1 Two novel SCN9A gene heterozygous mutations may cause partial deletion of pain perception Department of Anesthesiology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430030,China. Ruimei Yuan Telephone :( 86)15171425469, 13037154560 1 2 Abstract The physiological sensation of pain and rapid response to stimuli serve as an adaptive way to avoid harmful situations. While for patients with congenital indifference to pain (CIP), this protection disappears or almost disappears. Herein, we reported two patients from two families of China showed insensitivity to pain and diagnosed as CIP by neurologist. Different from recently reported studies, our patients were not entirely painless, but did have little pain sensation. Sequence analysis of candidate genes of two affected individuals identified two novel heterozygous mutations (M899I, M932L) in SCN9A gene. Furthermore, a novel non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) within SCN9A gene was revealed in affected proband and several unaffected family members. This polymorphism (c. 3312G&T, which produces the amino acid substitution V1104L in human Nav1.7) is present in 6.5% of healthy Chinese. We speculate that the mutations may be the cause of partial deletion of pain perception in our probands, and the novel polymorphism V1104L may have a predictive role in the pain sensation of healthy individuals. Key words: SCN9A; CIP; Nav1.7; pain; anesthesia; mutation 2 3 Introduction Pain is one of the most common clinical symptoms experienced by humans, but its molecular mechanism remains incompletely understood. Painful stimuli are transmitted in the form of electrical impulses. These impulses which originate in the periphery travel from nociceptive dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons through ascending spinal pathways to the central nervous system (CNS). Changes in pain perception may be caused by peripheral and/or CNS lesions, and one of the mechanisms is the variability in the electrical excitability. Voltage-gate sodium channels, some of which are expressed in nociceptors, transmit the local membrane depolarization generated by stimulus transduction along the axon. The channel Nav1.7 (encoded by SCN9A) has been shown to play an important role in nociceptive transmission [1-3]. SCN9A, a gene essential for peripheral pain sensation, had been analyzed in knock-out mice [1,4] before the discovery of naturally occurring mutants in humans[2]. SCN9A gene knock out mice die probably due to inability to be fed, while just a loss of acute mechanical and inflammatory pain has been found in nociceptor-specific null mutants [5]. Interestingly, loss of function caused by SCN9A human mutants have a defective Nav1.7 channel appear to be completely pain free but are otherwise normal[5]. Cox et al for the first time demonstrated that mutations in SCN9A gene resulting in loss of function of Nav1.7 and in congenital indifference to pain (CIP) [2]. Subsequently, Ahmad et al also evaluated the functional consequences of in vitro nonsense mutations and their results showed the mutant channel displayed no difference in activity over background current, which supported the loss-of-function hypothesis [6]. As an interesting corollary of such observation, gain of function mutations in SCN9A can result in amplified small depolarization and 3 4 lowered threshold for activation, causing erythermalgia, a chronic inflammatory condition [7,8] or paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD)[9]. So it can be seen that mutations in SCN9A presented as three conditions of voltage-gated-sodium-channels Nav1.7: channelopathy-associated insensitivity to pain with insensitive to pain perception, PE with intermittent attacks of red, warm, painful, swollen extremities and PEED with severe pain episodes. Continuously several mutations in Nav1.7 have been reported including W897X [2], V136I [10], I1461T [11], etc, and may result in complete loss or gain of function of Nav1.7. While we find that different patients with CIP have different mutations which fail to identify a significant shared haplotype, suggesting that each family has a distinct mutation [2]. In this paper, we reported three novel mutations (M899I, M932L, and V1104L) in two children with CIP. The diagnosis of CIP was independently confirmed by at least two neurologists based on the criteria. After analysis of three mutations in other members of the two families and 100 healthy Han Chinese, we found that two mutations (M899I and M932L) were not presented in the families and healthy individuals, while a new non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) V1104L in SCN9A was identified and presented in 6.5% of control subjects. We speculate these mutations may be the cause of partial deletion of pain perception in our probands, and the novel SNP V1104L may have a predictive role in the pain sensation of healthy individuals. 4 5 Patients and methods Patients We studied two Chinese families with sporadic patients who were diagnosed as “congenital analgesia” during the first year of life. (Table 1) However, there were no known histories of neurological disorders in their family members. In addition, neurological examination was performed in two affected individuals at the age of five and four respectively and revealed to be otherwise normal. These patients, however, had little pain perception with significantly high pain threshold at any time and in any part of their body. They can even walk or jump when their lower limbs were fractured. They had normal intelligence and could correctly perceive the sensations of proprioception, touch, temperature, tickle and pressure, but had no favorable perception of pain. The first proband in family one (Fig. 1) was a nine-year-old boy, who was frequently treated for bruises and bone fracture at the local hospital. At the age of 4, he had a femoral bone fracture in his right leg, resulting in claudication which was later corrected through orthopedic surgery. In addition, other injuries were found, he suffered several complications due to lack of pain sensation such as repeated infections around the left caput femoris, fractures in the cataclasis region after removal of external fixation and arthrosis in his left ankle and forefoot. Fortunately, this boy was not complete loss of pain perception which protected him from lip and tongue injury. The second patient in family two (Fig. 1) was an 8-year-old girl. She had injuries in her lip and tongue (with a loss of the distal third) caused by biting herself during the first 3 years without any pain. In addition, bone fracture and other injuries such as right hip dislocation, bilateral tibial fractures and right talus bone necrosis also occurred. None of our cases had evident autonomic nervous system dysfunction. 5 6 Anesthesia for patients with CIP and postoperative pain assessment These two children underwent orthophoria in our hospital and anesthesia procedures for these two patients were recorded. Before the surgery, a comprehensive examination was performed in each patient showing normal. During the operation, electrocardiography (ECG) and blood pressure and pulse oxygen saturation were monitored. Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) was applied with 1.5 mg of midazolam, 2 mg/kg propofol and 2 μg/kg fentanyl for anesthesia induction. Anesthesia was maintained with 6~10 mg/kg/h propofol. During the surgery, body temperature was maintained normal and there were no significant changes in blood pressure and heart rate. The mean time of surgery was about 90 min. Both patients did not experience nausea and vomiting, and the visual analogue scale (VAS) in the absence of any analgesics was ≦2 (VAS: 0= no pain, 10= unbearable pain) in the first 24 h postoperatively. 6 7 Genotype assays This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and informed consent was obtained before study. Then, 5 ml of heparin anti-coagulated blood were obtain from the right elbow veins from members of two families including their grandparents, parents and other members. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood samples using a guanidinium isothiocyanate method. Genomic DNA from patients and their family members (including their parents, brothers or sisters, and their grandparents) were screened for mutations in SCN9A (GenBank accession number, NG_012798.1). All the 26 exons of SCN9A were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (all primers were designed by Drenth JP [12], except for exons 12, 23, 24 and 25 [13]) followed by direct sequencing. The PCR reaction was performed in a Gene Amp PCR system 9700 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California, USA). PCR products were purified and direct sequencing was performed with an ABI PRISM 377 automated sequencer (PE Applied Biosystems, USA). To confirm whether the identified mutations were present in the general population or not, peripheral blood was collected from 100 health Chinese and SCN9A mutations were detected. All mutant sites were re-genotyped 7 8 Results All PCR products had the expected lengths. Sequence analysis of SCN9A revealed three novel heterozygous nonsense mutations in two children. (Fig. 2) For the boy in the family 1, a new heterozygous base substitution was identified in exon 15 (2697 G A), resulting in the amino acid change M899I. For the girl in the family 2, two novels heterozygous mutations were noted in exon 15 (2796 A amino acid change M932L and in exon 16 (3312G C) resulting in the T) causing the amino acid change V1104L. The first two mutations showed disease segregation within the other members of the two families and 100 Chinese normal control subjects. The mutation V1104L was also absent in all the other members of the two families, while it was presented in 6.5% of healthy Chinese. 