
Situation Manual – Hurricane Exercise
Time Allotted
375 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Exercise Play
No Image
During the exercise it will be important to remember and comply with the following statements:
You should only use Internet Explore as your internet browser for today’s exercise.
This exercise is designed to assist individuals and neighborhood residents to assess the various capabilities of
individual, neighborhood and community preparedness and response in the event of a hurricane.
It is important NOT to jump ahead in the exercise scenario. In other words don’t focus on what might happen, focus on
the Common Operating Picture that is presented during the exercise to make informed decisions.
In any exercise a number of assumptions and artificialities may be necessary to complete play in the time allotted.
During this exercise, the following apply:
1. The scenario is plausible, and events occur as they are presented.
2. There is no “hidden agenda”, nor any trick questions.
Exercise Basics:
1. This exercise contains a total of 18 scenario and inject pages.
2. There is a scheduled 15 minute break approximately half way through the exercise.
3. The exercise is self-paced and it should take you approximately two hours to complete. However, based on the
time you spend on each scenario and inject you may complete the exercise in less than two hours or it may
take much longer than two hours for you to complete the exercise.
4. All videos embedded within this exercise can be enlarged to FULL SCREEN by simply clicking on the full
screen icon in the lower right hand corner of the video.
5. Thoroughly review all scenarios and injects as they are presented during the exercise.
6. Identify one individual to be responsible for controlling the computer and inputting responses to the exercise
At the end of the exercise you will need to complete an evaluation (Hotwash) on how your team performed during the
exercise. The Hotwash will consist of your team providing comments on three areas in which it performed well during
(Strengths) and three areas that your team will need to improve upon (Areas for Improvement) to enhance its
hurricane response and recovery capability. Found below are Hotwash examples:
Strengths – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found them to be
Areas for Improvement – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found
portions of the plans and procedures that need to be revised.
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
After the exercise each registered participant who took part in the exercise will receive an e-mail to log into the ONX
System to complete their Individual Hotwash to access their Certificate of Participation.
As you participate in today's exercise please take pictures of your team in action and e-mail them to us so we can add
them to the exercise After Action Report.
If you need assistance anytime during the exercise please call the Help Desk at:
Phone Number - 605-475-4700
Account Number - 1076890 #
Time Allotted
25 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 001
Image of Vacation / Hurricane Flag
It is late July and local citizens have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s
hurricane season has not even seen its first tropical storm. Families are making their last minute plans for their summer
vacations while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very
inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the atmosphere that could see a sharp
increase in the number and severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks.
By early August community / neighborhood residents, business owners and government officials begin to follow the
projected path of the season’s first tropical storm.
Day 1
National Hurricane Center - Tropical Storm Adam
Advisory # 5 - Monday - 8/2/2014 - 11:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Depression # 1 to Tropical Storm Adam. The storm continues its
forward movement and is expected to become a hurricane in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
37 MPH
11 MPH
Tropical Storm
The National Hurricane Center continues to monitor the storm via satellite and Hurricane Hunter planes as it continues to
move along its projected path.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 002
Image of Hurricane Preparedness Activities
Are you and your neighbors involved in assisting one another in preparing your neighborhood
for a hurricane or other emergency / disaster that could strike the region?
(Note: Access information on Avoiding Home Hurricane Damage.)
If the above answer is yes. – List in detail the various disaster preparedness activities you and your neighbors have
undertaken to assist with neighborhood preparedness.
(Example: Activity: At the beginning of Hurricane Season members go door to door distributing hurricane preparedness
materials to residents.)
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for all local agencies and / or organizations that would
be able to assist residents as well as the type of assistance that may be available.
(Example: Agency: Shoemaker County Office of Emergency Management / Phone Number: 555-555-5555 / Assistance:
Conducts hurricane preparedness presentations to neighborhood residents.)
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for your community’s agencies and / or organizations.)
