16 Genetic Personality Types

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16 Genetic Personality Types
The 16 Geniuses —
Sixteen Genetic Personality Types
New Groundbreaking Discoveries
That Will Change Psychology Forever
NOW AVAILABLE: Book excerpts from Bob Cooley's upcoming book...
The 16 Geniuses — Sixteen Genetic Personality Types
...learn more at the16geniuses.com
What type are you?
How can you acquire a confirmation of what type you are? There is only one authoritative
organization for GPT typing: The GPT Foundation in Boston, MA founded and presided by Bob
Cooley. Bob Cooley's second book The 16 Geniuses — Sixteen Genetic Personality Types will
be released soon.
Soon you will be able to click on “What type am I” and then be filmed for 15 minutes while
being interviewed. Four faculty of the GPT Foundation will review the film and confirm your
type. You will then be sent via email information on your type and your balancing type.
The 16 GPT Types
A New Psychology — Based on Types
The 16 Genetic Personality Types (GPT) Theory is a new psychology based on types. What has
been discovered and presented on types breaks the code on human psychology. This new
psychology is based on the principles of concomitance, balance, equivalence, and reflection. The
hallmark of this new system is the groundbreaking discovery of defining the type of unconscious
for each type. This 16 Type System is not the same as anything previously identified in
Astrology, Myers Briggs, the Ennegram, Chinese Medicine, nor any other current system,
though many sources were ultimately used to help develop this psychology of types after my
initial discovery of types while Resistance Stretching. But no western, eastern, northern, nor
southern theories have ever existed that identify humans as genetic types nor that there were
sixteen. What theories do you have about types?
Every culture, nationality, and religion can also be understood as forming from a
type. This philosophy on types is so grand in its applications that it instantly
expands consciousness.
Knowing types is still mostly lost
in the large overwhelming mix of life, slippery to most,
yet obvious once you know that types exist.
Knowing types is a master key for knowing yourself and others.
Types = Geniuses
Each of the 16 types has innate traits, qualities, and characteristics totally differentiable and
unique from all the other types. Each type's exceptional abilities, spirit, and talents are genius,
and capable of giving each person a global perspective and recognition. Everyone knows there
are types of trees, but do not yet know there are types of people. Each type epitomizes a different
historical archetype, and typifies a distinctive lifestyle. The type is part of the essence, the core of
the person, a psychological blueprint for life. All types are equal, none being better or worse than
another. When you are the same type as another person you both share identical qualities and
behaviors while not having primarily the pervasive traits and behaviors of other types, and yet
both of you are very different unique individuals. No one is not a type, and everyone is but one
of the 16 types. What type of person are you?
When you first recognize another person, not just for who they are but also as a type, they feel
validated. Then biases about them surprisingly begin to disappear, and then you and the person
that you typed change forever. First impressions often allow you to associate someone new with
someone you have known in the past. When the new person and a previous person's behaviors
replicate each other almost identically, then they are probably the same type.
Types are visible in the sense that each type displays characteristic behaviors. But types are
invisible in the sense that each type has the other half of themselves occurring inside themselves,
so you will have to go inside yourself and others to know the type, and not simply think you can
know a type by seeing them from the outside.
Soon it will become self-evident what type everyone is. Typing will become ubiquitous. How
many people do you know that might be the same type as you?
High and Low Personality Traits of the 16 Types
Each type has what can be best described as innate, distinctive, pervasive, and salient personality
behavioral characteristics or qualities unique to their type. The pervasiveness of each type's
characteristic high and low traits overshadows the appearance of those same traits in all other
types, and differentiates them from all the other types. Each type is a natural authority on their
traits, always being the most reliable source on their traits. These high and low traits are also
called positive and negative traits, or the light and dark sides of the types. These traits are
inalienable, incontrovertible, predilections, predictable, enduring, perquisite, and undeniable.
These traits are hardwired within each type while the traits of other types can be learned and are
like software programs that are added to the hard drive.
Each type's highly specific traits are a 24/7 affair, quotidian behaviors impossible not to occur,
privileges for being that type. These traits are a freebie or bonus for being born a type. Each
type's traits can be understood as natural inborn gifts, and are how they display their unique
genius. Everyone can learn those high traits associated with other types, but can never match the
potential development of those traits by the type that is known for those traits. They give each
type an advantage over the other types as well being a contribution to the human mix. Sometimes
people are born with the high traits of other types as additional gifts added to their own type's
innate characteristic traits.
Some of the positive personality traits of the types include being honest, sober, empathetic,
athletic, communicative, ethical, and so on while some of the negative traits include lying,
depression, lust, addiction, brainwashing, etc. Everyone is a natural authority on the traits
inherently concomitant with their type. When anyone develops the high traits of a type, the low
traits simultaneously dismantle naturally. When you know the high traits, you can reroute
yourself to be that way and stay that way permanently. Positive or negative life events can
facilitate the development of high traits.
A common unspoken assumption of type's traits is that everyone really knows what the words for
these high and low traits really mean, when usually only the type associated with these traits is
capable of expounding endlessly on them because they are the natural authority on those specific
qualities. For example, whom do you go to learn how to be radically honest, naturally sobering,
or worldly empathetic, and whom do you go to learn how to dismantle habitual lying, chronic
depression, or obsessive lust? Who knows what? There is only one place to go to answer all
these types of questions — to people who are the types that are born with these traits. Go to the
type that knows what you need to learn. What are the things that you need to know about the
most, and what types of people do you know who would know about those things?
½+ — The Myths of Perceiving Reality and the Role of the
A person initially only sees half of the pixels as they look at the world. The entire other half of
reality can only be seen when the unconscious part of them is in full operation. Access to this
second half is the balancing part of a person and sees the world in the way the balancing type
sees the world.
It is like each GPT sees the world made up of 16 different colored pixels, and they only see one
of the sixteen pixels distinctly and with muted clarity 7 others, and the balancing 8 only when
they learn to become more conscious of what they are naturally not conscious of. Upon a person
seeing all 16 pixels is the world revealed.
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