8 9 Discussion SCN9A has previously been displayed to be involved in nociception in both humans and rodents. SCN9A encodes the α-subunit of Nav1.7 that is predominately expressed in peripheral sensory neurons, especially in nociceptive small-diameter DRG neurons [14,15]. Recent studies have demonstrated that the channel Nav1.7 plays an important role in the nociceptive transmission [1-3]. Gain-of-function mutations in SCN9A, such as the autosomal-dominant pain disorder primary erythermalgia (OMIM 133020) [5], produce a lower current threshold for activation of Nav1.7 sodium channel and result in hyperexcitability of nociceptive neurons [16-18]. As an interesting corollary of such observation, loss-of-function mutations in Nav1.7, as a cause of CIP, the firing of action potentials may be substantially compromised and accompanied by hypo-excitability of nociceptive neurons [2,19]. Based on the studies above, we speculated that mutations in SCN9A may alter the functions of Nav1.7 to different extents thus resulting in hyperalgesia or analgesia. CIP is characterized by lack of physical sensation of pain while other neurological examinations show almost normal. Now it has been confirmed that CIP is relevant with SCN9A gene and the function of Nav1.7. It is surprising that “the presence of pain perception depends on a sodium channel” [20]. In our cases, we identified three novel mutations in SCN9A gene of two individuals with CIP. The mutations M899I and M932L were found in two affected individuals respectively but absent in the other families members and 100 healthy adults. So we postulated that these two mutation sites may be associated with the partial deletion of pain perception and lead to changes in Nav1.7 function The third mutation was a novel SNP site V1104L founded in one of patients and affects about 6.5% of control adults. As it is not unique for CIP patients, more investigations are required to clarify whether it is a cause of incomplete 9 10 deletion of pain and whether it can explain the variations in pain thresholds between individuals. Furthermore, some researchers had put their eyes on the pain perception altered by nucleotide polymorphism in SCN9A and found that rs6746030 (3448 C T, resulting in the amino acid change R1150W in exon 18) with a certain frequency of 1.1 to 12.7% of control chromosomes may increase nociceptor excitability. They speculated that individuals with different genotype of rs6746030 may experience differing amounts of pain [21,22] which is strong evidence to our assumption, the novel non-synonymous V1104L may be associated with a decrease nociceptor excitability and lower pain perception in general population. It is reported that CIP is an autosomal recessive disorder [23], while our patients with heterozygous mutations in SCN9A showed partial deletion of pain perception. Based on our results, we speculate that the occurrence of clinical features of CIP depends on incomplete dominance and the extent of loss of pain perception may be related to the mutation of gene dosage. Our patients were not completely painless but did have mild pain perception. Some researchers had found that anosmia or hyposmia is also a common feature in patients with CIP. While in our study it had not been found. Further laboratory studies such as whole cell patch clamp are required to clarify whether each mutation causing a functional alteration in the mature protein or not. Also we need some clinical results to demonstrate the perhaps relevance between V1104L and pain threshold. Once these observations suggest positive results that polymorphisms of Nav1.7 sodium channel may alter the pain perception in general population, it may predict the potential pain perception in general individual which is very important for the field of pain medicine. It also underscores the potential importance of Nav1.7 as a molecular target for pain treatment. 10 11 Acknowledgements We thank these two children and other family members for their co-operation. We thank all the medical staff in this study for their intelligence and endeavor. And lastly we expressed our gratitude to our sponsor B. Braun Anesthesia Research Fund of China. 11 12 References 1. Nassar MA, Stirling LC, Forlani G, et al. Nociceptor-specific gene deletion reveals a major role for Nav1.7 (PN1) in acute and inflammatory pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101: 12706-11. 2. Cox JJ, Reimann F, Nicholas AK, et al. An SCN9A channelopathy causes ccongenital inability to experience pain. Nature 2006; 444: 894-8. 3. Akopian AN, Souslova V, England S, et al. The tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium ` channel SNS has a specialized function in pain pathways. Nat Neurosci 1999; 2: 541-8. 4. Nassar MA, Levato A, Stirling LC, Wood JN. 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Table 1 The status and mutations of patients with insensitivity to pain Patients Subject 1 Age Boy 9 Manifestation of pain sensitivity significantly high pain threshold; walk or jump with lower limbs fractured 8 bitten her lip or tongue bleeding but did not cry; walk with fractured lower limbs Subject 2 Girl Previous injures femoral bone fracture in right leg; repeated infections around the left caput femoris; repeated fractures in the cataclasis region after removal of external fixation and arthrosis in left ankle and forefoot; continuous soft tissue injury a loss of the distal third tongue; bone fracture and other injuries such as right hip dislocation, bilateral tibial fractures and right talus bone necrosis; continuous soft tissue injury 15 protein mutation Exon G2697A M988I 15 A2796C G3312T M932L V1104L 15 16 cDNA genotype