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on
Neighborhood Preparedness and Response. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Building a
Neighborhood Disaster Plan / Map Your Neighborhood) – OPTIONAL
Time Allotted
20 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 003
Day 3
Image of National Hurricane Center
Landfall Minus 72 Hours
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 12 - Wednesday - 8/3/2014 - 5:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Storm Adam to Hurricane Adam. The storm continues its forward
movement and is currently expected to make landfall along within the next three days.
The hurricane will continue to intensify over the next 12 to 24 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
76 MPH
14 MPH
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 004
Image of Disability
Would you and your fellow neighborhood residents have a role in assisting your neighbors that
are senior citizens, speak limited or no English, are disabled and / or are transportation
disadvantaged in preparing for the approaching storm?
If the above answer is yes. – Describe the type of assistance that would be made available to help them prepare for the
approaching hurricane.
(Example: Activity: Our team works to ensure individuals with disabilities have registered with the local emergency
management agency as a person with special needs.)
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for local agencies and / or organizations that would be
able to assist these residents as well as the type of assistance that may be available.
(Example: Agency: Low County Alzheimer Association / Phone Number: 555-555-5555 / Assistance: Transportation to
local evacuation shelter.)
(Note: You can access the national 2-1-1 Information and Referral database or www.google.com to search for agencies
and / or organizations within your area that could assist senior citizens, the disabled and the transportation disadvantaged
in preparing for an emergency or disaster.)
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 005
Day 4
Image of National Hurricane Center
Landfall Minus 60 Hours
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 17 - Thursday - 8/5/2014 - 11:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Hurricane Adam to a Category 3 storm; however the storm is expected to
lose strength over the next 24 hours.
The storm continues its forward movement and is now expected to make landfall in a couple of days.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
120 MPH
15 MPH
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 006
Image of Mobilization
As Hurricane Adam continues to move toward the region would the residents of your
neighborhood mobilize in an effort to assist one another?
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how neighborhood residents will be contacted and told that they need to
(Note: Access information and a template on how to establish a Neighborhood Emergency Phone Tree.)
Identify the individuals by name who would be responsible for mobilizing residents within your neighborhood.
Briefly describe how your neighborhood will mobilize it residents.
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why you and your neighbors would not work together to assist one another
during a disaster.
Time Allotted
20 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 007
Day 5
Image of Hurricane Warning
Landfall Minus 24 Hours
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 21 - Friday - 8/6/2014 - 11:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has down-graded Hurricane Adam to a Category 2 storm. The storm continues its forward
movement along its projected path towards the region's coastline. The storm is expected to remain a strong Category 2
hurricane until it makes landfall.
The Hurricane Watch for the region has been up-graded to a Hurricane Warning indicating that the storm should arrive in
the region within the next 24 to 36 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
109 MPH
11 MPH
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 008
Image of ICS Vests
The decision was made to mobilize the neighborhood’s residents prior to the storm striking the region. Upon mobilization it
will be important to effectively coordinate the various response activities that will need to be undertaken.
(Note: Found below are several Neighborhood Disaster Response Structures that could be utilized to effectively
coordinate your neighborhood’s response activities. Chose the structure that best fits your neighborhood then respond
Neighborhood Watch – Disaster Response Structure
If you and your neighbors maintain a Neighborhood Watch program briefly describe how this structure could be used to
coordinate disaster response activities within your neighborhood.
Homeowners Association – Disaster Response Structure
If neighborhood residents have established a Homeowners Association, briefly explain how this structure could be used
for coordinating disaster response activities within your neighborhood.
(Note: Access the Neighborhood Association Disaster Plan Guidebook.)
Community Emergency Response Team – Disaster Response Structure
If you and your neighbors have a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) within your neighborhood, how will the
Incident Command System be used to coordinate response activities within your neighborhood?
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
If your neighborhood has a CERT, identify the individuals that fulfill the ICS positions and briefly describe the responsibility
for each position.
(Example: Position: Logistics Section Chief – John Harper – Is responsible for obtaining needed equipment and supplies
that will be used to respond to the hurricane.)
