Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research Project Scope Upgrade OKS Databases to Oracle 9.2.0 Product Description All databases, beginning with development and continuing with each production database, at OKS will be upgraded to Oracle 9.2.0. Justification Keeping up with the times. Databases at 320 are moving to 9.2.0. DBs at OKS should follow suit unless there are compelling reasons to stay at (User community and outside vendors, namely Sequenom, may have such compelling reasons.) Deliverables All databases at OKS up and running on Oracle version 9.2.0. All database hosts up and running on Tru64 5.1A or greater, depending on sys admin preferences Success Criteria Minimal downtime for users on production databases. No data loss. sandbox (on holley), fungen (on kornberg), biomass (on kornberg) functioning properly. Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research Work Breakdown Structure Upgrade OKS Databases to Oracle 9.2.0 1. 2. 3. Upgrade sandbox, the development instance at OKS, to Oracle 9.2.0 1.1 Upgrading Oracle for sandbox will require upgrading the operating system on holley to Tru64 5.1A or greater. (It is currently at 4.0F.) An initial conversation with Sebastian indicates that he would like to upgrade to Tru64 5.1B. 1.1.1. Although this is a sys admin task, I’d like to observe the process and help out if possible. 1.1.2. blah 1.2 Modify the OS kernel parameters to the Oracle standards for 9.2.0. 1.2.1. Ask sys admin to make changes 1.2.2. Verify changes 1.3 Make sure there is enough space on sandbox to install Oracle 9.2.0 binaries in /oracle/apps, if there isn’t, request it. 1.4 Install 9.2.0 binaries in /oracle/apps/oracle/product/920 1.5 Upgrade sandbox according to Oracle documentation in file ~oracle/docs/from_oracle/complete_upgrade_checklist_v8_to_v9.txt After successful upgrade of sandbox, upgrade fungen to Oracle 9.2.0 2.1 Check with main users of fungen, the xchip group (Michael Reich) and the MedPop group (Brian Gilman/Erich Stahl) before the upgrade. 2.2 If holley is upgraded to a later OS version than kornberg, upgrade kornberg to the same OS version as holley. 2.3 Verify that the OS kernel parameters comply with Oracle standards for 9.2.0 2.4 The Oracle 9.2.0 binaries should already be installed on kornberg because of Dave’s testing. Verify with Dave that he thinks that install went smoothy and is good. Otherwise, deinstall the binaries and reinstall them. 2.5 Upgrade fungen according to the Oracle documentation. in file ~oracle/docs/from_oracle/complete_upgrade_checklist_v8_to_v9.txt Upgrade biomass to Oracle 9.2.0 3.1 Upgrading biomass to Oracle 9.2.0 may require the OKAY from Sequenom. 3.1.1. Consult with them via Erich Stahl before proceeding with the upgrade. 3.2 Upgrade biomass according to the Oracle documentation. in file ~oracle/docs/from_oracle/complete_upgrade_checklist_v8_to_v9.txt