05/15/15 DESIGN NO. ______ SECTION 15872 GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 2 1.02 1.03 2 1.04 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Provide gravity roof ventilators and curbs as specified herein, as shown on the Drawings, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. Product specific requirements are contained herein; Section 15501, General Provisions for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Work, shall be referred to for general requirements. RELATED SECTION A. Division 3 Sections B. Division 7 Sections C. Division 9 Sections D. Division 15 Sections SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Include ventilator attachments to curbs and curb attachments to roof structure. B. Coordination Drawings: Roof framing plans and other details, drawn to scale, on which the following items are shown and coordinated with each other, based on input from installers of the items involved: structural members to which roof curbs and ventilators will be attached; sizes and locations of roof openings. SUPPLEMENTAL QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All work shall be in accordance with Construction Codes and NYC Electrical Code. the NYC PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GRAVITY VENTILATORS A. NYCSCA Provide standard prefabricated gravity ventilator units of type and size as shown on the Drawings. GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR 15872 - 1 05/15/15 B. C. NYCSCA DESIGN NO. ______ Roof Ventilators 1. Provide roof ventilators sized and located where shown. Roof ventilators up to 10" in diameter shall be made of No. 22 gage (.025") aluminum. Ventilators 12" to 18" diameter shall be No. 20 gage (.032") aluminum with aluminum rivets, angles, screens, and all other items and accessories. Screens shall be 3/4" mesh No. 18 gage aluminum wire cloth. 2. Roof ventilators shall be the equal of G.C. Breidert Co.'s "Air-X-Hauster", Triangle Engineering Co.'s "Mastervent", United Enertech or PennBarry complying with the Specification. Louvered Penthouses 1. Provide a louvered penthouse constructed of extruded aluminum on the roof at each location as shown. Penthouse shall be of the size indicated, and shall be designed to fit the rectangular outside air intake or exhaust opening through the roof curb. 2. Penthouse shall consist of four storm proof louvered sides and solid pitched roof, framed and reinforced, and constructed entirely of aluminum. Penthouses for curbs whose longer side is 4' or less (inside dimension) shall be constructed with mitered corners heliarc welded and reinforced by 2" x 2" x 1/4" inside corner angles. Larger size penthouses shall be constructed with corner posts 1/8" thick. Frames and blades shall be fabricated of extruded sections, 1/8" in thickness of 6063-T5 aluminum alloy. Blades shall be 4" in width and spaced on 41/2" (maximum) centers. The lower portion of each blade shall overlap the upper portion of the blade beneath it a sufficient distance to prevent the entrance of snow or rain driven horizontally at the penthouse. The amount of this overlap is subject to approval by the Authority and shall be dimensioned on the Shop Drawings. Louver sections shall be reinforced vertically with 2" x 2" x 1/4" angles from the base to the roof, spaced on a maximum of 4' centers. A bird screen of not less than No. 16 gage expanded aluminum or No. 12 gage, 3/4" mesh aluminum cloth fitted in a frame, shall be secured to the inside of each louver section. Roof shall be 1/8" 5005-H14 sheet aluminum suitably reinforced on 4' (maximum) centers and insulated with membrane undercoating. GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR 15872 - 2 05/15/15 DESIGN NO. ______ 3. Approved Manufacturers: Alpine Sheet Metal & Ventilating Co. Arrow Louver & Damper Co. Carnes Co. Hugh Richards Associates, Inc 2.03 2 PREFABRICATED ROOF CURBS A. Provide manufacturer's standard shop-fabricated units modified if necessary to comply with requirements. B. Fabricate structural framing for units of structural quality sheet steel (ASTM A 570, Grade 40), formed to profiles indicated or, if not indicated, to manufacturer's standard profiles for coordination with roofing, insulation and deck construction. Include deck flanges with offsets to accommodate roof insulation. Weld corners and seams to from watertight units. 1. C. Reinforce continuous runs of over 3'-0" length, by inserting welded stiffeners of heavy gauge with flanges as required to provide sufficient rigidity and strength to withstand maximum lateral forces in addition to superimposed vertical loads. D. Sloping Roof Decks: For deck slopes of 1/4" per foot and more, fabricate support units to form level top edge. E. Gage and Height: Fabricate units of metal gage and to height above roof surface as indicated on the Drawings. Where gage or height are not indicated, fabricate units of 14 ga metal and nominal height of 14". F. Provided treated wood nailer, not less than 15/8" thick and of width indicated on the Drawings, but not less than width of support wall assembly. Anchor nailer securely to top of metal frame unit. 1. G. NYCSCA Clean and paint units with manufacturer's standard rust-inhibitive metal primer paint. (Refer to Section 09900: Painting). Provide lumber pressure treated with water-borne preservatives for "above ground" use, complying with AWPB LP-2. Insulate units inside structural support wall with rigid glass fiber insulation board of approximately 3 GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR 15872 - 3 05/15/15 DESIGN NO. ______ lb density and 11/2" minimum thickness, except as other wise indicated on the Drawings. 