Community Council Minutes – 11/25/13 Frank Crowe

Community Council Minutes – 11/25/13
Frank Crowe - West Valley CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
Program- Volunteer organization to teach community how to help in case
of an emergency. 7 week training program for adults to become certified,
also a shorter program for teenagers. Thursday nights at 7:00 – 10:00. Talk
about different kinds of disasters you may see in West Valley: hazards, fire,
search and rescue, disaster medical, disaster psychology, teach and
practice how to handle each of these situations. For more information go
Bob Fitzgerald – City Fire Marshall
Emergency Kit for classrooms:
o Options: metal container in the room, out in the parking lot,
backpacks for each child, one backpack for each classroom,
rolling suitcase in each classroom with a gallon zip lock filled with
necessities for each child.
o Supplies inside kit: food, water, activities for students, duct tape,
plastic, blanket, flashlight, change of clothes.
o Cost: Raise money, donations, wholesale food or activities, grants,
shoot for $10,000 in funding.
Map Your Neighborhood: a program that divides the community into
small neighborhoods. The neighborhood meets together and gets a
pamphlet that goes through the 9 first steps you take if a disaster occurs.
Neighborhood meeting safe place where everyone can come together
and help one another during a disaster. Draw a map of the
neighborhood, place houses on it and number it. Provide a list of names
and contact information for people in the house. Any special needs, pets,
etc. that people should be aware of.
Next Door program: everyone in the neighborhood can get alerts to their
phone about any issues going on in the community. Contact Craig
Thomas at West Valley City Hall for more information.
Emergency Fair: Invite emergency groups from the community to set up
booths and educate parents, students, teachers, and community
members. Combine with a community fundraiser to raise money to put
toward emergency kits.