Bias Response Group

Bias Response Group
Friday, February 27, 2009
Attendees: Rochelle Calhoun (Chair), Ashton Capazzo '10, Winston Grady Willis, Don
Hastings, Mariel Martin, Katarra Peterson '09, and Marla Segol.
Rochelle Calhoun called the meeting to order at 9:35a.m.
Rochelle Calhoun advised the group that she will contact Nicole Manganelli at the Center
for the Prevention of Hate Violence to obtain copies of handouts distributed at the
meeting, and will forward to Marla Segol and Katarra Peterson. Rochelle Calhoun then
asked for opinions on the success of the training program. Don Hastings felt the
workshop was especially helpful to new employees; he also thought that the last portion
of the workshop went well too. Rochelle Calhoun reminded the group about a student's
interactions with Campus Safety earlier in the year, and stated that Student felt the
workshop has made a difference (he is able to understand what they "were getting at" and
the demeanor of Campus Safety has changed).
Posters and Panel Discussion: there was some feedback regarding the word "jew" on the
Speech Matters poster. The response refers to contextualizing hurtful words/terminology.
It is important to have a conversation about the terms and let people see why they are
The February 11, 2009 panel discussion drew a good faculty audience. For faculty-tofaculty dialog, the discussion was deemed successful. To reach out to more students, it
was suggested that faculty be encouraged to bring their students the next time there is a
Conversations then turned to CIGU's goals and strategizing ways to include bias response
education in the college curriculum. Suggestions for bias education include: First-Year
Experience (use as a fourth hour credit); have faculty member in the role of mentor; get
peer mentors involved. Faculty orientation is also a good place for bias response
education. Do invitation by residence hall (since students are housed by seminar).
Rochelle will be in touch with Beau Breslin to determine how bias response education
might fit in with FYE.
 Student, Wilmarth First Floor – Nothing happened in response, but nothing has
happened again. Status: Open.
 Student, Wiecking Third Floor– Rochelle Calhoun met with Student. Student is
feeling better with Campus Safety, although their posters continue to be taken
down. Rochelle suggested they have an extra supply made; provocative posters
might illicit a response which could be a reason why they are removed. People do
not have a way to respond to the issues and are using the posters to respond.
Status: Closed. Note: Mariel Martin will stay connected with Student in the
event the incident is repeated.
 Student, Penfield Hall – A meeting was held in Penfield, which included staff
Don Hastings, Ann Marie Przywara, and Rochelle Calhoun. There was small
turnout at the meeting. Student reports no further issues and feels supported by
the community. Student is grateful that a meeting was held. Status: Closed.
 Student, Tower Eighth Floor– There wasn't a residence hall meeting, but an
informal follow up with building manager and staff on that floor was held.
Student reports no further incidents have occurred. Status: Open.
 Student, Wait Hall– Don Hastings will check back with Student to follow up.
Status: Open.
This group will finalize the process for the group's response to incidents that occur in
residence halls (where the bulk of incidents occur). We will request that Res Life have a
response to an incident (hall meeting), and let them know that they can anticipate our
getting involved. A general discussion ensued regarding what the group's response
should be in the case of a bias complaint or incident. All agreed that Rochelle will send
out an email to all students (because people said they would rather know; if they don't
want to read it they will delete it). Mariel Martin requested clarification for responding
with a community meeting – or not responding with a community meeting—specifically
in response to homophobic incidents. Rochelle will follow up with Don Hastings. All
agreed that homophobic incidents should be responded to in the same manner as other
After the March break, Rochelle will send an email to the student community which will
include an up-to-date report on bias incidents, and will state "because we hear that the
community wants to be informed, we will email the community in the event of a bias
incident occurrence." Report will include when the incident took place, mention that
there was follow-up (such as a community meeting), and reiterate the college's position.
Also after the March break, schedule meetings in the residence halls where unresolved
incidents (status: open) can be discussed. [Mary Davis will request photos for Campus
Safety report #090053 and email to group.]
Marla Segol suggested BRG present a student panel, possibly include students who are
presenting bias topics at academic festival. Marla’s association with Honors Council
might enable her to review presentations to see how the bias/social issues might apply.
The group determined this discussion will be continued in future meetings.
There is an expectation that this group will finalize bias protocols. This will be on the
agenda at next meeting. [Mary Davis will email protocol web link to group.]
Training and follow-up that includes campus safety has proven effective.
S.O.A.R. "Spoken Biases" on, 3/25/09. Rochelle Calhoun had a conversation with
Daniel Jacobson, who advised that S.O.A.R. is doing "Spoken Biases.” The event is
described as: students anonymously write out questions or confusions they have before
the event, and the program will openly address or discuss what people need to know.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Davis.