
1.) Explanations are similar to arguments because they refer reasons why something is the
case. True or False
2.) The following sentence is an example of an interpretative explanation “teleological “
means directed toward a goal” True or False
3.) All the other things being equal a more complex theory is preferable to a simpler one.
True or False
4.) Any theory that posits unknown entities should automatically be rejected. True or False.
5.) Our established beliefs can never be shown to be false. True or False
6.) A theory with a scope is one that explains or predicts phenomena. True or False
7.) The function of Ad Hoc Hypotheses is to simplify a theory. True of False
8.) The criterion of conservatism is a measure of (choose either 1. How well a theory fits
with existing knowledge. 2. The amount of diverse phenomena explained 3. The number
of novel predictions made)
9.) Science is synonymous with technology . True or false
Scientific inquiry begins with (choose one 1. A problem to solve or a question to
answer 2. Observation or 3. Laboratory tests
Science seeks to acquire knowledge and understanding of reality through the
formulation, testing, evaluating of (choose one 1. Deductible reasoning 2. Theories, or 3.
To test a hypothesis , scientists must (choose one 1. Accurately predict the
outcome of a test 2. Ignore test implications of the hypnothesis or 3. Derive a test
implication from the hypothesis
Scientific hypotheses are derived inductively True or False
In scientific research, no hypothesis can be (choose one 1. Tested outside
laboratory 2. Discontinued or 3. Conclusively confirmed