Tests preparatory phase lesson number 5: Ultrasound diagnosis

Tests preparatory phase lesson number 5: Ultrasound diagnosis. Physical and technical bases.
Methods of ultrasound, Doppler, ultrasound semeotika various diseases.
1. What is the frequency of the ultrasound used for diagnostic purposes (ie ultrasound)?
800 - 90 Hz;
15 - 20 kHz;
2 - 12 MHz *
10 - 20 MHz.
2. The maximum Doppler shift is determined by the Doppler angle:
1 0 degrees; *
2. 45 degrees;
3. 90 degrees;
4. 180 degrees.
3. What types of modes should be used for examination of the heart?
1. only - mode;
2. Only in the - mode;
3. The combination of A + B modes;
4. The combination of B + M mode. *
4. Which of the bodies can not be reliably examined by ultrasound?
1. Liver;
2. Easy; *
3. The kidneys;
4. eyeball.
5. What are the normal body that is normal on ultrasound will look on the screen
ehonegativnoe (anechoic)?
1. Liver;
2. Kidney;
3. Intestine;
4. Gallbladder *.
6. How does the US - carried out through a tubular section of the bone?
1. In a non-uniform structure of the echo-positive;
2. In a hyperechoic structure ehonegativnoe medullary canal;
3. The structure of the bone is not differentiated from the considerable
reflection and attenuation of ultrasound; *
4. The periosteum as a hypoechoic line, and the bone itself as a homogeneous
echo-positive mass with poorly discernible girder trabecular structure;
7. How does the screen ultrasound machine large calculus in the gallbladder?
1. In a anehogennoe education rounded shape with an acoustic shadow
2. In a hypoechoic education without acoustic shadow;
3. In a hyperechoic formation with an acoustic shadow behind her *;
4. In a hyperechogenic education with the effect of dorsal psevdousileniya.
8. For some diseases of the liver ultrasound is the most informative?
1. Different forms of hepatitis;
2. The initial stage of fatty degeneration;
3. The initial stages of cirrhosis;
4. The cysts of the liver. *
9. Ultrasound signs cysts are:
1. Rounded anehogennoe formation of a homogeneous structure with clear contours; *
2. Rounded hypoechoic formation of a homogeneous structure of the capsule;
3. Rounded hyperechoic education with clear contours and acoustic shadow behind.
4. A solid education with the effect of strengthening of the dorsal behind.
1 0. Normally in the vessels registered in the Doppler flow type:
1. Laminar;
2. The turbulent;
3. laminar and turbulent; *
4. type of Doppler blood flow is not defined.
the responses to the tests preparatory step lesson number 5
- 2 - negative;
- 2 - CT;
- 2 - non-ionic contrast agent;
- 1 - positive;
- 1 - to enhance the quality, the resolution of X-ray spectroscopy;
- 4 - to enhance the quality, the resolution of X-ray graphy;
- 3 - the presence of a pacemaker;
- 2 - omnipak;
- 2 - the filament of the cathode;
- 3 - 1.0- 1.5 cm in diameter;
- 2 - silver bromide and silver iodide;
50-60% of correct answers - the test is valid,
and the student gets 1 point for credit-modular system.
Benchmarks preparatory phase lesson number 3:
The patient with urinary incontinence is necessary to conduct ultrasound examination of
the uterus and appendages.
1. Write a technique that enables to do without catheterization and forced bladder filling.
2. Give advice on the preparation for this method to any patient (ie, the main condition of its
№ 2. The patient is worried about jaundice, paroxysmal pain in the right upper
quadrant. Ultrasound revealed the expansion of the common bile duct with a hyperechoic
inclusion in its lumen diameter of 6 mm with acoustic shadow behind.
1.Sdelayte conclusion.
