Large Commercial services






Chris Burns

Michael Wickenden, EEU Contract Administrator


BED’s Q3 2008 Report

Dear Michael,

We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of July 1, 2008 thru

September 30, 2008. The report includes highlights over the September period and the attached table covers costs and savings for the Q3 2008 period.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Chris Burns

CC: TJ Poor of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop, Ed McNamara, Andrea McHugh of the VT PSB

BED Energy Efficiency Highlights

Large Commercial Services

UVM (Gucciardi Fitness Center; Gutterson Field House; Farrall Hall) – Three liquid pressure amplification pump controls (LPA) installations were priced and proposed by DEI, Inc. for the Minters’ dehumidifier. A cost benefit savings analysis was completed and BED will offer rebates for all three installations as part of a custom retrofit EEM. The LPA at

Gucciardi building has been completed and the other two are currently in progress.

Marriott Hotel – The proposed VFD installation to the 15 hp circulating pump serving the water loop WSHP system has been reanalyzed for energy savings. A cost benefit savings estimates was completed and a report indicting the analysis results along with a BED rebate offer was e-mailed to the project manager and Marriott Hotel manager.

Fletcher Allen / ESCO Projects – Met with the Carrier M & V Engineer to discuss in detail their spreadsheet data summarizing energy and cost savings for various HVAC and lighting projects recently completed in the main hospital facility. BED is in the process of verifying the accuracy of their spreadsheets and methodology. We are waiting for some project financial information before proceeding with the payment of incentive money.

University Health Center / ESCO Project – Provided preliminary information to Carrier on incentives for a proposed lighting upgrade at 1 S. Prospect St.

Champlain College Existing ice storage system billing issue – Worked with the Customer to identify the technical issue which caused their chillers to come on line peak summer hours during September. The cost impact of a high electrical demand during these hours can be quite significant to the customer. Some safeguards are being put into place in their process control strategy so that this type of event will not occur in the future.

Champlain College Co-Generation Study – Attended a presentation by an engineering company representing a small commercial co-gen unit manufactured by Marathon. Supplied to the college specific consumption information for several of their dormitories to help in the evaluation the economic feasibility of CHP use. Preliminary calculations done by Vermont

Gas indicate that there is a fairly long payback associated with the installation of this co-gen system.

UVM / Jeffords Hall – Worked with BED Engineering and UVM Facilities to facilitate discussions around the design of the re-routing of their underground primary service so that the Jeffords building foundation construction can begin.

Delehanty Hall Consumption – At UVM’s request, provided typical consumption and interval data for this building.

Burlington Free Press / LPA System Enhancement – Worked with the customer and a local engineering company to assist in completing a liquid refrigerant pumping upgrade to their

Liebert cooling system serving their computer room. The verification of energy and cost savings has been completed and an incentive has been offered the customer.

UVM- continue to work with UVM on a variety of energy efficiency retrofit measures in eight campus building,

General Growth Properties (Burlington Town Center) – Continue to work with customer on

HVAC system and lighting energy efficiency measures throughout the mall including the parking garage.

YMCA Facilities Meeting / HVAC & Roof Replacements – Attended this meeting which involved, among other things, the prioritizing of roof and HVAC replacement work for their main College St. location. Maintenance has been deferred for a number of years, and a significant investment is needed to bring systems into good shape.

3 Cathedral Square – Met with Dunkan/Wisniewski Architect representative to discuss a proposed elevator replacement for the existing elevator which is passed its useful life.

Research work has been conducted to assist the architects on their replacement decision.

Still ongoing.

Smaller Commercial Services

Burlington Country Club – The clubs officers voted on optimizing the refrigeration to their three walk coolers and freezer that was recommended by BED earlier in the year. The project is expected to start in the next month.

 Rock’s Store – The lighting energy savings analysis was completed to replace thirteen eightfoot fluorescent strip fixtures to new high performance T8 four-foot fluorescent fixtures.

