Journal Entry 2

Journal Entry 2
Written Hypothesis 2
Your assignment is to develop an accurate and detailed written description of your
Hypothesis 2 drawing. The written and drawn versions should match as completely as
Ideally, it would be possible for someone else to redraw your Hypothesis 2 drawing
based solely on your written version of Hypothesis 2.
Some of you have a larger task than others. Some of you may have made only a
few changes from your Hypothesis 1 drawing and have a highly detailed and accurate
written Hypothesis 1. This group will have less to do to revise their written hypothesis.
Others of you may have made substantial changes in your drawing or have a written
hypothesis lacking in details. This group will have more to do to revise their written
Consider the following issues:
Were all 21 organisms included in both your written and drawn hypotheses?
Were you consistent between drawn and written hypotheses in your specification of
the first living organism(s) and in your indication of relatedness and nonrelatedness?
Did you clearly and specifically describe in detail the relationships between all
organisms that you think are related?
Did you clearly and specifically indicate which organisms, if any, are not related?
Submit your revised written hypothesis as Journal entry #2; this should be a
complete hypothesis, not just a list of changes to make in the first one.
You need only to address these two questions. Please number your
What were the first living things on Earth?
Are any species related to each other (are they descended from a common
ancestor?) Which ones?