2. What changes in the liver, you'd expect in this case?
1. Increased echogenicity of the parenchyma, steatosis.
2. Expansion of the lumen of the hepatic veins.
3. Expansion of the bile ducts *
4. Reducing the size of the gallbladder, the presence of a stone.
Tests of the final stage number 3 classes:
1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Under the influence of the alternating electric field generates a piezoelectric
transducer ultrasound;
Under the influence of ultrasound on the faces of the piezoelectric transducer an
electric charge;
Under the influence of a constant electric field generates a piezoelectric transducer
ultrasound; *
Under the influence of the alternating electric field piezocrystal makes mechanical
2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The degree of reflection of ultrasound depends on the angle of incidence;
The absorption of ultrasound depends on the acoustic properties of the environment;
Ultrasound diagnostic devices supplied continuously time; *
Ultrasound can lead to tissue heating.
3. Ultrasonography of the pancreas using color Doppler ultrasonography does not
Discover diffuse changes;
Detect focal changes;
Assess the functional status; *
Rate the shape and dimensions.
4. What is the reason for the appearance of "floating" gallstones?
Size of stone, small stones, usually - "floating";
Certain proportion of bile and stone; *
The amount of bile in the gall bladder;
'Floating' stones do not happen.
5. Benign tumors of the liver, which is most common in the US is:
1. Adenoma;
2. hamartoma;
3. Lipoma;
4. hemangioma; *
6. focal liver changes with anechoic structure that does not include:
The tumor with areas of necrosis;
Hemangioma. *
7. Which of the kidney disease is always two-way?
1. Simple solitary cyst;
2. Urolithiasis;
3. Twice a kidney or CHLS;
4. Polycystic; *
8. Ultrasound signs of tissue formation (tumor) are:
1. anehogennoe formation of rounded, with smooth contours and homogeneous structure;
2. Education hypoechoic, rounded, with smooth or rough contours, homogeneous or
heterogeneous structure; *
3. anehogennoe education with increased dorsal behind;
4. hyperechoic education with a strong acoustic shadow behind.
9. The most common benign tumor of the kidney is:
1. hypernephroma;
2. Angiomyolipoma; *
3. hemangioma;
4. adenoma.
10. That is normal structure and echogenicity of the pancreas?
1. Homogeneous average; *
2 Homogeneous, increased;
3. Non-uniform, reduced;
4. The uniform, high.
answers to the final tests step lesson number 3
Under the influence of a constant electric field generates a piezoelectric
transducer ultrasound; *
2 - 3.
Ultrasound diagnostic devices supplied continuously time; *
3 - 3.
Assess the functional status; *
4 - 2.
Certain proportion of bile and stone; *
5 - 4. hemangioma; *
6 - 5.
Hemangioma. *
7 - 4. Polycystic; *
8 - 2. hypoechoic education, rounded, with smooth or rough contours, homogeneous or
heterogeneous structure; *
9. - 2. Angiomyolipoma; *
10. - 1. The uniform average; *
50-60% of correct answers - the test is valid,
and the student gets 1 point for credit-modular system.
7.2.2. Benchmarks final stage of class number 3:
The patient was operated on for purulent calculous cholecystitis. On the second day
condition worsened, there was pain in the right upper quadrant, fever with chills,
weakness.Ultrasound of the liver: the right lobe of the liver, near the bed of gallbladder
removal is determined by the inhomogeneous hypoechoic rounded education with a diameter
of 6 cm anechoic areas within and behind the dorsal psevdousileniem. By forming the
periphery limited thin, up to 1 mm, echogenic rim. When Doppler blood flow in it is not
1. Formulate a preliminary diagnosis.
2. How will the tentative diagnosis in the case of imaging the formation of blood? (answer
State after cholecystectomy, parasitic cyst of the liver.
State after cholecystectomy, liver cancer **.
State after cholecystectomy, liver abscess. *
State after cholecystectomy, postoperative simple cyst of the
Patient 48 years, concerned epigastric pain after eating, diarrhea, thirst, dry mouth, loss
of body weight. When ultrasound pancreas increased in size, it is not a smooth contour,
echogenicity tissue unevenly enhanced with multiple hyperechoic inclusions with acoustic
shadows behind virsungov duct extended crimped.
1. Formulate a preliminary diagnosis.
Pancreas cancer.
Acute pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis foci.
Chronic pancreatitis, multiple cysts.
Chronic calculous pancreatitis. *
As a result of pathological process increased echogenicity of the
pancreas? (write).