the
higher level, e.g., a composite Year 7 and 8 team must be entered in the Year 8
Apart from pens, pencils, rulers and scientific (non-programmable) calculators NO other
MATHEMATICAL AIDS are allowed. Please make sure that this rule is followed as
infringement may lead to the disqualification of a team.
The quiz consists of 20 questions and runs for 30 minutes. Sample questions can be
purchased from CMA:
A question answered correctly on the first attempt scores 5 marks. If answered correctly
on the second attempt it scores 4 marks and so on until the minimum mark of 1 mark is
Each question must be attempted at least twice before a team decides to ‘pass’ and
move on to the next question.
A team may NOT go back and re-attempt a “passed” question.
Teams should not spend too long on any single question. A useful strategy is to attempt
as many questions as possible.
In the event of a tie for first, second or third place only the tied teams will answer a tie
breaker question to decide the final placing.
Ensure that your teams are present at least 20 minutes before they are due to start. The
quizzes will start at the advertised time and any late teams will run the risk of
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Competition Prizes
Prize values for the four project categories are:
Prize values for the class project category are:
$90 cash or voucher per group.
$60 cash or voucher per group.
$30 cash or voucher per group
$120 cash per class.
Prize values for all other display categories are:
$40 cash or voucher or book per entry.
$25 cash or voucher or book per entry.
$15 cash or voucher or book per entry.
The award of prizes is at the discretion of the judges.
At the discretion of the judges’ Merit certificates may be awarded.
The judges’ decisions are final and no communication will be entered into.
At the discretion of sponsors, equivalent prizes may be awarded.
Prizes not claimed on the night of the Prize Giving will be forwarded to the school. The
committee is not responsible or liable for unclaimed prizes after the Prize Giving.
Grand Prize
An overall GRAND PRIZE of $300 will also be awarded to an individual or group for the
most outstanding exhibit. The prize is an extra $200 in cash for the winning person or group
plus $100 in book vouchers, or cash, to their school.
Teams’ Quiz Competition Prizes
For each of the Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 Teams’ Quiz, the following prizes will be awarded:
Trophy and $120 cash (i.e. $30 per person).
$80 cash (i.e. $20 per person).
$40 cash (i.e. $10 per person).
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Display Guidelines
Give your project a short descriptive title.
Ensure that this main heading is bold and prominently placed.
If the title is chosen mainly to attract attention use subtitles or a brief statement which
outlines the aim and purpose of the project.
Use neat printing if you are unable to use a computer.
Letters are more readable if they are more than 5 mm high.
Print in black or a dark colour.
Well spaced lines are easier to read.
Tables of figures are not usually read.
Make sure that your spelling is correct.
Emphasise the mathematical content of your work.
Graphs and diagrams attract more attention than blocks of text or tables.
Diagrams drawn in ink are more attractive than pencil drawings.
Use colour carefully, some colours have more impact than others.
Aim to have an eye-catching and attractive presentation.
Have a central theme and try not to overcrowd your display.
If you have a three-sided exhibit that folds out, spread the wings to show all the display.
Choose the background colour carefully.
Short, clear statements are more effective than blocks of text.
Work that does not meet public display standard will not be exhibited. Teachers,
please encourage high standards of presentation and pre-screen entries. Please
ensure that each student’s first and last name is on the label correctly spelt and that
the category is correct.
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Labelling Exhibits
Labels should be photocopied onto the appropriate colour paper as shown below
Year 7 : Red
Year 8: Yellow
Year 9: Green
Year 10: Blue
Please make sure your students’ exhibit labels are clear and contain:
1. Both a first name and surname of each student (correctly spelt).
2. The school name. Note for St Joseph’s schools – please ensure it is clearly marked
which St Joseph’s you are 
3. The correct category
All labels must be attached securely to the exhibit. The organising committee cannot
take responsibility for exhibits without labels or whose labels have become detached.
Copies of labels sheet can be downloaded from the website
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Project Ideas
Applications of Mathematics supermarkets; bridges;
projectiles; surveying; buying a car;
flight; gears
Mathematics in stamps
Mathematics in the home
- building; decorating; budgeting
Mathematics in the occult
Archimedean solids
Mathematics in the zoo
Boolean Algebra
Mathematics in transport
Boomerangs - history and dynamics
Calculating devices
- car; travel; roads; maps
Mathematics of growth
Coins - shape and symmetry
humans; animals;
Currency conversions
Driving statistics
Flight and aerodynamics
Mathematics of recreation
- holidays; hobbies
Geometry of a catenary
Measurement of time
Geometry on a cylindrical surface
Measuring devices
Moebius strips
History of a Mathematical event
Naval strategy and war games
History of number
Olympic or Commonwealth Games
History of values of , e
Paper darts
How to lie with Statistics
Perfect numbers
Life of a mathematician
Plane projections of the Earth
Logarithmic scales
Platonic solids
Mathematics and family trees
Pythagoras’ Theorem
- a ‘real life’ example of relations;
Pythagorean triples
statistical research
Rouleaux triangle - rotary engine
Mathematics and sport –
Roman numerals
-scoring systems
Simulations and modelling
Mathematics and the weather
Square roots without calculators
Mathematics in the workplace
Symmetry and logos
Mathematics in crystals
Symmetry in nature
Mathematics in music
The binary system
Mathematics in nature
The duodecimal system
Methanex Maths Spectacular 2012 Information Booklet
Further Ideas
Calculation of 
Pascal’s Triangle
Conic Sections
Euclid’s algorithm
Pick’s Theorem
Prime numbers
Rubik’s Cube
Harmonic motion
Slide Rules
Statistical surveys
Kepler’s Laws
The Abacus
The Calendar
Magic Squares
The Parabola
Maps and scales
Tower of Hanoi
Napier’s Bones
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Please support our generous sponsors
Major Sponsor:
Teams’ Quiz Sponsor:
Major Associate Sponsors:
Associate Sponsors:
Supporting Sponsors:
Subsidiary Sponsors: