
Name: ________________________________
Date: ___________
William’s House
Sequence Activity
Please put these sentences in order by numbering them 1 -10. You may use your book to
help you.
So William dug a hole deep in the cool earth behind the
He built a new roof with a very steep pitch and replaced
the shingles.
William knew just the kind of house he wanted.
So William split shingles of cedar and replaced the thatch
on the roof.
“This is our new home,” (William answered).
“It is hotter here than at home in England,” said William.
He thought of the new house, and it was just like the one
he grew up in, his father’s house, in England.
The house did not look like his father’s house in England.
“It is drier here than at home in England,” said William.
“There is more snow here than at home in England,” said
Created by Tracy Wunch, 2007