Appendix 3 (a) The Fairness Commission Process The table below gives an outline of the work to be undertaken by the Commission: Key action Lead Detail Evidence Review Research and Completed in time for Intelligence October Area Forums. Team Themes to include: Safety Health Income Housing Work Families Communities Education Older People Young people Transport Leisure Analysis will be undertaken by theme and using existing data where possible. Invite organisations and interested parties to submit further evidence and proposals Policy Team This will be supported by a Council-led communications campaign. Consider evidence in public to gain community support and input Policy Team Initial submissions one week before October Area Forum meetings. Further invitation to give views publicised in September’s Your Blackpool, with a submission deadline of the end of November. It is proposed that the existing Area Forum meetings arranged for the autumn are used for the Commission to gather evidence. The area forums meet on 17th, 18th, 20th, 31st October and 1st, 2nd, 3rd November Comments Some already exists in the data supporting the Sustainable Community Strategy, the Child Poverty Needs Assessment, and the (health-based) Joint Strategic Needs Assessment amongst others. As part of the publicity campaign, an invitation will be issued to individuals and organisations to submit evidence, against a series of questions to be developed by the Policy team. These organisations will then be contacted to discuss the evidence, which the Commission will consider when it meets. This will require agreement of the Area Panels Content and length of the Fairness Commission item will be agreed by Area Panels based on 3 options : 1) A general overview of the work of the Fairness Commission, and invitation to participate. This could include comments from the floor and an open discussion 2) A short presentation on all the main fairness issues facing Key action Lead Detail Comments Blackpool, including information on issues of fairness in your area forum area, followed by 1) as above 3) A presentation looking in detail at one of the following topics of particular interest to your area forum: Community Safety/Health/Income/Housing/ Work/Education/Transport/Older People/Younger People/Leisure/Communities, followed by an open discussion on fairness issues around this topic The item will ideally be considered by all Area Forums. Undertake outreach work to ensure the broadest possible spread of community organisations, interest groups and individuals is involved High profile communications campaign Hold discussions and meetings of the Commission Policy Team with Equalities Team To include: The use of social media (facebook and twitter) Discussions with community groups, forums, and the input of Council staff. Comms Team Policy Team A key part of ensuring fairness in the development of the Commission's recommendations is that the process gives people who would not normally participate the opportunity to be involved. For the Commission to be successful, a high profile media campaign is needed, ensuring that everyone is aware of the process and the opportunity to participate. The communications team will support with this process. Key messages - opportunity to shape budget, set priorities and influence the agenda, tailor services, have your say Proposed dates include Uses existing Blackpool Strategic Partnership calendar dates where possible. End of September: agree Terms of Reference. Variety of media/ visual impact of campaign Links with wider reputation issues, signposting services Key action Lead Detail Comments 27th October: Reflection on outcomes of initial public meetings 8th December: Approval of final report and recommendations to feed into budget setting process. Produce recommendations and final report Policy Team The Commission meeting of 8th December will consider and approve the final report. Links to the budget setting process of other partners involved need to be confirmed. Final report considered by the Executive and the Scrutiny Committee will feed the budget setting process and service prioritisation decisions Ongoing work of the commission Policy Team The commission process will be evaluated to determine how frequently the process should be undertaken, how the recommendations will be monitored and any suggestions for improving the process in the future. Need to see clear links with other areas the Council is currently focussing on – transience, child poverty and so on. The Commission could be a continuous process – feed into evaluation/ monitoring. Success will initially measured by the level of take-up of recommendations by local organisations and the numbers of organisations and members of the public responding to the commission. Once the Commission's recommendations have been developed and agreed, outcomes relating to these will be identified and the effect of implementing the recommendations on these outcomes will be monitored. Key action Lead Detail Comments Influences how we engage with people on an ongoing basis Feedback to Area – also need to evaluate whether the use of Area Forums is the most viable option for the future.