Other measures that have been analyzed as possible cost effective measures are the refrigeration (free air economizer, evaporator fan controls, ECM evaporator fan motors and door heater controls), and the two speed kitchen exhaust hood. A letter was mailed to the owner of the store indicating recommended proposals and included BED’s rebate offers.

Paul, Frank, and Collins P.C. (Masonic Temple/One Church Street) – Another walk through energy audit was conducted at the request of the owner and the sales representative for Green

Mountain Lighting Designers. LED and CFL lamp replacements are being proposed to the owners for the 1 st

floor retail store (the old Ann Taylor store). BED recommended that the

CFL lamps be used for the 240 recessed can fixtures. BED suggested that a rebate will be offered as long as the owner’s agree that the lamps will be installed for the expected life of the lamps. The owner felt that this was a reasonable offer and will be getting back to us on their decision.

156 St Paul Street (Menores Mexican restaurant) – After a cost benefit savings analysis for completing several energy efficiency measures, BED recommended that several lighting measures and replacing the two evaporator fan motors to ECM brushless dc motors be completed. A letter indicating the results of the measures was mailed to the owner with BED rebate offers.

209 Battery Street – A meeting was conducted with Vermont Energy and project specialist representative with Mitsubishi products to discuss the proposed a/c equipment replacement for the existing air-to-air heat pump units. The proposed heat pump units are a new variable flow refrigerant (hyper heating inverter) that allow the heat pumps to heat further into the heating season (-15 degrees) without the use of the back-up resistant electric heaters that normally have to be energized when temperatures fall below 40 degrees. More research of the new technology is under review before an EM analysis will be completed.

 Perrywinkle’s Fine Jewelry - Lighting upgrade is being proposed to install new LED lighting in cabinet cases and replace the 60 existing incandescent 90-watt PAR 38 flood lamps with

LED 27-watt PAR 38 lamps. A cost benefit savings analysis is in progress.

 Gardener’s Supply/High Consumption – Working with the customer to help identify changes in their building which may have precipitated high kW consumption during the warmest days of this summer. Evaluated the programming of their room thermostats, which appears to be

implemented properly. BED also intends to implement data-logging of their incoming power to ensure that their existing transformer is sized adequately for the load.

Koffee Kup Bakery/internal power quality problems - Worked with the customer to help them identify local engineering resources that can be of assistance in identifying issues with their internal power distribution.

St Johns Club – Working with this customer in the area of lighting and HVAC efficiency.

The recommended HVAC efficiency measures are not expected to be complete this year however the lighting measures are.

 Papa John’s Pizza – Working with this customer in the area of lighting and refrigeration system energy efficiency. This customer is currently working with an electrician to identify specific measure cost before proceeding with recommended energy efficiency measures.

New Construction/Equipment Replacement Services

 Greer’s Dry Cleaning – The lighting cost benefit savings analysis was completed and a copy of the paid invoice from the manager was faxed to BED. The lighting measure rebate was processed.

Jeffords Hall (UVM – Plant Science Building) – The final construction drawings are completed and BED has obtained a copy for EE code review and final EEM analysis work.

Gosse Court Armory Building-Community Center – Energy savings analysis have been completed for the high efficient lighting (using lighting power density methodology) and

HVAC (installing 13-H.E. A/C units with dual enthalpy economizer controls) energy efficiency measures for the facility fit-up.

Champlain College/Dorm Expansion - Working with the design engineers to quantify electrical and dollar savings obtained by installing an ice storage system in conjunction with the facility’s chiller plant. BED has offered the college an incentive to go the ice storage route (which will reduce their peak summer demand by about 125 kW), and it looks likely that, based on payback, this will be the path they will take.

188 King Street- 28 apartments and offices for Champlain Housing Trust. Continue to work with project team on this LEED designed building.

 Sophie’s Place at Franklin Square- Continue to work with the project team on this 10-unit apartment building.

There are currently eight additional Burlington properties enrolled in the Vermont Energy

Star Homes Program.

Efficient Retail Products

Advised 4 walk-in customers on ENERGY STAR CFL lamp applications.

ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers rebates for 2008 – 151

ENERGY STAR Screw-in CFL rebates for 2008 – 32,885. Customer participation during this quarter continues to be very strong due to the convenience of the buy down program.

ENERGY STAR Compact fluorescent hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table lamps) for 2008 - 104

ENERGY STAR Residential screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2008 – 52

ENERGY STAR Commercial screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2008 – 236

ENERGY STAR Refrigerators for 2008 – 108

ENERGY STAR and CEE Tier Window AC units for 2008-117

ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers for 2008-41

Existing Residential Buildings

Since Jan 1, 2008, 2 electric space heat conversions have been completed.

Since Jan 1, 2008, 15 electric hot water conversions have been completed. Currently working with six additional customers.

Since Jan 1, 2008, 6 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been installed.

Since Jan 1, 2008, 2 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed.

Since Jan 1, 2008, 4 electric to natural gas clothes dryer replacements have been completed.

Incoming calls concerning high bills and energy conservation measures are on the rise as customers are worried about the upcoming heating season. There were 34 incoming calls this month which is about 40% higher than usual for this time of year.

 Visited 8 locations and used “WattsUp” meter at most locations. There are three WattsUp meters out on loan as of this time

 Continued working with JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Program) on providing CFL’s and efficiency information to low-income families that they are assisting. The goal is to familiarize families using JUMP with the benefits of energy efficiency and help them to enroll in the CVWS low-income weatherization program when possible.

In 2008, the Champlain Valley Low-income Weatherization Service has completed 14

Burlington projects and currently has 10 additional units enrolled.

Load Response Programs

State of Vermont/32 and 108 Cherry St – EnerNOC made a site visit to these facilities to evaluate the potential for demand response at these locations. Some back-up generation is available, as well as potential for load curtailment. The intent is for these buildings to be enrolled in the ISO NE DR program by December. Some additional evaluations must be done to determine if these sites are appropriate for BED’s own local DR program.

UVM / Davis Center – Some coordination work is being done between EnerNOC and BED to allow completion of the demand response monitoring installation at the electric meter feeding Davis/Terrill Halls.

ISO NE event results – Using BED’s own interval data, we have analyzed the demand reduction for the August 2008 ISO NE event. Total reduction was about 3.5 MW, which is about 5% of BED’s peak demand load.

Price Shopper/Shelburne Rd. – Although the monitoring hardware and control installation has been completed for some time by EnerNOC, formal enrollment of this account in the ISO program did not occur until this month. Thus, their kW contribution was not included in the latest ISO NE event which occurred on 8/21/08. The additional demand reduction is expected to be about 60kW.

Communications & Public Relations

WARMTH Program - we now have 146 customers donating a total of $936.00 on a monthly basis via their electric bill.

The tri-annual customer satisfaction survey will happen this fall. It will be conducted by

Rural Studies at UVM.

We will be using Front Porch Forum to get the word out about utilities bills this winter.

We’re stepping up efforts to get people to add a few dollars to their bill to support the

WARMTH program.

 We’re finishing up visiting schools for the energy efficiency calendar project. Four out of the six schools participated this year. We got some great art!

Burton Corp. / Tour of Lake Champlain Chocolates LEED facility – Assisted in providing background information for several representatives from Burton Snowboard. They are interested in finding out more about the LEED program, and how building energy reductions can be implemented in both their existing and new facilities.

Allegheny Power – Discussed BED DSM programs with a program manager from Allegheny

Power. ( PA, MD, VA, WVA) They are just beginning to organize an initiative to develop their own programs, and are looking for some direction and assistance in analyzing program potentials and methods of implementation.

EPSCoR Grant Evaluations – ES staff completed feedback info to EPSCoR concerning several Federal grant applications for innovative technical R&D projects. The selection process to determine grant funding occurred at the Davis Center on 9/26/08. The meeting result is that 12 proposals out of a total of 17 were awarded at a maximum of $12,000 each.

The areas of expertise involved were wide-ranging, including medical research, solar and bio-diesel renewables, and communications. The purpose of the EPSCoR program is to fund

R&D projects which have follow-on potentials for future SBIR grant applications.