Time Allotted
25 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 009
Image of Senior Citizen
Mrs Jones, an 87 year old widow, is a neighborhood resident whose home is subject to flooding. She has just contacted
you asking if neighborhood residents could help her by building a sandbag barrier to prevent her home from being
(Note: Access information on filling sandbags and building sandbag walls.)
Will neighborhood residents be able to assist Mrs Jones with her request?
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the actions that would be taken to assist Mrs Jones.
If the above answer is no. – What will Mrs Jones be told?
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 010
Day 6
Image of Reporter
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 24 - Saturday - 8/7/2014 - 5:00AM
Hurricane Adam is just now beginning to move through the region.
Wind Speed
Forward Movement
103 MPH
12 MPH
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 011
Image of Emergency Responders
As the storm begins to move through the region wind and rain begins to pound the community.
Emergency agencies (EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement) have all closed down their response operations due to the
increasing wind speed associated with the hurricane.
As the wind begins to up-root trees, destroy utility distribution systems and damage homes and businesses, residents who
have evacuated the area continue to monitor the conditions on CNN and the Weather Channel wondering if they will have
a home to which to return.
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 25 - Saturday - 8/7/2014 - 11:00AM
Hurricane Adam continues to move through the region.
Wind Speed
Forward Movement
98 MPH
13 MPH
Video Library – General – Video # 1 – Hurricane Winds
The winds from Hurricane Adam begin to subside as the storm moves out of the area.
Once conditions permit, local and regional emergency response personnel initiate life safety operations.
From conducting needs assessment to carrying out search and rescue operations law enforcement agencies, fire
departments, EMS, emergency management departments and various volunteer agencies are working together to meet
the immediate storm-caused needs of the region’s residents.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 012
No Image
After the hurricane moves out of the area neighborhood residents begin to emerge from their homes to inspect the
damage and destruction.
Video Library – General – Video # 7 – Hurricane Damage
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 013
Image of Priority
Prepare a prioritized action plan (Incident Action Plan) outlining in detail activities which neighborhood residents will
undertake following the hurricane.
In preparing the Incident Action Plan (IAP) list any resources that will be needed to undertake the action as well as
develop a timeline for completing the identified action.
(Example: Action: Canvas the neighborhood to determine if any residents were injured during the hurricane. If medical
assistance is needed for minor injuries team members should provide First Aid. / Required Resources: First Aid Kit. /
Timeline: 1 Hour.)
Time Allotted
30 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 014
Image of Radio
It will be important for neighborhood residents to remain in constant communication with one another and various
response agencies and organizations. Briefly describe how communications will be maintained:
(Note: Access a copy of the Neighborhood Emergency Radio Communications Planning document.)
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on
Neighborhood Emergency Communications. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Neighborhood
Emergency Communications) – OPTIONAL
Among neighborhood residents.
With emergency management officials.
With law enforcement officials.
With fire department officials.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Scenario – # 015
Day 7
Image of Damaged Homes
Landfall Plus 19 Hours
Preliminary Damage Assessment – Essential Services
Electricity is out to 90% of the neighborhood.
Downed trees and utility poles along with other storm debris have blocked 60% of the roads.
The single water tower supplying drinking water to the neighborhood was heavily damaged and the water has been
55% of the landline phones are operational.
Mobile phone service is out because the local cell towers have been badly damaged.
Preliminary Neighborhood Evaluation
83 percent of neighborhood residents chose not to evacuate the area but decided to ride the storm out from their
Prior to the hurricane many of the neighborhood’s residents had not taken the time to develop a Disaster Plan nor
prepare a Disaster Supplies Kit and are now in need of assistance.
A number of neighborhood residents will not be able to return immediately to their residences due to the level of
damage to their homes.
Preliminary Damage Assessment – Residences
Almost 55% of the homes within your neighborhood have been damaged or destroyed due to the hurricane.
