Little Book Of Literacy -


Notemaking Support Strategies

 Give note-making frames e.g. cause/effect, similarity/difference, spider diagrams, pyramid diagrams, tree diagrams

 Model how to take notes in a variety of ways – encourage pupils to find a preferred style

 Use text-marking - pupils highlight topic sentences, number key points, delete unhelpful information

 Give pupils key questions or sub-headings to structure notemaking

 Pupils convert text into a diagram or label a diagram

 Pupils write points on cards which are later sorted or sequenced e.g. for/against

 Pupils reduce text to 5 main points or 5 words/phrases

 Use grids with headings KWL (Know already,

Want to know, have Learnt), QUAD (Question,

Answer, Detail source) or The 6 W’s (Who,

What, When, Where, Why, How)

10 Tips for Setting a Research Task

(Based on ‘The Exit Model’)


Remind students what they know so far


Give a clear aim and outcome for the task


Ensure pupils know where to go to research and what texts to use


Help pupils to plan their approach to the research e.g timescales


Discuss what kind of reading style is appropriate (skimming, scanning, close reading)


Encourage pupils to keep reviewing their understanding


Make sure pupils know how to make notes and have useful formats


Demonstrate to pupils how to decide what information should be used. Is it reliable?


Model how to blend findings together into an appropriate form


Set research outcomes which vary in form e.g. giving a talk, powerpoint

Organising Group Talk

Listening Triads - Groups of three; a talker, a questioner and a recorder who reports back.

Envoys - after a task, one person from each group visits another group to share ideas, then reports back to the original group.

Snowball - pairs discuss or brainstorm then double up to fours, which then double up to eight, leading to a whole-class debate.

Rainbow Groups - after a separate group task, pupils are regrouped by colour, to make new groups comprising someone from each old group.

Jigsaw - before a task, 'home' groups allocate a section to each member. New 'expert' groups then form for each section. Finally,

'home' groups reform and share findings.

Spokesperson - each spokesperson is asked in turn for a new point until every group passes.

Supporting Listening

 Play an extract as a prediction activity - helps to cue pupils in to the task and activate prior knowledge

 Provide a focus or hook for listening e.g. a specific question for each group

 Give pupils a format for recording information e.g. diagram, flow chart, notemaking frame (increases retention dramatically)

 Pupils could: identify a limited number of key words or phrases; list 3 major points and 3 minor points; respond physically when they hear key ideas e.g. hands-up

 Plan group activities where pupils are required to feed back and listen to each other

 Before a task, model listening and notemaking

 Provide a glossary if necessary

 Break up the listening into chunks and gradually increase the complexity and demands of tasks to build up listening stamina

Ten Strategies for Key Words


Have subject-specific dictionaries in subject rooms


Create word banks – written on strips, displayed on word wall


Make word and definition cards – useful for starters and plenaries


Create interactive glossaries – page of key words stuck in book. Definitions added by pupil during unit.


Keyword crosswords/wordsearches


Create word-cluster posters – to link common roots e.g. equi/equa, graph

Spelling Strategies

 Break it into sounds (u-n-i-o-n)

 Break it into syllables (con-tin-ent)

 Break it into affixes (dis + satisfy)

 Use a mnemonic (Never Eat Chips Eat Salad

Sandwiches And Remain Young!)

 Refer to a word in the same family

(chemical, chemist, chemistry)

 Over-articulate it (Wed-nes-day)

 Words within words (GUM in argument)

 Refer to word history (bi = two, cycle = wheels)

 Use analogy (through, rough, enough)

Retention Rates

Lecture - 5%

Reading - 10%

Audio-visual – 20%

Demonstration - 30%

Discussion - 50%

Practice by doing -


Teaching others -


The Little

Book of



Create mnemonics


Create calligram posters – the meaning of a word is visually represented


Use icons alongside words – ‘comic sans’ font recommended


Play word games (on mini-whiteboards) - hangman, dominoes, finding words in words

3 Tips for Improving Writing


Vary the openings of sentences :

Start with a verb ending in ing…

Start with a verb ending in ed…

Start with an adverb ending ly…

Start with a preposition e.g. over, at, on,

Use connectives to:

- combine sentences

- start sentences (with a comma)

- link sentences and paragraphs

- express thinking more clearly

Vary sentence length and construction:

John sprinted to work. He was very late.

