
Chris Burns
Michael Wickenden, Contract Administrator
BED’s January 2009 Report
Dear Michael,
We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of January 1, 2009 to January
31, 2009. The report includes highlights over the period and the attached table covers costs and
savings for the period.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Burns
CC: TJ Poor of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop, Ed McNamara, Andrea McHugh of the VT PSB
BED Energy Efficiency Highlights
Large Commercial Services
 FAHC / ESCO energy saving projects – Continuing to finalize several energy saving
measures completed at this facility during the last calendar year. We are now analyzing the
extensive interior lighting improvements that were completed throughout most of the older
wings of the hospital.
 FAHC Energy Awareness Program – Discussed with the FAHC Director of Facilities
possible approaches to increasing energy-saving awareness in the employees at Fletcher
Allen. BED is in the position of providing technical support and savings analyses. However,
it was suggested that the advice and support of a third-party entity more experienced with
this type of organizational change could be beneficial.
 Koffee Kup Bakery / Lighting Retro-fit - Completed a walk-through of the Riverside Ave.
facility, to verify the upgrade of the bakery lighting fixtures. The lighting improvements are
remarkable, and significant energy savings were obtained.
 UVM / Lapointe Field billing question – Assisted Customer Service in resolving a customer
question on winter-time demand billing for the lighting.
 UVM (PFG / Racquetball & Squash courts)) – The lighting upgrade for two racquetball and
one squash court was completed. CFL six-lamp fixtures were installed to replace the existing
175-watt MV fixtures and T5HO two-lamp fixtures were installed to replace the existing
250-watt MH fixtures. The final inspection of the project has been conducted and rebate
incentive was processed.
 UVM (PFG/Indoor Track) – A second cost benefit savings analysis was completed for
replacing the existing three lamp T8 lighting, located under the indoor track, to new one
HPT8 two-lamp fluorescent fixtures. The T8 high performance fixture measure was cost
effective and UVM plans to pursue this lighting measure. Still ongoing.
 UVM-Wide Campus – Assisted in the analysis for retrofitting the existing campus outside
lighting (a mix of 75, 100 and 175 watt metal halide) to new LED Lumec replacement kits as
requested by UVM. Replacing the 175-watt and 100-watt MH lamps with the new LED kits
screened as cost effective measures. Analysis is still on-going along with gathering
manufacturer data on how they determined 70,000 lifetime operating hours.
 City Market / Temp. Stratification Tests - Working with the customer concerning the use of
ceiling fans to reduce temperature stratification and decrease cooling costs. The major
savings, however, are likely to be reduced natural gas heating costs during the winter months.
Smaller Commercial Services
 Ben & Jerry’s – Performed an energy audit of the Church Street scoop shop. An audit report
was issued with energy efficiency recommendations in the area of lighting and refrigeration.
This project is expected to be completed this spring.
 Burlington Electric Department / Re-Commissioning Effort – Working with a local
commissioning agent to obtain a proposal for a Phase 1 investigation of BED’s HVAC
system operation. The purpose is to determine if the space heating, cooling and ventilation
control strategy is optimum for the building, if the equipment is fully operational and in
correct calibration, and if new control strategies might reduce energy use while improving
occupant comfort. A secondary purpose of this project is to provide a more in-depth training
of Energy Services staff on the re-commissioning process, and its potential of being
developed into a standard energy saving measure.
BED 585 Pine Street – Phase II and III lighting to replace the exiting MH fixtures and old
T12 fixtures to new T5HO and HPT8 fluorescent fixtures was reanalyzed using new updated
prices. Both phases are expected to be completed this year.
US Coast Guard - A walk through energy audit was conducted of the facility located at 1
Depot Street on the lake front. The audit determined that a lighting retrofit of the existing
T12 fluorescent fixtures to HPT8 fixtures including some lighting control measures appear to
be cost effective to pursue. In addition, a VFD to the main 3 HP AHU and possibly an
automated variable air exhaust system (MELINK) to their kitchen hood all appear to be cost
effective options for them to pursue. A cost benefit savings analysis was completed for the
measures and a letter reporting the results of the analysis is in progress.
Ruben James Bar- A walk through energy audit was conducted of the facility located on
Main Street. The audit determined that several lighting measures and replacing the two walkin cooler evaporator fan motors to ECM dc-brushless motors appear to be cost effective to
pursue. A cost benefit savings analysis was completed for the measures and a letter reporting
the results of the analysis is in progress.
209 Battery Street Property – A walk through energy audit was conducted of the five
businesses located in the Battery Street property as requested by the property manager
company. The audit determined that several lighting measures including some lighting
control measures appeared to be cost effective to pursue. A cost benefit savings analysis was
completed and a letter reporting the results of the analysis is in progress.
Maplehurst Greenhouse – Assisted the owner with a high bill complaint. A possible crosswiring problem may be the problem. Church Street Marketplace installed new outside MH
fixtures and appears to have been tied to the Maplehurst meter. There are electricians
currently hired to investigate the problem. Still ongoing.
First Unitarian Universalist Society – They have officially been changed from LG to the SG
rate as expected from completing several EEM projects in the past two years.
