Artist Biography Rainman Boland

[The contents outlined in the biography
focuses on the experience and the activities
that BAARRI RAINMAN Boland as undertaken
as an Aboriginal Artist.
Artist Summary:
1. Cultural Heritage and Traditional links:
Baarri RAINMAN Boland
Descendant of the Kamilaroi Clan (Gamilaraay/ Yuwuluraay Language groups
South West of New South Wales Australia on his mothers heritage line The
totem is the Dhinawun (EMU) and Bigambul clan South West Queensland on
his father’s heritage lines.
Rainman - Baarri in his language means Rain and his mother’s mother last
name was Mari which means Man.
Has been delivering Cultural and Art activities over the last 30 years
Queensland, Central Queensland and Rockhampton region supporting
indigenous Youth, Families, Businesses and Communities.
2. Solo Exhibitions:
Walter Reid Art Centre displayed and demonstrated woodcraft for NAIDOC
3. Group Exhibitions
Walter Reid art Centre displayed artworks with 3 other local artist
4. Public Collections
CQID Art shop East Street Rockhampton
Rainman website electronic gallery
Reconnect Rockhampton Office
2008- ongoing
5. Grants & Honors
Major Brisbane Art Festival Project -: “Where You From Banner Project. “I was
selected as Art Facilitator to mentor upcoming emerging artist to paint banners
that identified where they come from and their cultural identity and their place
of belonging in Aboriginal and contemporary society.
April 2009
Contracted By Way of life Art Studio Mount Morgan to deliver art workshops on
Aboriginal and contemporary art techniques funding was through the Regional
Art Development Funding Rockhampton Regional Council.
August 2009
Regional Arts Development Funding Grant -: To run Ceramics, Art and Woodcraft
workshops with another local artist for Rockhampton, Yeppoon and Mount
Morgan between the dates.
15 July – 15 December 2010
6. Lectures / Public Speaking
Catholic Indigenous Leadership Camp Facilitator and Artist
in Residence Cooey Bay Recreation Centre
June 2009
7. Teaching
Way of life Art Studio Mount Morgan-:Tutoring students in
Contemporary and Aboriginal art techniques workshop,
Contact person Dian Kelleher Studio owner
August 2009
Anglicare Mount Morgan Youth Centre- Cultural Development workshops
and Art and Woodcraft.
May & June 2009
Workshops with art and craft for schools in the CQ region
Dreamtime Cultural centre Tour guide explain art and culture
8. Related Activities
Arts and Cultural Expo Woorabinda
28 April 2010
Taste of the World Festival
Children’s Spring Festival Heritage Village
Art and craft workshops for Reconnect
24 April 2010
9 September 2009
April 2009
9. Education
The Cultural Educator and Aboriginal Artist Qualifications;
Qualifications of Performers:
36 years experience and knowledge related to cultural activities and
Also Small Business Cross- Cultural communication business diploma through
Certificate IV in TAA40104 in Workplace Assessment
Currently Studying Part-time as a student at Central Queensland University
Rockhampton ( The course is Bachelor Of Business CA01)
I have been in Rockhampton for over 20 years and I have been committed to
serving the community of Rockhampton in that period of time as an Artist doing
community projects and also held exhibitions and done workshops on art,
In St. George far South West Queensland in 1965 I was the youngest child of
seven. 3 older brothers and 3 older sisters. When I was at school I never seem to
show much interesting artwork until one day I decided to try it out and then I
was starting experiment and paint. When I got older around the age of 18- 24, I
forgot about my artwork as I left to live on the coast of Queensland and decided
to find work. After my Mum and Dad died I decided to take up painting again it
was therapeutic for me and it was away for me to remember the story Mum and
Dad told me and the traditional lifestyle and hunting techniques that were
passed down. The more I done my art it became a dominant interest as it gave
me peace, and healing from my grief.
Below is an example of a painting and story that depicts my upbringing;
The Bush tucker track story
When I (RAINMAN) was 14 years of age I remembered going at bush with my
brothers and father, they would take me at walking through the bush making bush
tracks to find the bush food. My father Lindsay (Poddy) Boland would be working on
the council fixing up roads with the road gangs. Then later in the day when he
finished work he would go walking through the bush to find the bush food. When he
got back in town after a week’s work at in the bush he would then take my brothers
and I out on the weekend hunting for bushtucker. We would go and gather the bush
food and bring it home again and then our Mother ( Betty Boland ) would then cook
up the bush food, jams from the desert limes also tarts and jam from the desert
quandong. I used to love eating the quandongs straight from the tree. Also when I
was young I used to get the witchetty grubs from the Black wattle tree (Dulun) with
my friends.
Coral Way (Catholic Indigenous Education Unit)
Jacqueline Stack (Reconnect Rockhampton)
Dian Kelleher (Way of life art studio Mount Morgan)
Ben Lodewekis (Youth Support Worker Mount Morgan)
Judy Coutie (RADF coordinator) Rockhampton Regional Council
12.Contact Details
Name: Barry (Baarri) RAIN (Mari) MAN Boland
Address: 3 Shop 3/1A Denham Street
Rockhampton, 4700
Contact Numbers: 07 49210099 Mobile:0409552126
ABN: 69 665 414 525