John sprinted to work, because he was very late.

Because he was very late, John sprinted to work.

John, who was very late, sprinted to work.

 Use a key word (I’m – to remember a apostrophe can replace a missing letter)

 Apply spelling rules ( hopping = short vowel sound, hoping = long vowel)

 Learn by sight (look-say-cover-write check)

 Visual memory (recall images, colour, font)



And, also, as well as, moreover, too


Next, then, first, finally, meanwhile, after


Above all, in particular, especially, significantly, notably


Equally, similarly, likewise, as with, like

Cause and effect

Because, so, therefore, thus, consequently


However, although, unless, except, if, yet


For example, such as, for instance, in the case of, as revealed by


Whereas, unlike, alternatively, on the other hand, otherwise

Does Your Lesson Plan Wear a


V – a VARIETY of activities that appeal to different learning styles

E – ENGAGEMENT for all pupils

S – opportunities for SOCIABLE learning

T – TRANSFORMATION of information into a new form maximises learning

What do Good Readers do?

 See images

 Hear a reading voice

 Predict what will happen next

 Speculate

 Ask questions, tease at puzzles

 Pass comments

 Feel

 Empathise

 Rationalise what is happening

 Reread

 Reinterpret

 Interpret patterns

 Relate to own experience/knowledge

 Pass judgements - likes, dislikes


Modelling and discussing these behaviours benefits all students

A Sequence for Teaching


Help Students to

Organise their writing by:



Activities which encourage close reading)

Strategies for Supporting

Literacy across the


Hertfordshire KS3 English and

Literacy Team

Supporting Reading of Difficult Texts

 Create a context - provide a

'warm-up' activity such as a lesson starter involving brainstorming, key words or prediction

 Glossaries - to explain difficult and new technical vocabulary

 Collaborative work - pooling ideas helps with confidence

 Shared Reading - where the passage is read on the OHP by the whole class. The teacher can annotate the


 DARTS "directed activities relating to texts" can make a difficult passage more accessible

 Modelling - teacher discusses and demonstrates the reading strategies that could be used

 Opportunities to read similar texts

Reading Strategies

Continuous reading

Uninterrupted reading of an

 Establish clear aims – what is the FAP?

(Form, Audience, Purpose)

 Provide examples of that text type

 Explore features of the example – shared reading looking for word,

sentence and text-level features

 Define the conventions – list the

‘ingredients’ for this kind of writing

 Demonstrate how it is written –

teacher models thought processes

 Compose together – class contributes

 Scaffold the first attempts – e.g. writing frames, key words, sentence


 Independent writing

 Draw out key learning

Modelling planning, introducing a variety of planning formats and providing note-making frames

Teaching Mr PEEL for paragraphs

point, evidence, explanation, link

Looking at paragraphing in exemplar texts e.g. highlighting topic sentences

Preparing pupils for the structure of that genre of writing e.g. recipe = chronological

Providing writing frames and sentence starters for those students who need them

Organising sequencing activities:

students’ ideas on post-its or cards

key words or phrases which can be expanded

topic sentences/ sub-headings


- filling the gap with a missing word or phrase.


- reconstructing a text that has been cut into chunks.

Text marking

- underlining, annotating or numbering text to show sequence.

Text restructuring

- reading and then remodelling the information in another format e.g. flow charts, diagrams, venn diagrams, grids, lists, maps, charts, concept maps or rewriting in another genre.

extended piece of text e.g. novel

Close reading

Careful study reading, which usually includes pausing to think or look back e.g. making notes from a text book


Glancing quickly through the passage to get the gist of it e.g. first reading of a new passage


Searching for a particular piece of information e.g. using an index

Supporting weaker readers

What are we reading for?

Which strategy do we need to use?

How do we do this? What do we do with our eyes?

What sort of information are we looking for?

Watch me model what I do as I read this.
