Corsehill Primary and Nursery

Corsehill Primary and Nursery January 2012 Newsletter HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Dear Parent,
Everyone at Corsehill would like to wish to all a very happy 2012.
I hope you all enjoyed the festive period despite the rain and gales. Please ensure that
all of your telephone contacts are up to date in the unlikely circumstances of us having
to close due to inclement weather. Please inform your child as to what they should do
if there was a school closure. Thank you.
As you know we have been trialling text messaging to improve upon communication
between home and school. As feedback has been very positive our intention is to
continue. Unfortunately with text messaging we are restricted to very short messages
so will require to continue to send home letters such as this one. In our continued
efforts to improve, we have decided to send home mail to you only on Wednesdays. You
will then know to expect communication on a particular day each week. This might not
always work out as there may be some urgent messages to convey, but generally speaking
Wednesday will be our” mail day.”
Christmas concert
Thank you so much for your support. Having had to reschedule because of the gales was
a great pity. Despite this we had a full house on each occasion. The many messages of
thanks and appreciation about the performance were very much appreciated. I’m sure
you will agree that the children, staff and parents of Corsehill were amazing. Thanks
again to everyone involved in making it such a success. We raised £412 in raffle money
thanks to Co-op funeral care donations and parental assistance, £124 in programme sales
and £920 in ticket sales. All of this money will be reinvested in equipment; costumes etc
for the next concert or go back to our children in one shape or form so thanks again.
A huge thank you is due to Kilwinning Tyre services who donated £182:85p to the school
to buy wet interval games for the children. Each class received £20, and teaching staff
spent this on their class during the January sales. This was very much appreciated.
The Panto visit was a great success. Next time we plan go out to the theatre instead of
having a concert.
I am very happy to report that Mrs Clark and Mr Kirk now have very well deserved
permanent status at Corsehill.
Infant Registration
This will take place on Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th of January. Parents should
bring their children to Mrs Lesperance’s room to enrol between 11am-3pm as follows.
Surnames A-L on Monday, and surnames M-Z on Tuesday.
Children should have gained the age of 5 years between 1 st March 2012 and 28th
February 2013.
We will have our annual no uniform day on Friday 3rd of February to raise funds for this
worthy charity. Pupils will be asked for donations to the cause. We usually recommend
Gym Kits
Please help out by reminding your child to leave a gym kit in school. This will prevent us
having to phone home and disturb you if they have forgotten to bring it to school.
After school clubs commence on January the 16th.
Memo- February holiday
School will be closed on Friday the 10th and Monday the 13th of February. Pupils should
not attend on Tuesday the 14th of February as this is an in-service day for staff.
As ever many thanks for your continued support as we start out on a new, happy and
productive year at Corsehill.
Yours sincerely,
Linda Lesperance (Head Teacher)