launches "SAY THEIR NAME
AT CHRISTMAS" campaign.
To coincide with
TCF Awareness Week,
culminating with the
Worldwide Candle Lighting
Ceremony on December 8th,
with focus on the
charity's wonderful new
short film: "SAY THEIR NAME".
supports families after the death of a child, is launching a campaign
under the banner "SAY THEIR NAME AT CHRISTMAS."
The campaign coincides with TCF awareness week, starting on
December 1st and culminating with a Worldwide Candle Lighting
Ceremony on December 8th. And it is supported by the charity's
wonderful new short film, also entitled "SAY THEIR NAME",
which highlights the problems parents and siblings face after the
death of a child, whatever their age, and the help and support they
"Christmas is one of the most difficult times for any family that is
grieving for the child that was such a vibrant part of their lives," says
Shaun Hewitt, TCF trustee and participant in the film. "The conflict
between pressure to celebrate and the pain of missing someone so
special at this time can be unbearable."
Other things that bereaved families struggle with at this time of the
year are insensitive Christmas cards, with messages such as "Have a
great Christmas" with no mention of the person who has died or the
difficulties the family are experiencing. And family get-togethers,
office parties etc where there is tremendous pressure to be festive.
These things are all much more manageable if some understanding of
the situation is shown to the bereaved person.
It is estimated that in the UK alone, over 6000 young people under
the age of 20 die each year leaving behind 20,000 to 30,000 newly
bereaved parents and siblings. The vast majority of families who have
lost a child keep that person with them for the rest of their lives and
need to have them acknowledged, especially at Christmas. But in our
culture talking about a young person who has died is one of the last
taboos. Despite best intentions, many people do not know what to
say and a common reaction is to say nothing at all. But that is the
worst thing and leaves many bereaved families feeling isolated.
Jane Harris and Jimmy Edmonds, bereaved parents and producers of
the film "SAY THEIR NAME" commented: "We discovered that
whenever we talked about our son Josh to friends and family there
were awkward silences, but by meeting and talking with other
bereaved parents through The Compassionate Friends we found
understanding, support and the strength to carry on."
So please if you know someone who has lost a child or young person,
don't be frightened to "SAY THEIR NAME AT CHRISTMAS."
And make sure they know about THE COMPASSIONATE
FRIENDS, where they can find ongoing help and support in the
years to come.
For media enquires please contact:
Sue Hughes: or
Tel: 01628 898514; 07798 571857
Carolyn Brice at TCF UK Office:
Tel: 0845 120 3785
You can watch the film "SAY THEIR NAME" on the TCF website.
Interviews can be arranged with bereaved parent and sibling
members of The Compassionate Friends and bereaved parents and
sibling participants in the film.
families who had just lost sons were introduced to each other by a
hospital chaplain in 1968. In the immensity and the rawness of their
grief they discovered that they could help and support each other in
ways families and friends couldn’t.
THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS is now a worldwide network
of charities run by and for bereaved parents, grandparents and
siblings offering peer to peer support. The UK charity has a thriving
internet forum available only to those who have lost a child, whatever
their age, many local groups, a telephone helpline open every day and
always answered by a bereaved parent, a library and publication
service, and a number of retreats and support weekends.
THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS can be contacted at:
Website -
National Telephone Helpline: 0845 123 2304
National Office: 0845 120 3785
About The Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony
The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family
and friends around the globe in lighting candles to honor the
memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren
who left too soon.
Believed to be the largest mass candle lighting on the globe, the
candles are lit at 7 p.m. local time, creating a virtual 24-hour wave of
light as it moves from time zone to time zone.
Hundreds of formal and informal candle lighting events are held as
families gather in quiet remembrance of children who have died, but
will never be forgotten.
A list of many of the candlelight ceremonies around the UK will
available on the TCF website.
About the film "SAY THEIR NAME'
SAY THEIR NAME has been produced by Jimmy Edmonds and Jane
Harris of Beyond Goodbye Productions to help promote the work of
Jimmy Edmonds said: " 'Say Their Name' is, we believe, the only film
available in this country in which grieving parents and siblings have
been able to speak openly and candidly about the death of their child,
and the help they received from talking to others who have been
through this devastating experience."
Central to the video’s message is the idea that no one ever
really moves on from the death of a child and that to avoid
mentioning the child’s name for fear of causing upset can be very
hurtful for bereaved relatives.
Claudia Hammond, presenter of BBC Radio 4’s All in the Mind, said:
'Such a moving film. Very sad, but very powerful. It helps people
understand what NOT to say to someone who’s just lost a child, such
as 'We've decided you should have another baby!'".