1 H. Provide support galvanized sheet lower edges. construction to indicated on the liner where shown, formed of 22 ga metal, mill phosphatized, flanged at Extend support liners through deck coordinate with ductwork below as Drawings. I. Metal Deck Reinforcement: Where indicated as integral part of support units, provide channel-shaped metal deck closure strips to reinforce opening through metal decking. Fabricate strips from 14 ga metal to match metal and finish of curb units, except as otherwise indicated on the Drawings. J. Curbs shall Manufacturer. be the product of the Ventilator PART 3 – SUPPLEMENTAL EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate ventilator work with work of roofing, as necessary for proper interfacing. B. Ductwork: Connect ducts to ventilators in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions and as shown on the Drawings. Provide access door in duct below ventilator to service damper. Per ASHRAE 90.12010 as modified by Appendix A of the 2014 NYCECC, systems shall be equipped with Class 1 motorized dampers (with a leakage not exceeding 4 cfm/SF at 1.0” w.c. when tested in accordance with AMCA 500D) that will automatically shut when the systems or spaces served are not in use. Gravity (non-motorized) exhaust or relief dampers are acceptable in buildings less than three stories in height. Gravity (non-motorized) dampers are acceptable in systems with a design spill/relief exhaust capacity of 300 cfm or less. Gravity dampers shall have a maximum leakage rate of 20 cfm/SF at 1.0” w.c. when tested in accordance with AMCA 500D. Gravity dampers smaller than 24 inches in either dimension shall be permitted to have a leakage of 40 cfm/SF at 1.0” w.c. when tested in accordance with AMCA 500D. Provide ventilators with the damper types as shown on the Drawings. Solder bottom joints and up 2" of side joints of duct under roof ventilator to retain any moisture entering ventilator. C. Roof Curbs: Each roof ventilator shall be installed on the manufacturer’s pre-fabricated curb. Duct connection for the ventilator shall be extended to the 3 2 NYCSCA GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR 15872 - 4 05/15/15 DESIGN NO. ______ top of the wood sill and flanged over. Ventilator base shall fit over the curb opening and shall be made airtight by the use of a heavy roofing felt gasket. The base shall be secured to the wood sill with stainless steel lag screws. 2 4 3.02 D. Louvered Penthouses: fabricated roof curb. Provide manufacturer’s pre- E. Remove shipping bolts and temporary supports within ventilators. Adjust dampers for free operation. F. Provide seismic bracing/restraints as required. Contractor’s Professional Engineer shall detail all ventilator seismic bracing and restraints and submit calculations. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: After installation of ventilators has been completed, test each ventilator to demonstrate proper operation of units at performance requirements. When possible, field correct malfunctioning units, and then retest to demonstrate compliance. Replace units that cannot be satisfactorily corrected. END OF SECTION MM:BB 05/15/15 Notes to Specifier (Delete from Specification) 1. Delete if deck is not metal, or if not necessary. 2. Coordinate with Architectural/Structural disciplines regarding how ventilators are to be supported (i.e. poured concrete curbs or pre-fabricated curbs). Coordinate curb sizes with ventilator dimensions. Any poured concrete curb details shall be shown on the structural drawings. Edit section as required. 3. Designer shall specify appropriate damper type in the Schedule of Equipment on the Drawings. Show the control of any automatic motorized dampers on the Drawings. 4. Section 15503 is to be utilized if the project involves construction of a New Building or Addition to building in Seismic Design Category C or D. Section 15503 is also to be utilized if project involves retrofit work in Existing Buildings in Seismic Design Category C or D constructed after LL17/1995 went into effect. Section 15503 is not required for retrofit work on Existing Buildings constructed NYCSCA GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR 15872 - 5 05/15/15 DESIGN NO. ______ prior to the effective date of LL17/1995 and for any buildings in Seismic Design Category B. Include Section 15503 in the Construction Documents as required. * * * NYCSCA GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR 15872 - 6 05/15/15 DESIGN NO. ______ LIST OF SUBMITTALS SUBMITTAL DATE SUBMITTED DATE APPROVED Product Data: ______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ 1. Manufacturers Product Data 2. Installation Instructions Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assembly-type Dimension Drawings Mounting Details Location Ventilator and Curb Attachments Coordination Drawings: ______________ _____________ * * * NYCSCA GRAVITY ROOF VENTILATOR 15872 - 7