Associated Teachers TV programme KS2 History – Exploring Tudor Values - Analysis Year 5 – Tudor Exploration Week 10. 15 – 10. 30 Numeracy 12. 00 – 13. 00 Locate Tudor period on a timeline Map work where did they explore/ what countries did they find? Session 1 PLAYTIME Wake up, shake up! Registration & assembly Tuesday Monday Numeracy 10.30 – 12:00 Drakes voyage Children to plot the main events of Drake’s voyage on a timeline. These dates and events could then be added to the world map and linked together to show Drake’s route around the world Session 4. 13.00 – 14.15 14. 15 – 14. 30 Why do people explore today? Why did Tudor explore outside of Europe? 14.30 – 15.20 Art – making large map Use stimulus from diary – mythical/sea monsters Sketch Trade – Spices Session 2 Scott – Music and Spanish (relate to Armada?) Session 3 PLAYTIME 9.15 – 10.15 LUNCHTIME 8.45 – 9.15 . Scott – continue sketch designs from Art yesterday Wednesday Numeracy Diary extracts Give the children sources that describe going to sea during the period, Children to write diaries or letters from the explorers’ home to describe their lives at sea. Round Robin of activity Round Robin of activity Make Hard Tack Art – textile work Tudor models and globes Make Hard Tack Art – textile work Tudor models and globes Session 6 Session 7 Thursday Session 5 Early playtime due to video conference – Artefacts – look at and explore artefacts on loan from Tullie House Make hard tack Session 8 The Intrepid Tudors (video conference, KS2 History) Meet Daniel Pew – a seafarer Video Conference 11:30 – 12:00 – evaluate conference relate to artefacts Roanoke Settlement – why did it fail?Values Religion – Christendom Plunder Trade – fairness Population Growth Roanoke Settlement – why did it fail?Values Religion – Christendom Plunder Trade – fairness Population Growth Session 10 Session 10 Session 9 Friday Numeracy What were the effects of the English settlement on the people living in America? Session 11 What impact has Tudor exploration had on our lives today? Session 12 Note to teachers This document was not created by Teachers TV but the author has allowed us to publish it here to be used for educational purposes Art Session 13