Thames Area Panel 22nd September 2011 AGENDA ITEM 4 FAIRNESS COMMISSION 1.0 Matter for consideration 1.1 The Area Panel is asked to consider a report on proposals to introduce a Fairness Commission for Blackpool. 2.0 Recommendation(s) 2.1 To consider scheduling a presentation on the Fairness Commission for the November meeting of the Thames Area Forum. 2.2 Subject to 2.1 above, to agree to one of the proposed presentation options, as outlined at 5.1, for the Thames Area Forum. 3.0 Purpose 3.1 The Leader of the Council is seeking to establish a Blackpool Fairness Commission, based on a model initially used by Islington Council. It is proposed that an item to formalise this model is taken to the Executive on 21st September 2011. However, as the majority of the Area Panels are due to meet prior to that date, this report contains the proposals which will hopefully be in place before the November Area Forum meetings. 3.2 The aim of the Commission would be to help Blackpool become a fairer, more equal place by considering the evidence available on inequality in the town, then making a series of recommendations for public sector organisations to consider. The process relies on undertaking extensive public engagement to make sure that individuals and organisations have an opportunity to submit their evidence to the commission for consideration. 3.3 This paper outlines the process which the Fairness Commission would follow and suggests that Area Forum meetings could be used to consider some of the issues. 4.0 Rationale 4.1 The Islington Fairness Model is based on academic research which suggests that inequality of income leads to an increase in social and health problems. The Fairness Commission has been used as a tool to influence the efforts of public, private and voluntary sector organisations in tackling these issues. By adopting a series of recommendations around fairness and equality, the Council can re-establish “Fairness” as one of its core values. 4.2 The starting point for the Commission would be the need to understand who is most affected by inequality, where these people live and the reasons behind this. It is vital that local people and organisations have the opportunity to share their experiences about where inequalities exist. 4.3 The outcome would be a report and evidence-based plan containing recommendations on actions to tackle inequalities across a range of topic areas, taking full account of the “protected characteristics” defined by equalities legislation. Recommendations help to shape services and budget decisions. The hope is that involving other organisations will also lead them to consider what they could do to implement the Commission's recommendations. 5.0 Proposals 5.1 That the Area Panel considers adding an item on the Fairness Commission to the November meeting of the Thames Area Forum. The item could consist of one of the following options: 1) A general overview of the work of the Fairness Commission and invitation to participate. This could include comments from the floor and an open discussion (15 minutes in total, including discussion – 5 without) 2) A short presentation on all the main Fairness issues facing Blackpool, including information on issues of Fairness in the Area Forum area, followed by 1) as above (30 minutes in total) 3) A presentation looking in detail at one of the following topics of particular interest to the Area Forum: Community Safety Health Income Housing Work Education Transport Older People Younger People Leisure Communities, This then be followed by an open discussion on Fairness issues around this topic (30 minutes in total) 5.2 Given the short timescale for the work, as detailed at Appendix 4 (a), Area Forums represent the best mechanism for giving people the opportunity to get involved in the work of the Fairness Commission. 6.0 Financial considerations 6.1 None. 7.0 Legal considerations 7.1 None. Relevant officer: Leanne Burnett, Head of Policy and Transformation Telephone: 01253 477110, email: Appendices attached: Appendix 4 (a) – The Fairness Commission Process Background papers: None. Websites and e-mail links for further information: