Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Teacher: Date/Time: EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION OBSERVABLE RUBRIC LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE COMPONENT HIGHLY EFFECTIVE All instructional goals are either explicitly shared with students or the sharing of the goals is a part of the planned lesson delivery. INSTRUCTIONAL PEDAGOGY Clarity of Instructional Goals Students demonstrate the ability to articulate understanding about the instructional goals and how the goals connect with their learning as a whole. Teacher’s plan for student learning and assessment is fully aligned with the specified instructional goals, containing clear criteria and standards that are not only understood by students but also show evidence of student participation in their development. Intention & Rigor of Learning Activities & Assignments Teacher regularly monitors student progress in achieving the learning goals. In addition, students monitor their own progress in achieving the learning goals. A variety of both summative and formative assessments are utilized throughout the unit of study. PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REVISED – 8/21/13 EFFECTIVE Most instructional goals are either explicitly shared with students or the sharing of the goals is a part of the planned lesson delivery. Students demonstrate the ability to articulate understanding about the instructional goals. Teacher’s plan for student learning and assessment is aligned with the specified instructional goals, containing clear criteria and standards that are understood by students. MINIMALLY EFFECTIVE Instructional goals are inconsistently shared with students. INEFFECTIVE Instructional goals are not shared with students. Students are unable to articulate understanding about the instructional goals. Teacher’s plan for student learning and assessment is partially aligned with the specified instructional goals, containing criteria and standards that are not entirely clear or understood by students. Teacher regularly monitors student progress in achieving the learning goals. Teacher monitors student progress in achieving the learning goals. Both summative and formative assessments are utilized throughout the unit of study. Reliance on summative assessments as the sole or primary method of student evaluation. Teacher’s plan for student learning and assessment contains no clear criteria or standards, and lacks congruence with instructional goals. Assessment results do not appear to inform future instruction. COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Teacher: Date/Time: LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONAL PEDAGOGY Level of Student Engagement HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Students are highly intellectually engaged throughout the lesson and make contributions to the contents, the activities and the material. Studentfacilitated questions and responses are valued. Lessons are hands-on, inquiry-based, groupcentered, real-world and relevant to students. Knowledge & Implementation of Curriculum & Initiatives 21st Century Teaching & Learning Teacher’s knowledge of the district curriculum content and initiatives is extensive, indicating much evidence of connectedness with the students, school and curriculum as a whole. EFFECTIVE Students are intellectually engaged throughout the lesson. Student questions and responses are solicited and valued. Lessons are often handson, inquiry-based, groupcentered, real-world and/or relevant to students. MINIMALLY EFFECTIVE Students are sporadically intellectually engaged throughout the lesson. Lessons generally lack hands-on, inquiry-based, group-centered and realworld approaches. INEFFECTIVE Students are not engaged in significant learning as a result of inappropriate activities or materials, poor representations of content or lack of lesson structure. Teacher’s knowledge of the district curriculum content and initiatives is evident, indicating connectedness with the students, school and curriculum as a whole. Teacher’s content understanding and knowledge of and/or implementation of district curriculum and/or initiatives represent basic levels that may be unconnected to the school or curriculum as a whole. Teacher displays little understanding of or ability/desire to share the district curriculum content and/or knowledge of initiatives. Students are actively engaged in fluently interpreting information, rigorous high-level questioning, creative problem solving and the integration of technology. Students are actively engaged in fluently interpreting information, rigorous high-level questioning, creative problem solving and the integration of technology. Learning environment involves minimal levels of interpretation of information, high-level questioning, problem solving and integration of technology. Learning environment is characterized by a lack of evidence of practices in 21st century teaching and learning. Engagement opportunities are driven by both teacher and students. Engagement is driven by teacher. Practices are more likely practiced by teacher than students. There is evidence that indicates the teacher has done outside research in order to gain additional knowledge and understanding of curriculum or initiatives. PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REVISED – 8/21/13 COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Teacher: Date/Time: LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT INSTRUCTIONAL PEDAGOGY COMPONENT Ability to Meet Needs of Individual Learners HIGHLY EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE Teacher consistently utilizes multiple data sources (including summative and formative assessments), extension opportunities and multiple delivery and assessment modes/formats in order to meet individual student needs and for students to express what they have learned. Teacher often utilizes multiple data sources (including summative and formative assessments), extension opportunities and multiple delivery and assessment modes/formats in order to meet individual student needs and for students to express what they have learned. State or federally- mandated accommodations and interventions are sought