Level of Damage
Percentage of Homes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 016
Image of Needs
Hurricane Caused Needs Assessment
Based on the Preliminary Damage Assessment and evaluation of your neighborhood prepare a list of resources (services,
materials, supplies, etc.) that will be needed to support neighborhood residents in the days and weeks to come.
Need # 1:
Need # 2:
Need # 3:
Need # 4:
Need # 5:
Time Allotted
20 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 017
Image of Pet
Residents throughout neighborhood are great animal lovers with many having pet dogs and
cats. Many of these pets are indoor / outdoor animals. In the aftermath of the storm residents
are in need of assistance with caring for and in some cases finding their pets.
Will you and your fellow neighbors be able to assist in caring for and / or locating lost pets?
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the kind of assistance that you and your neighbors will be able to provide.
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for a local agency and / or organization that can be
contacted to assist residents with caring for and / or finding their lost pets.
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for an agency and / or organization serving your area.)
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 018
Image of Supplies
Do neighborhood residents possess any equipment and / or consumable supplies that can be
utilized to assist with hurricane response and recovery efforts?
(Note: Access a listing of potential items to incorporate into a Neighborhood Disaster Supply
Prepare an itemized list of the equipment and / or consumable supplies.
(Example: Item: Medical Supply Kit / Quantity: 2)
Time Allotted
20 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 019
Image of Medical Reserve Corps
Assisting neighborhood residents with their response and recovery efforts will be a large undertaking and involve many
government agencies along with community and faith based organizations.
Identify three agencies and / or community and faith based organizations (Community Partners) with which neighborhood
residents would work to recover from the hurricane. In addition to listing the agency and / or organization list the services
each would provide to disaster survivors.
(Example: Community Partner: Southern Baptist Disaster Relief – Local churches can assist with: Chainsaw Crews,
Childcare, Feeding, Sheltering, Transportation, Communications and Clean-up.)
(Note: Access information regarding Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.)
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for local Community Partners in disaster response.)
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on
Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD). These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Volunteer
Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) Operations) – OPTIONAL
Time Allotted
20 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 020
Image of Curfew
Due to the fact that electrical service remains off throughout the area damaged during the hurricane, local officials have
issued a dusk to dawn curfew.
Video Library – General – Video # 3 – No Lights in the Neighborhood
If neighborhood residents are assisting one another following the hurricane are
they exempt from the curfew?
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain why.
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why.
If the above answer is unsure. – Identify the agency that would be able to tell you if neighborhood residents, under the
stated circumstance, would be exempt from the curfew.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 021
Image of Tree on Home
Betty Shoemaker, a widow, has lived in the neighborhood all of her life, and at 88 she has never asked for assistance
from anyone. However, during the hurricane her home sustained moderate damage when a large oak tree was up-rooted
and fell on her roof.
Because of her age and the fact that she has neither insurance nor relatives that live in the area that can assist her with
removing the tree from her roof she is asking neighborhood residents for assistance.
Video Library – General – Video # 55 – Chainsaw Safety
Will neighborhood residents be able to assist Mrs Samuelson?
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain how you and your fellow neighbors will be able to assist.
What is the liability if someone is injured while assisting with this activity?
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why neighbors would not be able to assist.
If neighborhood residents are unable to help identify the name and phone number for a local organization to which you
could refer Mrs Shoemaker for assistance.
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for a local organization that could help Mrs Samuelson.)
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com
Resilient Response – Inject – # 022
Day 20
Image of Demobilization
Landfall Plus 14 Days
It has been almost two weeks since Hurricane Adam struck the region and conditions have been improving on a daily
Throughout the response activities associated with the hurricane, neighborhood residents have worked together to meet
the disaster caused needs of individuals and families.
As hurricane response activities wind down would neighborhood residents need
to come together one last time to debrief on the lessons learned and begin the
process of up-dating their neighborhood disaster plan?
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how this debriefing will be accomplished.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group – www.drc-group.com