New Construction/Equipment Replacement Services
 King St. Housing / Walk-through – Completed a walk-through of the recently completed
building, to verify the installed energy savings measures. Also assisted in completing blower
door testing to confirm building envelope infiltration rates, both between the outside and the
interior, and between apartment units (LEED testing requirement). The building was proven
to be well sealed, and promises to perform in an energy-efficient manner into the foreseeable
future. A summary of dollar incentives to be paid by BED has been provided to the
 Price Chopper / Expansion – Visited the customer’s project manager to discuss the
supermarket’s upcoming expansion into an abutting 6,000 sq. ft space. Energy code
requirements, efficient lighting, and the new local Demand Response program were all
discussed. It appears that money may also be available in this fiscal year to upgrade the
lighting in the main store, and likely complete other energy saving measures in their existing
 Jeffords Hall (UVM – Plant Science Building) – Started final EEM analysis work for
lighting, HVAC and premium efficient motors measures. Still ongoing.
Apex Lighting/Lumec – Met with manufacturer’s sales representative regarding LED street
lighting. This product is a promising new arrival to the lighting industry that has the potential
of reducing energy and maintenance costs of roadway and parking lot lighting significantly.
BED is working with the manufacturer to install a pilot project potentially on BED property.
Other BED LED roadway lighting projects are being considered for the coming months.
BED energy service is currently looking into the possibility of an incentive however that has
not been finalized.
Efficient Products
 ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers rebates for 2009 – 0
 ENERGY STAR Screw-in CFL rebates for 2009 –1,200
 ENERGY STAR Compact fluorescent Hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table
lamps) for 2009 - 0
 Residential ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2009 – 0
 Commercial ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2009 –113
 ENERGY STAR window AC rebates for 2009 – 0
 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers for 2009 – 0
 ENERGY STAR Refrigerators for 2009 – 0
 ENERGY STAR freezers for 2009 –0
Existing Homes
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 0 electric space heat conversions have been completed but currently
working with three property owners.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 7 electric hot water conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 5 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 0 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 1 electric to natural gas clothes dryer replacements have been completed.
 Incoming calls concerning high bills and energy conservation measures continue as
customers are continuing to worry about energy costs. There were over 62 incoming calls
this month with many follow-ups. This is about 40% higher than normal for this time of
 High bill investigations: visited 6 locations this month and used WattsUp appliance meters at
many locations. There are three Watts Up appliance meters out on loan as of this time. Two
more WattsUp meters with advanced features have been ordered.
 For January, processed 3 VGS direct install CFL projects. BED contracts with VGS to have
their energy auditors install CFLs and collect potential electrical EE measure information.
 Continue to work with the low income weatherization program on several ongoing projects.
In 2008, the Champlain Valley Low-income Weatherization Service has completed 22
Burlington projects and currently has 28 additional units enrolled.
 BED continues to promote the LISF program to customers in need.
 Continued working with JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Program) on providing CFL’s and
efficiency information to low-income families that they are assisting. The goal is to
familiarize families using JUMP with the benefits of energy efficiency and help them to
enroll in the CVWS program when possible.
Load Response Program
 BED/EnerNOC Demand Response Program status – Worked with EnerNOC and others at
BED to clarify how back-up generation will fit into the scope of the BED Demand Response
Program. EnerNOC is now moving ahead with demand response enrollments which include
back-up generation with some selected customers. EnerNOC and the customer will be
responsible for determining the customer’s generation status with the Agency of Natural
Resources, and to ensure all aspects of any back-up generator air permit requirements have
been properly met.
 BED Demand Response Program Expansion – Visited at the customer’s request
to discuss how the ISO New England and BEDR Demand Response program may help
justify the purchase of a back-up generator by providing a guaranteed monthly payback. is especially concerned with their electrical service reliability, as their customers
all across the country are relying upon the ability to reach them via web-access on a 24/7
 Federal Building / GSA – Worked with the customer to obtain back-up generator loading
information for EnerNOC and discuss the possibility of load curtailment during ISO and
BEDR events. There is some question of how much additional kW can be curtailed during
events, as the building energy consumption seems to be well managed already.
 Champlain College – Met with the college facilities staff concerning the ability to feed BED
kW information from a number of Champlain’s building electrical meters into their BMS.
The strategy is to aggregate these loads into a single amount which will be transmitted to
EnerNOC as a method to determine total load curtailment during an event. Coordination is
continuing between BED, EnerNOC and the customer, and the approach is looking
 State of VT / Cherry St. Buildings – Working with the state concerning the feasibility of
increasing the back-up loads on the existing generators at 32 and 108 Cherry St. By
increasing the building electrical services that are supported by these generators, the total
droppable kW load will be increased, making it more likely that enrollment in the DR
program(s) will be feasible.
Communications & Public Relations
 Residential and commercial customer satisfaction surveys are complete. Customers continue
to have a fairly high opinion of BED.
 The children’s energy efficiency calendar artwork hung all month in city hall.
 We sponsored a Green Drinks event at the Skinny Pancake. We passed out information and
Chris was able to talk about the importance of efficiency.
 Energy Efficiency Day in the Card Room at the State House will be Jan. 29th. As always we
host with Efficiency Vermont.
 BED Advanced Meter Infrastructure Kick-Off Meeting – Staff attended this initial meeting to
determine the functional requirements of any AMS system that BED would employ. Ongoing discussion between BED departments will be required in order to bring the AMS
feasibility study to a final completion, expected sometime in spring 2009.
 ASHRAE monthly meeting– ES staff attended an evening tour of the Switchback brewery in
Burlington, sponsored by the local ASHRAE chapter. It was well received by all.