out and implemented with much thought and creativity. State or federallymandated accommodations and interventions are implemented. Students demonstrate awareness of resources available to meet their learning needs. Student/Teacher Relationships Teacher demonstrates genuine caring and respect for individual students. Such interactions are appropriate to developmental and cultural norms. Mutual respect between teacher and students, as individuals, is exhibited. Teacher is proactive, able to anticipate and respond to student needs. PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REVISED – 8/21/13 MINIMALLY EFFECTIVE Teacher generally provides a standard learning experience for all learners, regardless of specific learning needs of individual students. Teacher is inconsistent in the use of available data (including summative and formative assessments), extension opportunities, and multiple delivery and assessment modes/formats in order to meet individual student needs. INEFFECTIVE Teacher provides a standard learning experience for all learners, regardless of specific learning needs of individual students. Teacher does not make use of available data (including summative and formative assessments), extension opportunities, or multiple delivery and assessment formats in order to meet individual student needs. State or federally-mandated accommodations and interventions are not implemented. Teacher provides access to resources available to meet students’ learning needs. State or federally-mandated accommodations and interventions are implemented inconsistently. Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general warmth, caring and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to developmental and cultural norms. Teacher-student interactions are generally appropriate but may reflect occasional inconsistencies, favoritism or disregard for students’ cultures. Teacher interaction with at least some students is negative, demeaning, sarcastic or inappropriate to the age or culture of the students. Minimal respect between teacher and students is exhibited. Students exhibit disrespect for the teacher and/or teacher exhibits disrespect for students. Mutual respect between teacher and class as a whole is exhibited. Teacher readily responds to student needs. COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Teacher: Date/Time: LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT COMPONENT Cultural Responsiveness in the Learning Environment HIGHLY EFFECTIVE All aspects of teaching and learning are filtered through a lens of equity. This includes but is not limited to curriculum, resources, perspective, relationships with and among students and the ability to address the diverse issues of a racially and culturally mixed student population with sensitivity. Teacher actively strives, as both a member of a building staff and an individual, to eliminate raciallypredictable achievement levels. Safety & Rigor in the Learning Environment The classroom environment emphasizes the students’ physical and emotional safety at all times. Students are involved in ensuring maintenance of high levels of civility and respectfulness. The teacher quickly and effectively reestablishes the learning environment, if compromised. The learning expectations are high and students play a role in setting the expectations for learning. Students feel comfortable taking academic risks. The dignity of the student is maintained at all times. PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REVISED – 8/21/13 EFFECTIVE Most aspects of teaching and learning are filtered through a lens of equity. This includes but is not limited to curriculum, resources, perspective, relationships with and among students and the ability to address the diverse issues of a racially and culturally mixed student population with sensitivity. MINIMALLY EFFECTIVE INEFFECTIVE Few aspects of teaching and learning are filtered through a lens of equity. This includes but is not limited to curriculum, resources, perspective, relationships with and among students and the ability to address the diverse issues of a racially and culturally mixed student population with sensitivity. Aspects of teaching and learning are not filtered through a lens of equity. Safeguards to protect student physical and emotional safety exist, but are inconsistently monitored or applied. Safeguards to protect student physical and emotional safety are not evident. Teacher actively strives, as a member of a building staff, to eliminate raciallypredictable achievement levels. Students are physically and emotionally safe at most times and the teacher is involved in ensuring maintenance of levels of civility and respectfulness for the majority of the time. The teacher reestablishes the learning environment, if compromised. The learning expectations are high. Most students feel comfortable taking academic risks. The dignity of the student is maintained. Learning expectations may be higher at times, but are inconsistent. Students are inconsistently supported and may not feel comfortable taking academic risks. There is a lack of rigor in the learning expectations. Student risk-taking is not supported. Students may be belittled or embarrassed. COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Teacher: Date/Time: LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT COMPONENT Classroom Procedures HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Established routines and effective procedures are visibly in place and are seamless in operation; there is no loss of instructional time. Teacher empowers students to assume considerable responsibility for the development and use of routines and procedures. PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REVISED – 8/21/13 EFFECTIVE Established routines and effective procedures are visibly in place and function well most of the time, with little loss of instructional time. MINIMALLY EFFECTIVE Routines and procedures are in place but function unevenly or inconsistently, with some loss of instructional time. INEFFECTIVE Routines and procedures are either nonexistent or ineffective, with significant loss of instructional time. COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS