Traits Writing Web Page

Traits Writing
Our district adopted the Scholastic Traits Writing program in the spring of
2012. The program is designed for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It
has a spiraling effect similar to our Everyday Math program. Each grade level features
specific skills that are featured. A student builds upon his/her writing knowledge as
he/she progresses throughout the grade levels.
The model is based upon seven qualities or traits of good writing.
Writing Traits
Ideas - the content or central message of the piece.
Organization – Stories that have a beginning, middle, and
end. Transitional words are present like First, Next, and
Word Choice – the vocabulary use to convey meaning.
The piece should include some sparkly words (adjectives).
Sentence Fluency – the way the text looks and sounds.
Conventions – The mechanical process of writing. This
includes spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
Presentation – The physical appearance of the piece.
The student’s handwriting should be neat and readable.
You can help your child at home by having them write letters to family members,
write in a journal, and even write stories at home. As the school year progresses
students are expected to write a story and edit their piece for correct capitalization
and punctuation.
It is our hope through this writing program that your child will be an “Everyday